All 9 treasures and where to find them

All 9 treasures and where to find them

With the recent relaunch of Red Dead Redemption, including a PC release for the first timeMany new players are exploring John Marston for the first time. As Red Dead Redemption 2random events, players are able to find a treasure map after saving an NPC of a bandit attack. Alternatively, they can loot the map of the NPC's body if they are unable to save it. Like many other encounters, this one is best found by keeping an ear open to ask for help and investigate the situation.

After finding the treasure from the first map, you will also loot a second map leading to the next treasure. This will repeat until you find a total of nine treasure cacheseach containing a unique gold bar and the map to the next location. Once you find them all, you'll also unlock free stagecoach rides and a new gear item.


How to Find Treasure Maps

X does not mark the location

All 9 treasures and where to find them

Like most treasure maps, it represents a drawing of the surrounding area where the treasure can be found. The X doesn't necessarily mark the exact location where John can find the treasure, but it does lead players to the correct landmarks and cities. RDR. Several treasure maps also have instructions on where to walk to get to the cache, so be sure to pay attention to your instructions and follow them precisely.


Location of the first treasure map

Finding Rhode's Gold

Location 1 of the treasure maps in Red Dead Redemption

This treasure map shows the first location as a noose hanging from a tree near a large rock, shown on the map as The hanging rock. From there, look for a cluster of other large rocks with a little path between them. Follow this path and watch out for a smaller, lighter colored stone.

Behind him you will see a pile of gravel that you can interact with to get the cache. After activating it, John will dig into the rocks to receive his reward. You will recover the Rhode's gold bar and the second treasure map.


Location of the second treasure map

Finding Jackson's Gold

The next location is a little more complex, requiring you to follow a three-step guide to carefully climb down a cliff. North of Rocha Del Lobo along the Rio Del Lobo, you will find a abandoned camp along the cliff. Very carefully, pass between the two stones shown on the treasure map to go down the cliff.

Treasure map 2 location in Red Dead Redemption

There are several areas where John can slip and fall and make a precarious jump to a lower ledge. Player7 There's a good video on YouTubethe showing exactly where to walk without falling. Be very careful and you will reach the lower ledge where you can find the treasure. Inside you will find the Jackson's third treasure map and gold bar.


Location of the third treasure map

Finding Calhoun's Gold

Treasure map 3 location in Red Dead Redemption

The third treasure map takes you to a abandoned house on a hill near the West of Tumbleweed. Take a walk around rear left side from the house, and you will see open cellar doors leading to the basement.

Go up the stairs and under the house, then go to the back of the room. The treasure hiding place will be in the middle of the opposite wall under the bull's skull and I will give you Calhoun's gold bar and the fourth treasure map.


Location of the Fourth Treasure Map

Finding Tubman's Gold

Treasure map 4 location in Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption John Marston can find this treasure only South of Rio Del Toro northwest of Chuparosa. Follow along the path and you will see a broken wall on the north side. The cache is on the north side of the broken wall. If you have trouble finding it, look for a tree on the south side of the road with cow skulls hanging on it. The cache is directly in front of himbehind the wall.

Once you open it you will get the Tubman's fifth treasure map and gold bar. You too will now achieve Level Five Treasure Hunterwhich unlocks the ability to take due diligence rides for free.


Location of the fifth treasure map

Finding Brown's Gold

Treasure map 5 location in Red Dead Redemption

The fifth treasure cache location is on the main map of West of Crooked Fingers crossing point. When you reach this area, you will see several tall rock pinnacles grouped around each other. Climb as high as you can two individual rocky peaks.

You should be able to climb to the top easily curving around the structure. Once at the top, the treasure hiding place will be between the two peaks. You will find Brown's Gold Bar and the Sixth Treasure Map.


Location of the Sixth Treasure Map

Finding Douglass's Gold

Treasure map 6 location in Red Dead Redemption

The sixth map takes you to Devil's Eye landmark, a tall arch that crosses the road. If you're coming from the South, look to the left side of the archwhere you will need to climb up to a ledge.

Once on the edge, the cache can be found next to a single stoneseparated from the other small cluster of rocks. Here you will find the Douglass' seventh map and gold bar.


Location of the Seventh Treasure Map

Finding Garrison's Gold

Treasure map 7 location in Red Dead Redemption

The seventh treasure map is more difficult than the others as you will need approach the mountain from the west side to reach the top. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, go east and look for a ledge below the main plateau.

You will be able to see the cache on the ledge before jumping. Once you locate it, drop down to the edge and dig up the treasure. You will receive the Garrison's eighth treasure map and gold bar.


Location of the Eighth Treasure Map

Finding Pickett's Gold

Treasure map 8 location in Red Dead Redemption

The eighth treasure is found in the Broken Tree Map Landmark west of the Great Plains. You will need to have Completed all Nuevo Paraiso missions to access the West Elizabeth area. Go to the split tree and you will see a normal treasure chest that you can loot.

Beyond the chest is a stone fence with several broken sections. Along the broken fence line is the treasure hiding place, where you will find Pickett's Gold Bar and the Ninth Treasure Map.


Location of the Ninth Treasure Map

Finding Stonewall's Gold

Treasure map 9 location in Red Dead Redemption

The last treasure hiding place is found in the snowy north regionnorth of tall trees. The treasure map shows where John will need climb the mountains to find a cave at the top. Enter the cave, where you will find another normal treasure chest, and the treasure hiding place will be along the back wall.

Finding this final cache in Red Dead Redemption will give you the Stonewall Gold Bar. However, now you will also achieve Rank 10 Treasure Hunterwhat gives you the Treasure Hunter's Bag. This upgraded backpack allows John to carry twice as many consumable items.

Video credit: Player7/YouTube


May 18, 2010


Rockstar San Diego


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