Big Brother 26 was full of twists and turns, with the schedule being one of the things that kept changing throughout the season, and Fans should take note of the new times for the week of September 15 so they don't miss a minute of the action. Big Brother 26 has entered its jury phase, with the most recent victim, Kevin Martin, as its first member. There are now only eight people left in the game, including Angela Murray, Cam Sullivan-Brown, Chelsie Baham, Kimo Apaka, Leah Peters, Makensy Manbeck, Rubina Bernabe and T'kor Clottey.
throughout Big Brother 26The show has been delayed by sports, and has even added a special Tuesday episode. Now the plan is changing once again, with Different times for the Sunday and Wednesday episodes during the week of September 15. Here are the new times.
Big Brother 26 airs later on the East Coast on Sunday, September 15
Sunday, September 15, Big Brother 26 Will air at 9:30 PM EDT / 9:00 PM PDT. The 9:30 a.m. start time is half an hour later for the East Coast. An NFL game will air earlier in the day, which is scheduled to end at 7:30 PM EDT. The football game will be followed by 60 minutes At 7:30 PM EDT and Elizabeth at 8:30 PM EDT.
then, big brother Will air at 9:30. However, as fans have learned throughout the season, If the football game goes into overtime, all the shows may be delayedWhat would mean that big brother Can air even later. Fans with DVRs should plan to extend their recordings or even record the show big brother To ensure that they do not miss it.
Big Brother 26 airs later on Wednesday, September 18
Big Brother is delayed due to the premiere of Survivor 47
Wednesday, September 18, Big Brother 26 Will air at 10:00 PM EDT. It will air after the two-hour premiere of Survivor 47. This is two hours later than Big Brother 26s regular time slot from 8 p.m. EDT on Wednesday.
Big Brother 26 airs in its normal time on Thursday 19 September
The live vote and eviction will air on Thursday
Although there are two major changes for the week of September 15, Thursday, September 19's Live Eviction episode will still air in its regular time slot at 8 PM EDT. Hopefully, host Julie Chen Moonves will return for the episode after missing a live eviction for the first time in 24 years and 26 seasons due to a mild case of COVID-19. Jerry O'Connell filled in on Julie during the episode, in which Quinn was evicted by a 4 to 2 vote over Kimo.
Big Brother 26 is headed to its finale on Sunday, October 13And there are sure to be even more changes to the plan before then. Fans should be aware of the schedule so that they don't miss any episodes. Everyone should continue to "Expect the Unexpected" When it comes to big brother
Source: The talk/ Instagram