All 17 Supernatural Parallel Universes Explained

All 17 Supernatural Parallel Universes Explained

Just like many of the biggest franchises running today, Supernatural
Created a multiverse, but unlike the cinematic universes, most of the other worlds were explored in the main show. Considering the show's extraordinary run from 2005 to 2020, there was plenty of time to fill with stories spanning 327 episodes of Supernatural. While the show began with humble horror beginnings that saw it heavily into supernatural horror stories involving demons and terrifying monsters, it quickly evolved into an emotional and dramatic fantasy series revolving around two brothers.

Sam and Dean Winchester made Supernatural What it is, from the minute the duo appear on screen together until the emotional finale of season 15. However, over time, the brothers are faced with increasingly challenging enemies, including the aforementioned demons, then angels, and supernatural beings who are as old as time, and eventually, even God himself. And the action did not stand on the edge of their own reality either. In later seasons, beginning with season 6, the show began to introduce and mention the multiverse, with other worlds running parallel to their own.


Alternative Earth

Sam and Dean Winchester look confused in the episode The French Mistake

The first mention of another fact in Supernatural Came in season 6, episode 15, "The French Error." This introduction to the multiverse was perfect for SupernaturalHow it used the meta humor that the show did very well was to put Sam and Dean in the roles of Jared and Jensen. The world is mostly similar to Sam and Dean's, with one major exception being the fact that magic and supernatural beings do not exist here. It is clearly implied that Sam and Dean break into the real world occupied by the audience, as they step into the lives of the actors playing Sam and Dean on the show.


Apocalypse world

Supernatural Apocalypse World

Apocalypse world is more similar to the world occupied by Sam and Dean, and indeed both have the same story until 1973. At this point, John Wickchester was killed by Azazel, and Mary Campbell was made an offer to save his life, but she Refused. As a result, neither Sam nor Dean are born, and when the apocalypse comes with the Archangel Michael leading the charge, the world falls quickly. The world is a battlefield, with many cities completely destroyed, and an alternate version of Michael ruling the world with an iron fist.



The bad place

Supernatural Claire Novak Kaia Nieves Jody Mills Bad Place rift

Inside SupernaturalOn one of the occasions when Dean dies, he enters a large forest, full of monsters and deadly creatures. This was revealed to be Purgatory, and the alternate world, known as 'The Bad Place', is very similar to this world, except for the fact that there is a day and night cycle, while Purgatory is constantly in darkness. The Bad Place was only briefly seen in season 13, when Kaia Nieves was introduced. Kaia is a dreamwalker, capable of traveling through worlds, and she finds herself stuck in the bad place for two years, running from monsters to try to stay alive.


Yokoth & Glithur's world

Tentacles emerging from Yokoth and Glithur's world in Supernatural

Supernatural Season 13 does a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to introducing alternate worlds, as multiple episodes revolve around these mysterious places. In season 13, episode 17, "The Thing," another is revealed when Sam and Dean accidentally release an ancient and crude god known as Yokoth. Yokoth was a being who previously lived in a world where she and her partner, Glithur, destroyed galaxies and consumed all their reality. One of the men of letters on Sam and Dean's world opened a rift to bring the Destroyers over and cleanse the Earth, but they were ultimately separated and Yokoth trapped until decades later.


Earth 2

Supernatural's God points to Team Free Will on a TV screen on Earth 2

in Supernatural Season 15, Episode 12, "Galaxy Brain," God, aka Chuck, is seen living on Earth 2. This world is very similar to Sam and Dean's own world, but God fled here after escaping a trap set by Sam and Dean . It is here that God chooses to set up camp in a radio booth, watching many television screens and destroying each reality one by one. It takes time, so he spends weeks watching every reality meet its end on the monitors before finally destroying Earth 2 and making his way back to confront Sam and Dean.


HunterCorp World

Sam and Dean Winchester of HunterCorp in Supernatural

The Supernatural Episode that follows Chuck's destructive streak of wiping out entire worlds, "Destiny's Child," introduces yet another alternate world, but this time, a number of its inhabitants are able to escape from their world's explosive destruction. John Winchester of HunterCorp World was a wealthy businessman who set up a hunting company that became wildly successful. As a result, he spoiled his sons, Sam and Dean, and while they were 'hunters', they were nowhere near as experienced in actually fighting monsters as their alternate counterparts.



Scooby-doo universe

Animated Sam and Dean in Scooby Doo Supernatural Crossover

Briefly going back to season 13, there was one notable crossover that saw Sam and Dean transported into the world of another popular supernatural mystery show, Scooby-Doo. "Scoobynatural" sees Sam, Dean and Castiel transported into a television, where they join the Scooby gang. The world is the same as the one seen in Scooby-doo, where are you!And so, the Winchesters and Cass were transformed into animated characters. This world is only seen and remembered on TV, and a ghost child with psychic powers transports them in and out, which may mean that it is not one of the worlds created, or subsequently destroyed, by Chuck.


Supernatural: The Anime Series World

Sam and Dean are sitting in the car in Supernatural: The Animated Series

In another animated adventure, Sam and Dean Winchester were adapted into an anime series that was originally released in Japan, before being translated and released in the USA. Supernatural: The Anime Series Ran for one 22 episode season, with 12 adapted stories and 10 original adventures. This means that although there were similarities, this reality is clearly different from the events of the original, and looks like a different world entirely.


Monster Club Universe

Mary and John go with Lata and Carolos at the Winchesters

While The Winchesters Originally set up as a prequel spin-off that would explore the story of John Winchester and Mary Campbell's early romance, the short-lived series quickly forged its own path. In the first and only season released before the show was canceled, the Monster Club Universe, where John, Mary and their friends are faced with incredible threats, they prove themselves incredibly capable as they fight menacing world-ending monsters. The series has links to the original, but it is not the John and Mary Winchester that appear in the original series.


The Acrida Universe

Acrida the Winchesters

The most notable threat that the members of the monster club face is a monster known as the Acrida. This creature never appeared in SupernaturalAnd apparently, they weren't born in the Monster Club's own universe. Instead, the universe that the Acrida hail from is left mostly mysterious, but it was clearly a place that the creatures either fled, or left behind. Whether the Akrida destroyed their reality, like Yokoth and Glithur, or they wanted to find somewhere they could reign supreme is unclear, but they arrived in the Monster Club Universe, and fought the Monster Club.



Sam becomes Lucifer's ship world

Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer and Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester in Supernatural

From here on out, the universes mentioned below have incredibly limited information as they are only briefly mentioned in the show, and most are never seen. In one alternate world, Sam chooses to give in to Lucifer, after discovering he is destined to be the Archangel's vessel. Once Lucifer claims Sam's body as his own, he kills Dean. Why Dean isn't inhabited by Michael, as he was intended to be in Sam and Dean's own reality is unclear, but Dean doesn't give up without a fight, and tries to shoot Sam/Lucifer with the Colt, but it ultimately fails to Stop him.


Dean the Knight of Hellworld

Dean Mark of Cain in Supernatural

On the other side, in another universe, Dean becomes a knight of hell, trained by Cain himself and sent into the world to cause chaos and destruction. Presumably, this happens after Dean dies and goes to Hell, where he is eventually given the opportunity to torture others instead of being tortured. Dean clearly impresses the leaders below, as he is promoted, given the Mark of Kane, and sent into the world to kill Sam with the first blade.


Demon Sam kills Dean Welt

Jared Padalecki as demon Sam Winchester smirking in Supernatural

Once again, reversing the age-old narrative, there is a universe where Sam is completely corrupted by the demon blood he was given as a baby, and he proceeds to kill Dean. in Supernatural Season 2, Sam finds out that he was fed demon blood when he was a baby by Azazel. The blood continued to give Sam supernatural powers, such as telekinesis, and made him part demon. However, while the show Sam overcomes this predicament, the alternate universe tells a very different story.


Opposite world

Supernatural Season 2 Episode 20

Go all in the opposite ideology, there is a whole universe where everything is opposite. The world is only ever mentioned, and there is no real explanation of how or why things are reversed. Even the actual meaning of reverse in this context is ambiguous, with it not being discussed whether the timeline is reversed and time works backwards, or that literally everything is reversed. Either way, this is one of the more strange and invisible worlds mentioned in Supernatural.



No yellow world

Rowena holding a purple bag in Supernatural.

Clearly, as God Chuck was getting bored and running out of ideas, he began to create increasingly strange and unnecessary worlds. One of these was simply a world where the color yellow does not exist. Whether he went through the full spectrum of color and created multiple realities with different color scales is unclear, but it is definitely a world with no yellow.


The world where Sam and Dean become vampires

Jensen Ackles as vampire Dean in Supernatural

In one supernatural spin-off world, Sam and Dean both find themselves transformed into monsters. This fact is seen in the background on TV in "Galaxy Brain." How the brothers are turned and if they have more of their friends and family is not shown. But probably, if the Winchesters were reversed, they would make formidable creatures of the night.


Squirrel World

Apocalypse world rift in Supernatural season 12

Again, Chuck proves how boring and mundane life has become for the eternal being when he created a world that is entirely populated by squirrels. Apparently he means squirrels like those that exist everywhere else, but if so, there are no prey animals, and it is simply a world with squirrels and plant life. Honestly, of all Chuck's creations, this sounds like one of the most peaceful and enjoyable to watch at all Supernatural.