All 8 Bridgerton Siblings and Who's Your Favorite Brother or Sister

All 8 Bridgerton Siblings and Who's Your Favorite Brother or Sister

Bridgerton may be about the Bridgerton brothers finding their true loves, but no matter what, each character relies more on their family members, and everyone secretly has their favorite sibling. After three seasons of Bridgerton, each Bridgerton sibling has a clearly defined personality and motives. Eloise is the black sheep of the family, while Anthony is the responsible one and Colin is the adventurer. Along with that, audiences got a taste of the Bridgerton brothers' relationship with each otherdropping big hints about who each other's favorite brother or sister might be.

Of course, Bridgerton never truly reveals who each Bridgerton fan likes most. Amidst the romantic drama and countless society activities, there isn't much time for the family to decide who likes who more. However, audiences can definitely make some theories based on each Bridgerton's behavior. Not only does the show offer some clues, but the books also provide information about the Bridgerton siblings who make the best pair. Overall, viewers can make their own assumptions about how the Bridgerton family gets along.


Anthony's favorite is Benedict

Anthony and Benedict are an inseparable duo

Although Anthony is often portrayed as a reserved and rather lonely character, his favorite brother is probably Benedict. The main link that unites the two is age. Anthony and Benedict are the two oldest boys in the family and probably spent a lot of time together growing up. This bond is even displayed on the show. Anthony and Benedict constantly go out together, whether to shave their faces or visit Mondrich's club. Anthony may be somewhat reserved about his feelings, but Benedict is still his right-hand mancompletely.

A close second to Anthony's favorite sibling would probably be Daphne. Anthony and Daphne have a remarkably close bond throughout Bridgerton season 1and Anthony seems to be the one who cares most about Daphne's future. He clearly loves her very much and cares deeply about her happiness. However, ultimately, Anthony's closest confidant would have to be his wife, Kate. Kate is the one Anthony can really be vulnerable with, which unfortunately leaves his brothers in the dust.


Benedict's favorite is Eloise

Benedict and Eloise are two black sheep

Although Anthony's favorite sibling is probably Benedict, Benedict's favorite sibling is probably Eloise. Benedict and Anthony certainly have a close relationship, but Benedict's bond with Eloise definitely reaches a much deeper level. Mainly because Benedict and Eloise are the two black sheep of the family. None of them wish to pursue a traditional regency life, and because of this, they are often seen as troublesome or foolish. Benedict and Eloise can bond on a level that far exceeds any of the other Bridgerton siblings.

Bridgerton Clues


Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset

Season 1

Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma

Season 2

Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington

Season 3

Benedict Bridgerton and Sophie Baek

Season 4

Benedict and Eloise's relationship is perfectly encapsulated by a scene near the end of Bridgerton season 3. Benedict and Eloise are in a pair of swings and basically pour their souls out to each other. Benedict wonders if he's almost ready for love, while Eloise comes to the conclusion that she is who she is and that society will never change that. This conversation shows how Benedict and Eloise may be their truest selves together. It seems likely that Eloise will play a notable role in Benedict's upcoming season.


Colin's favorite brother is Eloise

Colin and Eloise are explorers at heart

Colin is yet another Bridgerton brother whose favorite is probably Eloise. In general, Colin tends to be a more emotional and sensitive Bridgerton character, and often forms bonds with a wide variety of people, from Marina Thompson to Penelope. However, when it comes to his family, Colin seems to have the closest bond with Eloise. Both characters are curious and bold by nature and in Season 3 Colin and Eloise's relationship is put in the spotlight when they are separated and brought back together. by Penelope.

Surprisingly, Colin also has a very close relationship with Daphne in Julia Quinn's film. Bridgerton books. Colin and Daphne often give each other advice and commiserate about the difficulties of love. Although this link does not actually appear in the Bridgerton show, it makes sense based on their personalities. Colin and Daphne wear their hearts on their sleeves and they are romantic. That way, they would definitely have a lot to talk about if Daphne was still on the show.


Daphne's favorite brother is Anthony

Daphne trusts Anthony like no one else

Based on what little audiences have seen of Daphne throughout Bridgerton, it seems like your favorite brother would be Anthony. As previously mentioned, Daphne and Anthony spend a significant amount of screen time together during Bridgerton Season 1, as Anthony accompanies Daphne to dances and oversees her engagement. Although Anthony and Daphne often fight and disagree, the source of these disagreements is pure love. Anthony is Daphne's protector, and the opposite is true during Anthony's season as he struggles to accept his love for Kate.

In many ways, Daphne and Anthony exemplify a traditional older brother and younger sister relationship, especially in the context of the Regency Era. This makes them stand out among the Bridgerton siblings, although it's a shame viewers didn't get to see more of them together. In fact, it would be great to see Daphne interact more with all of her siblings. Iit would be especially intriguing to see Daphne and Francesca togetheras they seem to share many points in common. Maybe Daphne could have another favorite sibling if given the chance.


Eloise's favorite brother is Benedict

Eloise understands and imitates Benedict

Just as Eloise is Benedict's favorite sister, Benedict is also Eloise's favorite. The same reasons still apply. Eloise and Benedict know each other in a way their siblings would probably never understand. Even more than that, Benedict is probably a role model for Eloise. Being younger than Benedict, Eloise probably looked up to her older brother. Her unique personality probably showed her that it's okay to be different, even in such a rigid society. In this way, Benedict helped Eloise stay true to herself without even realizing it.

In season three, it became clear that Francesca is also a little different from the members of her family, and perhaps her time with Eloise will show her that it's okay to not conform to society's standards.

Arguably, Eloise could play the same role as Francesca. At the end of Bridgerton In season 3, Eloise decides to accompany Francesca to Scotland, which means the sisters will spend a lot more time together. In season three, it became clear that Francesca is also a little different from the members of her family, and perhaps her time with Eloise will show her that it's okay to not conform to society's standards. Eloise can teach Francesca that there's nothing wrong with being introverted or looking for a different type of relationship than normal.


Francesca doesn't have a favorite brother

Who could Francesca form a strong bond with?

It may seem like a controversial scenario, but it seems likely that Francesca doesn't have a favorite sibling. Over the last three seasons of Bridgerton, Francesca had very little screen time and even less interaction with her siblings. During season 3, most of her time was spent with her mother or her future husband, John Stirling. So it's very difficult to figure out how Francesca views the other siblings, much less which one she likes best. Arguably, Francesca seems to need space from her entire family.

Every Bridgerton Sibling Whose Love Story Hasn't Happened Yet





Regardless, Francesca has the potential to get closer to several of her siblings, and it would be great if that happened. As previously mentioned, Francesca and Eloise will be spending more time together in Scotland, which could bring them closer together. Francesca could probably learn a lot from Benedict as well, especially since they're both LGBTQ. Furthermore, Francesca's bond with her younger siblings could allow audiences to grow more attached to the younger Bridgertons.


Gregory's favorite brother is Hyacinth

Gregory and Hyacinth's age makes them inseparable

Just like Anthony and Benedict, Gregory and Hyacinth have a very strong bond due to their proximity in age. From the beginning Bridgerton, It's become clear that the two youngest Bridgertons have a lot in common. They are too young to court or participate in society, so they often spend time playing together. As a result, the public still doesn't know much about Gregory, and they probably won't for a few more seasons. However, in the meantime, it's wonderful to see the playful relationship between Gregory and Hyacinth.

In the future, It would truly be amazing to see Gregory form a closer bond with his older brothers. It's unfortunate that such a large age difference separates Gregory from Anthony, Benedict, and Colin, but as Gregory grows older, he will be able to bond more and more with his brothers. From there, they will be able to advise you and include you in their adventures. This would be a very moving change for Bridgerton this would probably melt the hearts of many audiences.


Hyacinth's favorite brother is Gregory

Hyacinth's new bond with Francesca explained

Hyacinth probably also sees Gregory as her favorite brother. The two spend so much time together that it would be impossible for the two not to be best friends. However, unlike Gregory, there are glimpses of Hyacinth forming better bonds with some of her other siblings. For example, Hyacinth spends a lot of time with Francesca during season 3 because of his interest in society and dating. While Francesca laments the dating season, Hyacinth seems to look forward to it. This new time spent together can result in a stronger bond.

Arguably, Hyacinth's best sibling pairing would probably be with Daphne. While Hyacinth's other sisters resented the dating process, Daphne seemed to thrive in it. The two would probably have a lot to discuss when it comes to dresses, suitors, and balls. It would definitely be a sweet sister bonding moment, especially as Hyacinth gets older and needs advice a lot more. However, as Bridgerton continues to air new seasons, these Bridgerton sibling relationships have the potential to change in more ways than one.