All demigod bosses in Elden Ring and Shadow Of The Erdtree

All demigod bosses in Elden Ring and Shadow Of The Erdtree

With Elden RingThe climactic DLC of, Shadow of the Erd Treefans finally have a complete picture of all the main bosses they will face in the game. Bosses fall into a few categories Elden Ringfrom legendary enemies to gods. Demigod bosses are a specific type of boss with a variety of difficult attacks, powerful spells, and items, and they are all tied to key story elements and NPC quests. Demigods are among the most challenging bosses in the game, and defeating them requires planning and an in-depth knowledge of each one's moveset.

[Warning: Spoilers for Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree.]

There are eight demigod bosses in total, six from the base game and two from the base game. Shadow of the Erd Tree: Godrick the Grafted, Starscourge Radahn, Morgott the Omen King, Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy, Mohg, Lord of Blood, Malenia, Miquella's Blade, Messmer the Impaler and Promised Consort Radahn. The sections below cover the location of each demigod boss, recommended methods for fighting them, and the rewards and quest lines associated with them.


Godrick the grafted

Stormveil Castle, Limgrave

Godrick the Grafted is the most tarnished first demigod boss you'll encounter in the Middle Lands, and represents the first major challenge of the game. Godrick can be found at the end of Castle Stormveil, and defeating him will cause some changes, including Roderika, Rogier, Nepheli Loux, and Enia appearing at the Round Table.

Nepheli Loux can also be summoned for this fight, which will give players a slight advantage. Spotted might be tempted to take on Godrick without leveling up much, but It is advisable to advance to level 35-40 first. Godrick has a high resistance to Holy damage, but is slightly weaker against all forms of physical damage (Strike, Slash, Piercing).

To get Nepheli Loux to appear as a summon sign for Godrick, Tarnished will first need to speak to her and exhaust her dialogue. She can be found in a nearby room, located between the Liftside Chamber and the Isolated Cell.

Because of this, physical sorceries like stone slingshot

or incantations like Bestial Sling

are very effective damage dealers that can be used from a distance. Most of his attacks can be dodged at the right time, especially in the second phase during his fire attacks. Defeating him rewards the Great Rune of Godrick and the Grafter's Keepsake.


Starscourge Radahn

Redmane Castle, Caelid

Starscourge Radahn can be found at the end of Castle Redmane, where players will also find several NPCs such as Blaidd and Alexander the Iron Fist ready to attack in the Radahn Festival. Defeating Radahn results in the creation of Starfall Crater and opens access to Nokron, Eternal City.

It will also advance Ranni's quest and impact several NPCs: Preceptor Seluvis, Rogier, War Advisor Iji, and more. Radahn's fight does not allow for summons other than those already on the battlefield (see above), so take advantage of his unique abilities and use them as a distraction. The massive arena can be traversed more easily by using Torrent to escape Radahn's ranged attacks.

He is especially weak to Scarlet Rotand if players hit him with Rot Breath, the fight becomes much easier. Blocking while he falls in the second phase makes the attack easier to dodge. Radahn's Rune increases maximum HP, FP, and Stamina, and his Keepsake grants the Greatsword of the Starscourge or the Greatbow of the Lion.


Morgott, the Omen King

Leydell, Royal Capital, Altus Plateau

Morgott is one of the mandatory demigod bosses that the Tarnished must face before advancing the main plot of Elden Ring, and can be found at the Elden Throne in Leyndell, Royal Capital. Defeating the Morgott boss fight will open access to the top of the mountains of the giantswhere the Fire Giant

can be found. A unique tool, Margit's Shackle, allows players to stun Morgott twice during the first phase of the encounter, and players can also take advantage of the powerful summons available for this fight: Melina and the Loathsome Dung Eater.

Morgott is especially weak to slashing damage, although it has no resistance to fire or lightning, meaning players can imbue items to deal greater damage. The second phase of this fight also involves rain, so Lightning attacks are very effective. Saint-Proof Pickled Liver

or the Haligdrake Talisman

can also be used to mitigate the holy damage Morgott deals. The Great Rune of Morgott greatly increases maximum HP, while your Remembrance can be exchanged for the Cursed Sword of Morgott or the Regal Omen Bairn, a unique tool that shoots ghostly projectiles.


Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy

Volcano Mansion, Mount Gelmir

Rykard and the God-Eating Serpent is located at the end of Volcano Manor and as such, defeating him will affect the progress of quests associated with the area, including NPCs such as Knight Bernahl

, Tanith

, Patches

and much more. Similar to other demigod bosses, an exclusive item is available for this fight, the Serpent Hunter's Great Spear.

This spear's unique attacks against Rykard make it absolutely essential in the encounter, and combining it with the Imitating tear ash

will give the Spotted a considerable advantage. With this strategy, players will still need to be aware of magma and Rykard's attacks, and timing the Serpent-Hunter's strikes at a comfortable distance makes it easier to avoid its bites.

For spell users, Borealis Mist

It does heavy freeze damage and is viable, but (again) only at the right time. Once defeated, Rykard's Great Rune restores a set amount of HP plus a percentage for each attack on an enemy, while Rykard's Rancor or Blasphemous Blade can be acquired from the Blasphemer's Remembrance.


Mohg, Lord of Blood

Mohgwyn Palace

Found in Mohgwyn Palace, Mohg, Lord of Blood must be defeated to access the Shadow of the Erd Tree content and is found using a unique item from Varré White Mask

questline or through a hidden portal in the Sacred Snowfields.

Mohg's Bloodboon Ritual will seem difficult to avoid for most players who go into the fight blindbut the Purifying Crystal Tear, obtained by hitting Eleonora, Violet Bloodfinger

it was specifically designed to neutralize the effect of the Blood Curse. Additionally, as Mohg and Morgott are brothers, Mohg's Shackle works in the same way as Margit's Shackle above, tying Mohg to the ground during the first phase.

For defense, players will want to increase Physical and Fire damage denial, while offensively, Bleed and Freeze are very effective. Once defeated, the Great Rune of Mohg gives Spiritual Ashes and summoned NPCs a "blood blessing" and is an excellent addition to PvP Bleed builds for its unique effects. Bloodboon or Sacred Spear of Mohgwyn can be acquired with the Remembrance of the Blood Lord.


Malenia, Blade Of Miquella

Elphael, Brace Of The Haligtree, Haligtree by Miquella

Malenia, Blade of Miquella is a fast-cutting Rot Demigod with attacks like Waterfowl Dance, unlike anything players have encountered thus far. It is located deep inside Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree, and understanding your move set will require patience.

However, Malenia has some vulnerabilities and taking advantage of them is the only way to gain an advantage. To prepare, load up Physical Damage Negation with items like the Great Dragoncrest Shield Talisman

, Boiled Crab

or Golden Vote

. It is possible to break Malenia's stance quite easily, so Spirit Ashes as Oga

will stagger and sometimes interrupt certain devastating moves.

Another strategy involves status effect buffing/debuffing with freeze and fire damage, as well as inflicting as much hemorrhage as possible to counteract your health regeneration. General, Malenia will be a true test of the Manchados' willand with her Remembrance of the Rot Goddess, players can choose between the Hand of Malenia and the Scarlet Aeonia.


Messmer the Impaler

Shadowkeep, Scadu Altus

Messmer the Impaler is a new demigod boss introduced in SOTE and can be found in the Shadow Keep Specimen Store. He must be defeated to advance the DLC story and obtain Messmer's Kindling a key item that "burn the seal tree said to be found in the ancient ruins of Rauh." If players follow Hornsent and Jolan's quests, they will be available to summon within the arena.

Negating fire damage is recommended in some form, as well as engaging him up close due to his long-range spear and flame-based attacks. One of Messmer's main moves to avoid involves your right hand glowing with red fireand players will want to roll backwards away from him to avoid certain death.

If players manage to inflict Frostbite on Messmer, it will significantly increase the damage dealt by his attacks. The Impaler's Keepsake can be exchanged for the Impaler's Spear or Messmer's Orb, both among the most powerful of their kind.


Promised Consort Radahn


This version of the Demigod Radahn is the Consort of Miquella, the Empyrean who seeks Divinity through the Gate of Divinity in Enir-Ilim, where players will encounter the culminating boss of Shadow of the Erd Tree. Be prepared for a difficult encounter, acquire as many Scadutree Blessings as possible (minimum 18) and stock up Golden Votes

and Boiled Crab


This boss utilizes the Bloodflame and Gravity spells, has resistance to all status effects, and deals significant Holy damage. in the second phase. Summoning Ansbach and Thiollier can help deflect some of Radahn's attacks from the player.

Promised Consort will be the ultimate test of the Tarnished's skills and knowledge, requiring patience, time and strategic use of all buffs/debuffs available in the base game and DLC. Don't be shy about calling on a collaborator, nor hesitate to make adjustments to equipment, consumables, etc. Of all the demigod bosses in Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erd TreePromised Consort Radahn represents the biggest challenge.