All 15 Autobots, Maximals and Terrorcons

All 15 Autobots, Maximals and Terrorcons

Transformers: Rise of the BeastsThe Autobots are joined by even more exciting Transformers in the form of the heroic Maximals and villainous Decepticons, forming a huge ensemble of robots in disguise. Rise of the Beasts this is a sequel to the 2018 film Bumblebeesubsequently serving as a soft reboot of Michael Bay's previous five films. Transformers movies. As a result, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts moved away from the proven conflict between Autobots and Decepticons.

The Autobots are back Transformers: Rise of the Beastshowever, with a new ally in the person of the Maximals. When the Autobots fight the Decepticons in all five of Bay's games. Transformers movies and Bumblebee, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts also deviates from the franchise formula by focusing on the Terrorcons as its villains, with Megatron nowhere to be seen. There are many different characters included in the game: Autobots, Maximals and Terrorcons. Transformers: Rise of the Beastsincluding a new antagonist for the upcoming live action Transformers movies.


The Autobots were the main characters Transformers row since the franchise's inception in the 1980s. They have appeared in a variety of media, from toys Transformers to animated films and TV series of the 80-90s and live-action series, starting with “Bay”. Transformers in 2007. As expected, the Autobots return to Transformers: Rise of the Beastsmarking the faction's next live-action appearance before they are seen again in the animated world with Transformers One.


Optimus Prime

Vehicle Shape: Large Rig Truck

Once again Optimus Prime will lead the Autobots in battle. Prime has been the leader of the faction since the beginning of the franchise, serving as a heroic and caring Autobot commander dedicated to fighting the evil Decepticons and various other enemies. IN Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Prime returns as leader of the Transformers in a conflict against a new enemy, the Terrorcons, on Earth in the 1990s.

His goal is also to collect an ancient key that will help the Autobots return to their home on Cybertron. Optimus Prime, once again donning his red and blue semi-truck uniform, is voiced by the iconic Peter Cullen in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts who began voicing the character back in the 1980s. There is also a scene in the film where Optimus's "unmasked" face is seen, and this image was modeled after Cullen himself.



Car Shape: Chevrolet Camaro

After the 2007 film, it can be argued that the most popular Transformer after Optimus Prime is Bumblebee, who returns in Transformers: Beast Catch. Bumblebee was one of the main characters Transformers franchise since its inceptionespecially showcased in the Michael Bay films and its own spin-off in 2018. Bumblebee.

The Autobot transforms into a black and yellow Chevrolet Camaro and is the scout who calls the rest of the Autobots to Earth after the events Bumblebee, setting Rise of the Beasts. Like in Bay's films Rise of the Beasts there is a voiceless Bumblebee. In this film, Bumblebee is killed by Scourge early on, leading to one of the franchise's most emotional moments. However, he returns later when the key is used and helps turn the tide of the climactic battle, further establishing him as a hero.



Car shape: 911 Carrera RS 3.8

“Mirage” is one of the new additions to the live action. Transformers films among Rise of the Beasts Autobots, which happens a lot in these movies as the team is rarely consistent. Although it is taken directly from various animated films Transformers shows and movies, it's a little different in this movie. Mirage is an Autobot spy with the ability to project other versions of herself to confuse and distract her enemies.which allowed him to become an expert in spy work.

IN Transformers: Rise of the BeastsMirage is voiced by Pete Davidson and the character befriends Noah Diaz (Anthony Ramos) during the battle against the Terrorcons. Although he is not one of the two main heroic Autobots, his role in the film is pivotal and he becomes part of a fun post-credits scene where he transforms in front of Rick, a man who had no idea Transformers existed.



Vehicle Shape: Ducati MotorcycleArcee aims a gun and holds onto a car in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.

Arcee is a female Autobot voiced by Liza Koshy. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. Among the Autobots Arcee is a sniper who can transform into a red and white Ducati motorcycle.. This allows her to stand out from other Autobots, who mostly transform into cars or other four-wheeled vehicles. Like Mirage Rise of the Beasts This is Arcee's first live-action appearance. Transformersafter lengthy appearances in earlier series and films.

Arcee is commonly referred to as the most famous female Autobot due to her frequent appearances. The character is shown to be extremely loyal to Optimus Prime and the Autobots, fighting to the end alongside his comrades and Maximals. She was originally supposed to debut in 2007. Transformers movie, but it was shelved due to potential confusion over how a female Transformer could exist (via Slash movie).



Vehicle shape: Volkswagen Minivan

Close-up of Wheeljack wearing glasses from Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.

Wheeljack is the Autobots' leading scientist and mechanic in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, This is not a new position on the team. Wheeljack somewhat takes over Ratchet's role from before. Transformers game films that served the same purpose, further proving that these teams are inconsistent. However, Wheeljack is known for inventing new weapons and gadgets in other media, so this role suits him.

IN Rise of the beasts Wheeljack is voiced by Cristo Fernandez and transforms into a brown and white Volkswagen minivan. The character has a humorous interaction with Ramos' Noah due to the Autobot's Latino accent and Noah's similar upbringing, which helps them bond. Wheeljack is also the character that the teams find in the temple in Peru where they find the key.



Vehicle Shape: Heavy Jet

The stratosphere flies over the hills in Trtransformers Rise of the Beasts

The last Autobot to appear in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts this is the stratosphere. This Autobot is an air soldier who provides transportation for the rest of the Autobots. in their adventure as the character usually transforms into a cargo plane. This is a new concept in feature films and makes sense given the size of the team and the distance they have to travel.

To find the key to a secret temple in Peru, the protagonists and other Autobots board the Stratsophere to reach the location. He doesn't do much else in terms of plot or get much character development as these minor Autobot members often do, but he is part of the climactic battle. IN Rise of the BeastsStratosphere is voiced by longtime John DiMaggio Transformers voice actor.


Transformers: Rise of the Beasts sees the Maximals' first inclusion in live action Transformers. In the original Beast Wars cartoon - on which Rise of the Beasts has a free base - The Maximals were descendants of the Autobots. They were then transported to prehistoric Earth, where they fought in a war against a faction of Transformers called the Predacons. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts sees the Maximals hiding on Earth in the 1990s before teaming up with Optimus Prime and the Autobots.


Optimus Primal

Animal Shape: Gorilla

Optimus Primal - leader and the most powerful of the Maximals. As his similar name to the Autobot leader hints, Optimus Primal is part of a line descended from the common people, albeit within the Maximal faction. This character was the main character Beast Wars: Transformers animated series from the 90s and served the same role as Optimus. To compete with the commanding and iconic voice of Peter Cullen, Optimus Primal is voiced by Ron Perlman. Rise of the Beasts.

The character can transform into a western lowland gorilla, known as Primal's beast form. Rise of the Beasts pays more attention to Optimus Primal than the other Maximals, describing his history, time on Earth, and connection to humans. Primal also plays a key role: he kills the corrupted Airrazor when Scourge captures it, and saves Optimus Prime from sacrificing himself at the end of the film.



Animal Shape: Peregrine Falcon

Another Maximal participating in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts This is Airazor. Character can turn into a peregrine falcon, that is, he often serves as a sentinel for the Maximals. before battle, but is also the faction's main warrior during conflicts. Airazor's first live-action appearance is brought to life by the iconic Michelle Yeoh, who voices the character first introduced in Beast Wars.

Except Optimus Primal. Airazor gets the most screen time in Rise of the Beasts of the Maximals, serving as the emotional center of the team. She is also the character who helps unite the two factions and plays a role in introducing these characters to the audience. This connection makes it even more disturbing when Airrazor is corrupted by the villainous Scourge and must be killed by Primal, making it one of the most emotional scenes.



Animal Shape: Cheetah

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts also includes Cheetor as a member of the Maximal faction. Judging by the character's name, Cheetor's bestial form is a cheetah, capable of incredible speed.. Cheetor is a character who doesn't have as long and storied a history as some other characters like Optimus Prime or Arcee, but he was a key character in Beast Wars: Transformers 90's cartoon series.

In this series, the character was somewhat of a newcomer who gets on the nerves of his older colleagues, but grows throughout the series and eventually gets promoted. Cheetor is missing in this aspect Transformers: Rise of the Beats as he is more of a supporting character than anything else. However, Cheetor proves his worth as he serves as a scout for the Maximals and is voiced by Tongai Chirisa.



Animal Shape: Rhinoceros

Another Transformer as part of Maximal Transformers: Rise of the Beasts This is Rhinox. Again, as the name suggests, Rhinox's bestial form is a white rhinoceros.. IN Rise of the BeastsRhinox serves as a commando for the Maximals, whose enormous size and brute strength allow him to carry out missions in small strike teams with relative ease. This makes him the muscle of the team, which is impressive considering they already have Optimus Primal on their roster.

David Sobolov voices Rhinox in Rise of the Beasts voice acting, one of three characters Sobolov voices in the film. However, he ultimately does not speak in the finished film. IN Beast Wars: TransformersRhinox had another role as the team's technical expert, who also served as Optimus Primal's second-in-command for most of the story.



Animal Shape: Gorilla

Apelink with his sharp hands in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

First scene Transformers: Rise of the Beasts The action takes place on the home world of the Maximals. Unfortunately, the world is destroyed by Unicron, forcing Optimus Primal and his allies to flee. One Maximal that is left behind is Apelink, another Transformer who can transform into a gorilla.. Apelink is the second character voiced by Sobolov to give his life to apprehend Scourge while his Maximal allies escape to find refuge on Earth.

Apelinq was created after the success Beast Machines: Transformers A fictional series created for the annual Transformers convention BotCon. When he sacrifices himself at the beginning of the film, he is actually the leader of the Maximals, and after his death it appears that Optimus Primal has taken his place. Although his transformation is similar to Optimus Primal, Apelink has the unique ability to also grow retractable blades on his arms.


Take on the role of Decepticons live Transformers For Rise of the Beasts These are Terrorcons. In the original Transformers knowledge, Terrorcons were a type of Decepticon. who were often considered less dangerous than their colleagues. Rise of the Beasts however, it introduces a new perspective on the Terrorcons, who are the main antagonists of the film.



Vehicle Shape: Custom Peterbilt 359

leader of the Terrorcons Transformers: Rise of the Beasts this is the Scourge. Scourge is a bounty hunter working for Unicron who is often sent to do his master's bidding, further proving how important and powerful Unicron is. After destroying his enemies, Scourge tends to remove their emblems by grafting them onto his body, making him more of a trophy hunter than a bounty hunter.

Judging by the symbols of the Autobots, Maximals, and other Transformers factions, Scourge's trophy hunting methods make him one of Unicron's most formidable lackeys, able to stand toe-to-toe with Optimus Prime throughout the film. It transforms into a black semi-trailer, adding to its impressive appearance. In the previous Transformers iterations, he also played a second-in-command role similar to Galvatron. The main villain, marking a change from the often used Megatron, Scourge is voiced by Peter Dinklage.


Night bird

Car shape: 1995 Nissan Skyline GT-R.

Nightbird with his katana in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Nightbird is the Terrorcons' second-in-command, reporting directly to Scourge. Ninja-like warrior Nightbird has the ability to transform into a Nissan Skyline GTR.. Her Transformer form allows her to have many weapons, including katanas-like weapons which she uses against the Maximals and Autobots during battle. This allows him to stand out from the rest of the Transformers when he is in battle, since no one else uses such weapons.

Nightbird is voiced by Michaela Hae Rodriguez, making Rodriguez the first transgender actress in the franchise's history to voice a character. In previous stories, Nightbird was not actually a Transformer, but was simply a robotic ninja who was at some point stolen by the Decepticons and reprogrammed, making her the main antagonist. The changes made in this film made it easier for the character to fit into the story.



Alternate Shape: Planet

Eye of Unicron in Transformers: Rise of Beasts

Unicron, voiced by Colman Domingo, is introduced in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts How new franchise antagonist. Unicron has a simple goal - the destruction of the Earth, which is the norm for the character. It's always been a planet-sized Transformer that ate other planets, even going back to the 80's animated film.

Scourge, along with his army of Predacons and Terrorcons, are how he plans to achieve his goal, and are merely pawns in Unicron's long-term plan. Fortunately, the Autobots and Maximals manage to stop Unicron, although the threat from him has not disappeared. Unicron is huge and can turn into a planet. The character was teased in 2017 Transformers: The Last Knight but since there was no direct sequel to this film, it was put on hold until this take on the franchise arrived.


Combat trap

Vehicle Shape: GMC C70 Tow Truck

Battletrap in action in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Member of the Terrorcons group Transformers: Rise of the Beasts called Battletrap and is the third and final character voiced by David Sobolov in the film. Battletrap transforms into a brown tow truck and is the main fighter of the Terrorcons. He is a powerful fighter who is often used as the main source of muscle besides the Scourge in many of the film's fight scenes.

However, in a movie with so many Transformers, not all of them get significant character development. Battletrap is one of those who acts more like a mercenary or henchman than anything else. As such, Battletrap is a formidable, if underutilized, Terrorcon. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. Although he was given more opportunities to work in other Transformers media, his bloodthirsty nature and fighting skills made him a perfect candidate for a smaller role.

Which movie has the most Transformers?

Every Transformers The film introduces several new live-action Transformers franchises. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts definitely ranks among the Transformers films with the most newcomers thanks to the inclusion Beast Wars characters. However this is not Transformers the film with the most Transformers. Actually, Rise of the Beast in fact, it features the smallest number of screen-transporters in the franchise.

Transformers Movie

Year of issue

Number of transformers




Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen



Transformers: Dark of the Moon



Transformers: Age of Extinction



Transformers: The Last Knight






Transformers: Rise of the Beasts



Transformers movie with the most Transformers - 2009 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallenwhich has a total of 53 individual transformers. This includes some elements used for humorous purposes, such as the various appliances that transform when All Spark falls through Sam Witwicky's ceiling into the kitchen, but they don't make up nearly the majority of the extensive roster of Autobots and Decepticons. .

However, this peak came very early in the franchise. Except The Last Knight in 2017, Transformers Fewer and fewer individual Transformers gradually appeared in the films. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts it may have seemed like it was crowded with new Transformers, but in reality it was far from overly ambitious when it came to attracting as many Autobots, Decepticons, and any other Cybertronians of any possible faction as possible.