According to local legends, the map of Hutan Pantai Agricultural Simulator 25 There are 25 mythical Farm Balls hidden in various locations throughout the virtual farming community. Collecting these glowing orbs magically puts an extra $10,000 into the pockets of the farmer who finds one, for a total of $250,000 if the person manages to find them all. These Easter egg hunts are common in Agricultural Simulator series and offers a fun little side quest for players to do in between tending to their crops.
Fortunately, the shiny nature of the balls, along with the fact that they all look the same, make these collectibles much easier than the old farm equipment that players have to search for on the game's Riverbend Springs map. They can still be difficult to reach, as many of them are in areas that are difficult for any farmer without magical teleportation or flight powers to reach. The following list contains locations, with photos, for each collectible farm ball, going approximately clockwisestarting on the player's default farm.
Where to find all collectible farm mythical balls on the Hutan Pantai map
#1 – On the seaside rocks to the southwest
The first orb is found near the water in the southwest corner of the map. To reach it, the farmer must jump from the cliff to the rocks below, and the the ball is leaning against the side of the cliff. Climbing up the cliff is more difficult, so teleporting to a vehicle or other location is recommended to escape.
#2 – Above field 29 on a viewpoint
Just north of field 29, in a wooded area, is another beautiful gazebo structure, hidden in a remote area. Inside this structure there is another glowing farm ball on the ground near the main staircase post. To get to this location you have to climb a small cliff, so it's not only an easy 29 straight shot, but it's also not too difficult to reach.
#3 – Shiny ball at the gas station
Heading northeast to the city, there is a gas station called Choose N Gonot far from the starting farm. Hidden in the corner of the building, next to some oil barrels, is a farm ball on the ground against the brick building.
#4 – Under the Bridge in the Creek Bed
From the gas station, follow the road northwest until you reach the bend in the road. Next door there is a small irrigation ditch that passes under a bridge. Also under that bridge, near the flowing part of the creek, is a glowing orb.
#5 – Flooded Rice Fields and Farm Balls
Traveling west again, there are some flooded rice fields along different heights of a slope. At the top of these flooded fields there is another farm ball sitting in the water right around the corner where players can easily see it after walking.
#6 – Farm Ball By House at Hill Crossings
To the north there is a large group of houses. They are all located on steep hills that can be difficult for some vehicles to climb, and the roads themselves are very narrow and easy to fall into if a turn is taken too quickly. Right in the middle, at the intersection where several roads come togetherthere is a house with a farm ball on the ground next to the door.
#7 - Jump from one house to another's yard for this ball
The next farm ball takes a little work to get to. The easiest way is go to the house at the top of the road and jump from the back porch into the courtyard of the house below it. From here, there is a glowing orb in the corner of the lower house's yard.
#8 – Tree stump in a dense forest
To the north of the housing area there is an area of dense forest on lot 58. It may be difficult to see through these trees, let alone drive a vehicle, but in the western half of this area there is a tree stump with a farm ball. Fortunately, the glowing effect of the ball helps make it more visible in the shadowed place.
At that point, I switched to driving a dirt bike instead of a car, both for speed and smaller size.
#9 - Farm Ball next to the building next to the train station
At the train station in the north of the mapthere is a homemade structure at the very end of the road, next to the tunnel. Walking around the side of the house reveals another farm ball on the ground, just behind a bush near the front corner.
Quickly traveling to the train is a faster option than driving.
#10 - Jump off another cliff to get to the next ball
To the northeast of the map, following a winding dirt road, is a farm ball that is best found by parking your vehicle and jumping off the cliff. At the bottom of where the road appears to form an S across the canyonthe farmer will need to jump off a rocky cliff and find the glowing ball tucked into a rock-covered area.
#11 - Farm ball in a box at the scene of an accident
Continuing along the road east, eventually the farmer will see a wooden trailer on the side of the road that appears to have been in some kind of accident. Some boxes and crates are scattered across the floor in the area. One of them is on its side, with a shiny farm ball appearing.
#12 - Behind a tree next to the highway
Near the highway in field 74 there is a large birch tree within sight of the highway supports. At the base of this big tree is a shiny farm ball, waiting for the farmer to come get it and quickly earn $10,000 for catching it.
#13 – Look for the glow on the interstate wall
The tall grass around the next farm ball makes it virtually impossible to see not knowing exactly where they are on the edge of field 74. Against the wall of the interstate, just as it becomes a bridge structure, players can see a spot where a yellow glow is reflecting off the concrete.
#14 - Farm ball on the elevated train tracks
Although not difficult to find, the farm ball on the train tracks can be difficult to reach without using a cheat command to fly. Located right where the tracks cross the road near field 12, the ball is simply sitting next to the inside wall. If one is not using a method to travel easily, the best bet would be to go to the south train station and run along the tracks.
#15 - Under a small bridge in the city
In the city part of Hutan Pantai Along the road between fields 22 and 15, there is a small bridge which takes the road over a canal. Under this bridge, next to the water, there is a farm ball. Players may need to use the crouch command to reach it.
#16 - On a high highway support beam
We hope the farmer isn't afraid of heights after jumping off the cliffs before. This next Farm Ball is located on the highway support beam in the southeast corner of the map. Players will have to walk up to it and jump to reach it.
#17 - High school living area
South of field 22 in the main town part of the map is a beautiful high school the Pantai High School, off the main road. In the front corner of this property is a serene seating area with a few benches and a table. Sitting on one of the benches, players will see another farm orb.
#18 - On the rocks near the pier
At the southeasternmost point of the Hutan Pantai map in Agricultural Simulator 25there is a small pier for the water. Next to this pier is another rocky cliff, with enough space for people to walk to it. Walking along this rocky trail, players will find another glowing farm ball.
#19 - At the far end of the pier
Returning to the beach, players can descend the real wooden pier overlooking the water. Continuing to the end, around the corner, there are some benches and lampposts, with a farm ball next to them, dangerously close to rolling into the water.
#20 - On the back of an anchored boat
Traveling along the water's edge, a small metal dock leads to a large blue and white fishing boat. By walking down the dock to the back of the boat, the farmer can easily board long enough to grab a glowing orb from a farm ball that is inside.
#21 - At the Farmer's Market
The Hutan Pantai Farm Market is much more neon and flashy than the other two maps in Agricultural Simulator 25and is located close to the city center. Inside the farmer's market there is a booth with a sign that says "Fresh Oyster Mushrooms", which has a basket on the floor containing a glowing orb.
#22 - House in front of NPC David
The next farm orb is easier to find looking for the yellow dot on the map that means where NPC David is. David is standing in front of his house, facing another house across the street. That house across the street has a farm orb in the backyard, near a brick section.
#23 - Under a bridge that leads back home
From David's house, to get back closer to the farmer's house, they must cross a bridge south of David's location. Under that bridge is another farm ball, although it may be difficult to see due to the tall grass that is on the sides of the bridge. Crouch to get under the bridge and walk to this item hidden in Agricultural Simulator.
#24 – Lighthouse Base
On the coast of Hutan Pantai, the lighthouse is a rather prominent building. Heading down to the lighthouse, on its own pier toward the ocean, there is a large area at the base of the structure. Upon entering this square, turning left will immediately reveal a farm orb sitting in the corner.
#25 – One last rocky cliff jump
Southeast of field 34, the final glowing orb requires yet another leap of faith onto the rocky beach below. Reaching a point where the land curves, jumping and following the rocky shore will eventually lead to the last farm ball on the Hutan Pantai map. Agricultural Simulator 25.