All Active Codes for Infinity Nikki (October 2024)

All Active Codes for Infinity Nikki (October 2024)

Despite being a new release, Infinite Nikki is already offering players free items with time-sensitive promo codes. You'll want to stock up on as many different clothes as you can from the start.

The upcoming title, which has accumulated over 30 million pre-registered players, combines adventure and exploration with fashionable outfits, with players choosing their favorite designs as they discover Miraland. There's no better way to start your wardrobe than using these Infinity nikki codes.

Active Codes for Infinity Nikki (October 2024)

Redeem these codes before they expire

Infinity Nikki character waving while riding train through water with strange creatures

As shared by Infinite Nikki Update in X, there is a total of two codes in dispute for players starting their journey in the game. Infinite Nikki will be released on December 5, 2024, and the developers are already giving away freebies. Be sure to check the expiration date of each code as per they won't be available forever.

Enter the following codes to redeem corresponding rewards:

Active Code


Expiration date


10 shiny particles, 15,000 Bling



50 Purity Strands, 15,000 Bling



50 Purity Strands, 15,000 Bling



126 diamonds

December 31, 2024


126 diamonds

December 31, 2024


126 diamonds

December 31, 2024


126 diamonds

December 31, 2024


20 Revelation Crystals

December 18, 2024


90 diamonds

December 31, 2024


80 diamonds

December 31, 2024


500 Diamonds, 2 Energy Crystals, 12,600 Bling

December 31, 2024

The developers have already revealed that another reward should be available via code on December 6th. Infinite Nikki on X, this one will be released during Nikki's birthday live stream, so stay tuned.

How to best use this month's active code rewards

Earn free currency to spend on various banners

One of the active rewards grants 20 Revelation Crystalswhich is the currency you will use on limited time banners in Infinite Nikki. Given the game's gacha system, you'll want to accumulate as many Revelation Crystals as possible. The more crystals you have, the more chances you have to pick up rare items from the banners before they start offering different materials.

Meanwhile, another active reward will be offer players 126 diamonds and a surprise gift yet to be announced. Diamonds are another rare currency that you can use alongside Bling, the main resource used to purchase new pieces of clothing in Infinite Nikki. To get all the outfits in the game, having a surplus of Diamonds and Bling is a great start to start purchasing the different fashion sets you want most.

Other important resources such as Threads of Purity and Energy Crystals are also offered through the code rewards for December 2024. These materials can help you create clothes from sketchessaving some time in production. You will often have a hard time finding these resources in the world, so getting them for free will save you some tedious exploration in the world. Infinite Nikki.

How to redeem codes on Infinity Nikki

Follow these quick and easy steps

Infinity Nikki code menu in settings to redeem

As explained by SIto rescue Infinite Nikki codes, you will want go to main menu when you're in the game, then click on Settings and select Other at the end of the list. Once there, you will see the option to redeem a code. From there, click apply and enter the code as written in the table above.

Promo codes won't be the only way to secure free rewards. Thanks to Nikki's birthday event, players will be able to get diamonds, Resonyte crystals, and a free outfit. More Infinite Nikki Codes are expected to arrive in the game during launch month, so we'll be adding new ones to the table above.

Source: Infinity Nikki/X Update, Infinite Nikki/X, SI