Donating items to the museum is an important part of progress in Valley of the StarsBut that's not all it's for - players can claim some rewards for the pieces they donate. Museum donations fall into one of three categories, coming from Starbroader item types of Minerals, Artifacts, and Scrolls. You can always recognize a donate item when its flavor text says: "Gunther can tell you more about this if you donate to the museum."
Of course, Not all items should be donated right away - there is some value in keeping your first Prismatic Shard, Dinosaur Egg
and Diamond
for yourself. In the long run, though, you'll definitely want to keep an eye on the progress of your donations, and once you're sure you have no other use for them, donate whatever you can. The rewards are diverse, which means they are not always game-changing, but more than a few of them are absolutely necessary for your progress in the game. Valley of the Stars.
Rewards for total item count
How many items do you need to donate to the museum
First, you receive certain rewards just based on the number of items you donate to the museumwithout taking into account what these specific items are. There are a total of 95 items to be donated and you will typically receive a reward every five, until you reach 40 and the rewards will be spaced out every ten. The following table describes each item count reward available at the museum.
A few things to note: First, you will receive two achievements based on the total number of items donated to the museum. The first, "Treasure," appears when you reach 40 and "A complete collection" when you reach 95 (thus completing the entire museum).
THE Rusty Key
It's also an exception here, as you can't pick it up at the museum as usual. Instead of, Gunther will deliver it to your door one day after reaching 60 items. This allows you to enter the sewer and meet Krobus.
Rewards for minerals
Every mineral donation reward in Stardew
Next, let's talk about Minerals. Mineral rewards work almost exactly like total item count rewards, in the sense that you receive special items based on the number of minerals you donated - no special rewards for certain items. They're dispersed a little more unevenly, but still make up every tenth item or so. See how they work.
Please note that all of these are decoration items except the last one, the Crystalarium
which can be used to infinitely replicate mined minerals. This can have many uses: you may want to replicate Quartz to make a lot of Quality sprinklers
or Diamonds to make a considerable profit.
Additionally, you may have noticed that In fact, you don't need to donate all 53 types of minerals to the Museum to receive your final reward. 50 are enough to get the Crystalarium, but you will still have to find all 53 to get the Crystalarium. Stardrop
Rewards for artifacts
All artifacts and rewards donated
Now, artifacts work a little differently: In general, you do not receive rewards for donating certain numbers of artifacts, but you do receive rewards for donating certain artifacts. There are exceptions to this rule: some rewards are distributed based solely on the number of artifacts you've donated, and some take into account both the total number and some specific items.
Not happy with the way your collection is organized? You can rearrange Museum items at any time by interacting with the ledger to the left of Gunther at his desk.
As a result, Artifact rewards tend to be distributed irregularly. The artifacts you find tend to be determined randomly, based on what you do, where you explore, and how lucky you are. You can go an entire year in the game without receiving any artifact rewards and then receive several in one day. For a full explanation of how artifact donations and rewards work, see the table below.
Therefore, artifact rewards are much more difficult to control, but fortunately, very few of these rewards are actually necessary. The only thing you really need to get ahead (and make good money) Valley of the Stars it's the Ancient Seed, and since it's a one-time donation reward, it's very easy to get.
Understanding the dwarf
Lost books and Dwarven Scrolls
s are totally different in that the Museum does not directly reward you for collecting them. Instead, the reward for filling the library is the knowledge contained within. I'm not kidding either: each Lost Book includes valuable information, usually a tutorial on some lesser-known aspect of the game or a hint to a certain secret. You won't receive any items just for finding them, but reading them can lead you to some important rewards.
You receive a reward for collecting all four Dwarven Scrolls
on the other hand: the Dwarven Translation Guide
. This allows you to speak and read the Dwarven languagewhich opens up some new interaction options. First, you can finally understand the Dwarves in the Mines and Volcano Dungeon, allowing you to purchase items and forge a friendship with the former. It also allows you to read one of the tombstones outside the Mayor's Mansion, which gives you a hint on how to get the Galaxy Sword..
And just like that, you know everything you need to know to start donating as much as you want. Just make sure you don't accidentally give away something you really need, like a Prismatic Shard or a Dinosaur Egg - always be sure to check what you have before taking it to the museum in Valley of the Stars.