When you first encounter a Delamain car in Cyberpunk 2077Your location will be marked on the map so you can start an important side quest right away. During this mission, V must find seven Delamain cars spread across Night City. Those who discover all of these vehicles will be rewarded with lots of Street Cred, EXP, and Eurodollars (Eddies) to spend on other important items.
Unlike the first car, the remaining taxis beyond the first will not be marked on your map. You'll have to locate each of them without any clues or guidance, which can be difficult if you haven't explored all of Night City yet. To start this side quest, talk to the taxi AI at Delamain HQ after discovering the first Delamain car and receiving a special Scanner to help you find more.
How to Find Delamain Cars
Explore sections of the city in search of rogue vehicles
You can start finding Delamain cars as soon as go to the scheduled show "Epistrophy" on your map when he appears in Night City. Going to this point will allow you to talk to a Delamin car and will take you to talk to the taxi AI located at the Delamain headquarters. This artificial intelligence will give you a Scanner, allowing you to track other Delamain cars in Night City.
Some cars in Cyberpunk 2077 it will be easy to find; however, many will require extra effort to recover. Regardless, if you want to finish this quest quickly, you'll need the exact location of every taxi in Delamain so you don't have to spend too much time exploring.
Before venturing out in search of Delamain taxis, it is worth noting that some of the cars face emotional problems and will not easily return to HQ. You will be asked to perform some tasks to calm down the taxis. Finding all the Delamain cars can take a while, but luckily ZaFrostPet on YouTube provided an extremely helpful visual breakdown in the video above of each car's location.
Delamain Car Location in Wellsprings
Give chase and wait
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Heywood |
Sources |
After arriving at the taxi location in Wellsprings, the hostile taxi will attempt to run over V, after which the rogue AI will exclaim a vulgar greeting and drive away. Chasing the taxi on foot is impractical, so you must be prepared to pursue it with your own vehicle. To subdue this taxi, you must continue to cause harm stops the car until it gives up.
Attack the vehicle by hitting it while driving or shooting at it with any weapon Cyberpunk 2077. With some of the new vehicles in Phantom Freedom DLC, you can drive a car with guns attached to easily shoot the Delamain car. When the cab stops, the work associated with it will be marked as complete, allowing you to move on to the next car.
Delamain car location in Northside
Let the vehicle stop on its own
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Watson |
North side |
This Delamain car will be parked in a small alley in Northside. As you approach the vehicle, it will suddenly become active, speeding through the industrial sector. Drive behind the taxi, chasing it through dirt tracks and empty warehouses. This time, you don't worry about damaging him while chasing him.
Eventually, the car will reach a fixed location where it will crash into a pile of trash, completing the mission objective.
Delamain Car Location in North Oak
Drive this car yourself
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Westbrook |
North Carvalho |
This next Delamain car can be found driving slowly and endlessly inside a roundabout on the roads on the outskirts of North Oak. After a conversation with V, Delamain will express his disdain for the noisy and crowded city life. He does not wish to return to Delamain HQ on his own, but requests that you take control and return him manually.
Although this car asks you to drive carefully and not crash, there is no penalty for doing so. However, if you drive tirelessly for a long period of time, Delamain will force V to stop driving for several seconds.
All you need to do here is drive the taxi back to Delamain HQ, but you I can't use fast travel to do this. Although driving back to the headquarters may take a while, you won't have any enemies chasing you. After successfully delivering the car, you can finish the job and move on to the next Delamain car.
Car Location in Delamain in Rancho Coronado
Remove some annoying decorations
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Subdistrict Location |
Santo Domingo |
Rancho Coronado |
In the southeast neighborhoods of Rancho Coronado, the next Delamain car drives aimlessly through the streets. Delamain says the flamingo decorations outside people's homes are plaguing his mind. Therefore, to peacefully bring this artificial intelligence Cyberpunk 2077 Back to HQ, you must follow the HUD markers and destroy the flamingos in neighborhood backyards.
Anything can destroy these flamingos, from running them over with a different vehicle you are driving to simply shooting them. It may be best to hit these objects with a melee weapon, as this will not waste ammo from any of your weapons. Doing so will help you move on to other Delamain cars as you once again finish the work linked to this one.
Car location in Delamain in the Badlands
Talk to a car in need
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Subdistrict Location |
Red Peaks |
Badlands |
This is one of the easiest Delamain cars to find in Cyberpunk 2077. All you have to do is approach the taxi, sit in the back seat and talk to the rogue AI for less than a minute. Once the conversation is over, Delamain will call V and send the Eddies to his account.
Car location in Delamain on the Glen
Hear the wails of another car
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Subdistrict Location |
Heywood |
The valley |
Similar to the getaway taxi in Badlands, the Delamain car located in The Glen only wants to speak to V before agreeing to return to the taxi headquarters. Just listen to complete this job and move on to the next car.
Where to find the latest Delamain car
Prepare for an ambush from a Rouge AI
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Subdistrict Location |
Pacific |
Coast view |
The final encounter with the Delamain car will begin similarly to the Northside taxi chase. You will be forced to chase the vehicle through the streets of Pacifica; However, this taxi has a surprise ambush in store along the way. After chasing Delamain, he will eventually stop under an underground passage where a group of Gangoons will attempt to kill V.
Fortunately, there is plenty of debris and objects to use as cover when defeating these hostile enemies. The level of the enemies you face will increase according to V's strength, so be prepared to face some dangerous enemies. After clearing the area, speak to Delamain's car again to persuade him to return to Delamain HQ.
The Delamain Cab found in Coastview may not be the last one you encounter, as any of these cars can be approached in any order once you start the side mission linked to them. Arrange each vehicle based on its location and confront them in the order you see fit.
After returning the last Delamain Taxi, you can return to Delamain HQ to return the Scanner. Speak to the AI once more to complete the "Epistrophy" side quest after exhausting all dialogue from this conversation. You will receive some Eddies and EXP for your efforts and for completing this important side gig.
To start Delamain's next mission in Cyberpunk 2077"Don't lose your head," you need to go to Corpo Plaza in Night City, where you will learn about a traffic jam caused by three Delamain taxis. Johnny Silverhand will advise that V visit headquarters to see what's going on, triggering the next part of Delamain's story, where players will have to make an important decision about the AI's fate.
Source: ZaFrostPet/YouTube