All Ability Seed Slot Expansion Items locations

All Ability Seed Slot Expansion Items locations

each Visions of Mana Character starts with two Ability Seed slots, which can be increased with designated expansion items known as Chalices. The entire collection will provide you with a total of 10 slots per character, allowing you to equip a variety of abilities and passive skills to your heroes. With a lot of ability seeds to find, every slot gained counts towards a better party build.

Much like Visions of Mana's Ultimate weapons, chalices are Character-specific, with a total of four per party member. However, while many of the game's weapons and items are easily obtained through main story quests or in various locations, Chalices are missable. To get the most out of your heroes' skills and abilities, you need to be careful to choose every item in each character's collection.

All abilities seed slot expansion item locations in Visions of Mana

Collect chalices to unlock more slots

As confirmed by The gamerThere are 20 character-specific chalices to find in Visions of ManaExclusively inside chests. For each item received, its associated hero will receive two additional ability seed slots for you to equip new skills. The first three items for each character can be collected over the course of the main story, but the fourth chalice item in each collection is only available in the post-game.. Here's a breakdown of each playable character's Ability Seed slot expansion items and where to find them.

Val Ability Seed Slot Expansion Items & Locations

Val in Visions of Mana

Val's Ability Seed slot expansion items are called Chalices of hope. The first in his collection is also the first chalice you will have access to in your game. Here's a look at their locations.

Expansion item


How to get

Chalice of Hope #1

Dura Gorge

Just after you enter Dura Gorge, follow the wind current there to access its upper area. Head to the opposite end to find a chest containing Val's first Chalice of Hope.

Chalice of Hope #2

Floating island of Ulul

Val's second Chalice of Hope can be found along the floating island of Ulul's southern border, towards the eastern tip. Trek to the top of a hill here to find a chest near a tree. The slot expansion number is inside.

Chalice of Hope #3

Village Volcano

After you've quenched the blue lava on Dorfer Volcano, keep left to find a chest against a small crag near the path's end. Val's third chalice of hope is inside.

Chalice of Hope #4

Niccolo's Emporium

After completing Chapter 10, buy the final Chalice of Hope for 200 Niccolo Coins.

You can also find one of Julei's Chalice items on the floating island of Ulul, so be sure to grab both in one trip.

Morley Ability Seed Slot Expansion Items & Locations

Morley in Visions of Mana

For Morley, you'll want to keep an eye out for Chalices of tomorrow To get more Ability Seed slots. His first expansion item is found just before you enter the Verdeus Borough of Mylos Woods, where you will fight Visions of Mana's Grapevine boss. After you will find his remaining items in the following areas.

Expansion item


How to get

Chalice of Tomorrow #1

Mylos Woods (Verdeus Borough)

Just outside the entrance to Verdeus Borough, you'll find a chest containing Morley's first Chalice of Tomorrow.

Chalice of Tomorrow #2

Passenger Tomspire

Before you battle Zable Fahr in Passagean Tomespire, you'll stumble upon a chest outside the Meridian. Tomorrow's second chalice is inside.

Chalice of Tomorrow #3

Castle Cresseno

Morley's third chalice of tomorrow is at Castle Cresseno. Inside, you'll find a room with a broken clock and missing cogs scattered throughout. The chest containing the Chalice number is found on top of a pile of miscellaneous pieces.

Chalice of Tomorrow #4

Niccolo's Emporium

After completing Chapter 10, buy the Final Chalice of Tomorrow for 200 Nikcolo Coins.

Careena Ability Seed Slot Expansion Items & Locations

Kareena in Visions of Mana

The items you need to unlock more Ability Seed slots for Careena are dubbed Chalices of loyalty. Naturally, one is found in the Wind Sanctuary, but the first of the Pan-Wieders' things is found even before that. Here are the location details.

Expansion item


How to get

Chalice of Loyalty #1

Tatoh Temple

From the temple entrance, head left and down the stairs. Just before an engraved stone with torches on either end, you'll find a chest with Careena's first Chalice of Loyalty inside.

Chalice of Loyalty #2

Wendel Temple

In Wendel Temple, you will see a chest sitting on a high ledge. With some careful maneuvering, you can jump up to this place. The second Chalice of Loyalty is found within.

Chalice of Loyalty #3

Wind Sanctum

To get Careena's final Chalice of Loyalty in the Wind Sanctum, you will first need to defeat the enemies in the area. As you follow the edge of the cliff, you will find a chest with the Chalice number.

Chalice of Loyalty #4

Niccolo's Emporium

After completing Chapter 10, purchase the Ultimate Chalice of Loyalty for 200 Nikcolo Coins.


Palamena Ability Seed Slot Expansion Items & Locations

Palamena in Visions of Mana

Chalices of inheritance Will give Palamena additional Ability Seed slots. Despite her gift with the water elemental, the path to her chalices is quite rocky. You can pick up all four at the following locations.

Expansion item


How to get

Chalice of Hairdom #1

Gamurda Mines

The Gamurda Mines are full of rock golems that can be controlled to break through walls and reach new areas. You'll find Palamena's first Chalice of Heirdom in a chest behind a destructible wall.

Chalice of Hairdom #3

Log'grattzo Archives

Before you unlock Aesh as a support character, you can get the second Chalice of Heirdom from a chest right behind his desk in the Archives.

Chalice of Hairdom #3

Luka Ruins Undertemple

Once you can adjust the water level inside the Lucca Ruins Subtemple, you can reach a chest containing Palamena's last Chalice of Herdom.

Chalice of Hairdom #4

Niccolo's Emporium

After completing Chapter 10, purchase the final Chalice of Heirdom for 200 Niccolo Coins.

July Ability Seed Slot Expansion Items & Locations

Julie in Visions of Mana

Finally, Julie's Chalices of change Will give him more Ability Seed slots. The first in his collection is conveniently located in the same place that the wood elemental expert is unlocked as a playable character: Mylos Woods. Here's a look at all of Julei's Chalice items and where you can find them.

Expansion item


How to get

Chalice of Change #1

Milos Woods

Beyond the Verdeus Borough in Mylos Woods, you'll reach an area engulfed in pools of poison. A chest can be found on one of the land masses here, with the first Chalice of Change inside.

Chalice of Change #2

Shrine of Mana

In the Sanctuary of Mana, you will fight a group of Chess Knights through a broken staircase. The chest containing the second Chalice of Change is found in the same area.

Chalice of Change #3

Floating island of Ulul

After you've used the Dryad Sprig on the floating island of Ulul, keep on the same path to the cliff's edge. You'll find a chest with the third Chalice of Change at the end.

Chalice of Change #4

Niccolo's Emporium

After the completion of Chapter 10, purchase the final Chalice of Change for 200 Nikcolo Coins.

With all 20 Chalice items at your disposal, you'll have a total of 10 Ability Seed slots to work with for each character in Visions of Mana. These extra slots offer plenty of wiggle room to experiment with a variety of endgame builds and help you design your next game with New Game Plus. Test combinations of skills and abilities with those unlocked by earning Elemental Points to create an offensive unique to your play style.

Source: The gamer


Mana series


PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S


August 29, 2024


Ouka Studios, Square Enix


Square Enix