All 6 Evil Dead Necronomicon versions and their differences explained

All 6 Evil Dead Necronomicon versions and their differences explained

The Evil Dead Franchise has steadily revealed more and more about the Necronomicon and its different variants. The Cursed Tome is at the heart of the franchise, debuting in 1981 The evil death As the source of the mystical maladies that befall Ash Williams and his friends. A version of​​​​this book was subsequently vital to the plot of every movie and show in the Evil Dead timeline, even when shifting focus to different characters or settings. However, this is partly because there is more than just one version of​​​​​​​​the book.

Films like Army of Darkness And Evil Dead Rise Expand the knowledge of the franchise by hinting at the particular copies of the book. The one from the original trilogy has even shifted and evolved over time, reflecting the age of the series and the way it has changed. Evil DeadThe characters have done their best to rid the world of the Book of the Dead, but still struggle to even just survive their encounters with the Tome. Here are every version of the Necronomicon published so far, and how they differ from one another.



Necronomicon ex-mortis

The evil death (1981)

The Necronomicon Ex-Mortis is the progenitor of all "evil" in the Evil Dead filmsAnd is one of the most important elements of the whole series. Bound in human flesh and ink in blood, this HP Lovecraft-inspired text allows ancient demonic entities to pass from hidden realms into the human world. Reading it unleashes the forces of darkness on the mortal plane, seeking living vessels to possess and corrupt.

The book seems to focus on deadites (also known as Kandarian demons) which, in Evil Dead Study, lurk in dark forests such as the one Ash and his friends find themselves in during the events of the original film. It is recognizable by the distinct face on its cover, which becomes more refined over time. Debuting in the initial entry of the series, the Necronomicon has remained a major aspect of Evil Deads DNA across several other films, shows and other media.


Necronomicon ex-mortis

Evil Dead 2 (1982)

The original Necronomicon in Evil Dead Was destroyed by Ash, saving him from the Deadites, who killed and took over his friends. However, another Necronomicon appeared in Evil Dead 2 That closely resembles its predecessor. Notably, the book is not destroyed in the quasi-requel Evil Dead 2Which otherwise effectively served as a remake of The evil death. This book takes place in the time warp Which connects the film to Army of Darkness and disappears in medieval times along with ash.

Versions of the Necronomicon From Evil Dead

Confirmed Appearance

Necronomicon ex-mortis

The evil death, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, Ash against the evil death

Naturom Demonto

Evil Dead


Evil Dead Rise

Evil Dead 2 Also adds to the study of the series By suggesting there are more than just one copy of the Necronomicon in existence. In the introduction to Evil Dead 2Professor Knowby discusses the Necronomicon Ex Mortis in tape recordings, but also refers to the Naturom Demonto. Fans took this to mean that the Necronomicon in Army of Darkness And Ash vs is the larger, complete volume, while the other books are more like "chapters" that can still do a lot of damage.



The Necronomicon

Army of Darkness (1992)

When Ash was sent to 1300 AD in Army of DarknessHis main goal is to find "the Necronomicon." Finding it and presenting it to the wise man (Ian Abercrombie) will allow him to return to his own time. What he finds on his search are Three Necronomicon books in a cemeteryEach with their own mystical properties.

While Ash initially believes that only one of them is the true Necronomicon, Evil Dead Rise Makes it clear that each of them was a separate band altogether. This is why different versions of the Necronomicon can appear in the Evil Dead Trilogy (As well as the TV series Ash vs Evil Dead) As well as the 2013 Evil Dead Remake and Evil Dead Rise. There may even be more variants out there, potentially expanding the franchise even further in the future.


The Necronomicon

Ash against the evil death (2015-2018)

The Necronomicon is shown in the Ash vs series as the source of Death-related incidents around the countryAnd remains attached to the fate of Ash Williams. However, it is not the same exact book that helped transport Ash back to the modern world in Army of Darkness. This version of The Book of the Dead stands out for its unique appearance.

In addition to having a face on its cover, it is also revealed to have an ear on its back. The overall plain design on the jacket gives it a more worn out appearance, matching the older Ash's wear and tear from years of surviving dangerous encounters. Unfortunately, the series was canceled before it received a definitive end, leaving the fate of the Necronomicon unknown. The size and importance of this book means that as the version of the Necronomicon in Army of Darkness, It is considered by some fans to be the "complete" version.



Naturom Demonto

Evil Dead (2013)

The Necronomicon featured in the Evil Dead Remake is known as the Naturom DemontoMaking it somewhat unique even while retaining many key qualities to other versions of the Book of the Dead. The book is bound in human flesh, but appears to be stitched together from various pieces of skin. It is also much larger than the others.

In the film, Mia and her friends visit a remote cabin in the woods and use the book to awaken the Abomination, a dangerous entity that requires five souls to be fully reborn. This is a departure from the other versions of the book Seen in The evil death Films like the original trilogy, where the demonic force at work was known as Kandarian is the ultimate threat. Mia believes she is destroying the book when she burns the cabin to the ground at the end of Evil DeadBut the book is seen lying on the grass in the final scene.


The Necronomicon

Evil Dead Rise (2023)

The Necronomicon in Evil Dead Rise is buried in the vault of a bank Under an apartment complex along with vinyl recordings of its passages. This book resembles the version found in the Evil Dead Remake, with veins in its binding rather than stitches, and pin-like teeth clamping it shut. After the book is opened, dark forces possess a young mother and put her children in danger. While her victims are thinking of killing her, they don't focus on destroying the book in order to ensure that it still remains in the apartment complex and can try people again.

The version of the Necronomicon in Evil Dead Rise is noteworthy because of the explanation his recorded passages give for the reasons why those possessed by his darkness do not kill their victims. with one line in come dead, The unpredictability of deadites is explained; They thrive on "chaos" and disorder. These entities seek to create this kind of environment around them through torture rather than simply disposing of their victims quickly. This explanation adds to the world-building of the Evil Dead Franchise and the lore of previous films that did not have a precise answer for Deadites' erratic behavior.

The evil death is a 1981 horror film starring Bruce Campbell and directed by Sam Raimi. The film follows Ash Williams, who after visiting a cabin in the woods, is tormented by the dead and must fight for his life after his friends are possessed. The evil death Not only did it start a long-running horror franchise, but it's also the film responsible for putting both Raimi and Campbell on the map as a director and actor, respectively.

Release date

September 10, 1981


Bruce Campbell, Allen Sandweiss, Richard DeManincore, Betsy Baker, Theresa Tilley, Philip A. Gillis

The third film in Sam Raimi's Evil Dead trilogy, Army of Darkness, is a horror comedy film that sees Bruce Campbell return to the role of Ash Williams. Sacked out of his timeline and thrown to 1300 AD, Ash is found and thrown into a pit after being believed to be a spy against King Arthur. After appearing and killing a supernatural deadite creature, Ash is released and told to return home; He must find the Necronomicon and dance with the dead again.

Release date

February 19, 1993

The Evil Dead franchise continues with Evil Dead Rise, a dark fantasy/horror film written and directed by Lee Cronin. The fifth entry in the Evil Dead named series follows two sisters, played by Alyssa Sutherland and Lily Sullivan, as they try to survive a demonic attack by a Deadite. Beth (Sullivan) heads on a road trip to visit her sister Ellie (Sutherland) and her children. However, when the Necronomicon is discovered in Eli's LA apartment building, the Deadites rise back from their demonic realm and begin to bring Hell back to Earth once again. Evil Dead Rise, initially an HBO Max streaming exclusive, instead arrived in theaters on April 21, 2023.


Lee Cronin

Release date

April 21, 2023


Alyssa Sutherland, Lily Sullivan, Gabriel Echols, Morgan Davies, Nell Fisher, Mia Challis