All 14 sculpted deaths, ranked by brutality

All 14 sculpted deaths, ranked by brutality

Warning: Spoilers for Hulu's Carved.

Hulu's dark horror comedy Carved has a unique killer, but despite the silliness of the character and premise, there are some pretty brutal deaths. In 2018, Justin Harding's short film Carved It won the Huluween short film festival and now, six years later, it has a feature film adaptation. Carved takes viewers back to Halloween 1993 at Cedar Creek Pioneer Village, a “living museum” in Maine with special activities for everyone to celebrate Halloween, including a play and a carving contest.

When a local resident finds a strange and unusually large pumpkin, he takes it to the village and his friend decides to use it for the carving contest. However, This is a mutant pumpkin and it comes to life during the contestready for revenge. The killer pumpkin targets competitors and proves to be a much more intelligent and cruel threat than it seems, as it hears everything, uses various objects as weapons and grows branches and tendrils to kill. As a result, Carved has a high kill count, but there is one death that the killer pumpkin is not responsible for.



Barbara was Kira's friend and was part of the theater group

The group of survivors in Carved was led by Kira (Elizabeth Peyton Lee), a young playwright and leader of the village theater group. Among them was Barbara (Carla Jimenez), a friend of Kira who also worked as a director. Bárbara did not participate in the sculpture competition, so in theory she should have been spared by the killer pumpkin – unfortunately, Barbara was not expected to survive the chaotic events of Halloween 1993 in the village. Kira, her boyfriend Cody (Corey Fogelmanis), her brother Trevor (Wyatt Lindner) and Barbara found a way to escape when they came across the Corn Wagon, so they boarded it and drove away.

However, sleeping inside the wagon was Clint (Matty Cardarople), son of the corn wagon owner. Clint was very high and thought everyone was joking about the killer pumpkin, and told them to back off and let him drive the corn wagon before they destroyed it. However, the killer pumpkin caught up with them and Clint crashed the wagon. Bárbara was seriously injured, with a knife in her chestand after a few last words to Kira, she passed away beside the wagon.


Clint's father

Clint's father owned the corn wagon

Carved in 2024 Clint's father with his rifle

Clint's father (Chris Elliott) owned the Corn Wagon and had some strict rules for Clint about driving the Wagon. Clint's dad didn't show up much Carvedexcept when he was fixing the wagon at the beginning and in the third act when Kira ran to his farm for help. Clint's father was pointing his shotgun at Kira, thinking she was an intruder, but when she told him what was happening, he simply laughed at the absurdity of the story.

When the killer pumpkin appeared behind Kira, Clint's father understood that she wasn't joking, especially since the pumpkin was using Clint's body as a puppet. Clint's father tried to shoot the pumpkin, but the pumpkin was, once again, smarter and took the shotgun and redirected it at Clint's father's headshooting him and killing him instantly.



Wes took the pumpkin to the contest

The killer pumpkin's first victim was Clint's friend and Corn Wagon colleague Wes (Jackson Kelly). Wes was already high when Clint arrived in the wagon with the pumpkin and asked Clint if he could take the pumpkin to the carving contest, and Clint didn't object. Since it was already flying high, it took Wes a little longer to start carving, but the pumpkin reacted quickly when Wes was about to start. The pumpkin grew tendrils with which it grabbed Wes's wrists, preventing him from using the knife, and some thin branches through which it literally penetrated Wes' skin.

With the help of another tendril, the killer pumpkin grabbed Wes' head and tilted it back, and used Wes's own hand with the knife to slit Wes's throat. It is not shown whether the pumpkin decapitated Wes, so it is implied that it slit his throat and left him bleeding on the floor. As tall as Wes was at that moment, it was still a very painful death.


Anonymous contestants and AJ's cameraman

Killer Pumpkin got creative really fast

Wes' death was just a warm-up for the killer pumpkin, who immediately went after the contestants alongside Wes. First it was the guy to Wes' left, who the pumpkin decapitated with its tendrilfollowed by the contestant on Wes' right, who the pumpkin immobilized by stabbing his hands into the table and then pulling his hair back and scalping him. Then another competitor ran away, but the pumpkin grabbed a knife and threw it at him, stabbing him in the face.

While some of these deaths were somewhat creative, they are less shocking and impactful to the story than others.

Another contestant (Claire, according to Bárbara) was also caught by the pumpkin while running away. While she was hanging upside down, the pumpkin wrapped her tentacles around her, and although Carved It doesn't show what happened to her, parts of his body flew towards Trevor. Next up was AJ's cameraman, who was stabbed by the pumpkin's tendril in the back of the neck and head, killing him instantly. While some of these deaths were somewhat creative, they are less shocking and impactful to the story than others.



Arthur died unexpectedly

Among the initial group of survivors was Arthur (Ted Ferguson), a war veteran who tried to use his war experience to keep himself and the rest safe - the only problem was that Arthur was also visibly affected by the war, and at times he didn't make much sense. Still, Arthur did his best to help and stop the rest (mostly Shane) from fighting, which only made his death sadder. While hiding in a barn and trying to understand what was going on, Arthur talked about how they had to stay calm and together when the killer pumpkin heard him.

The pumpkin opened the barn door slightly and attacked Arthur with a tendril. The pumpkin stabbed Arthur and cut into his abdomen, leaving some of his organs to fall out.. Unfortunately, the rest were only able to cover his body with a blanket and had to move on as the killer pumpkin knew they were hiding there.



AJ just wanted to take advantage of the village's previous tragedy

The preferred method of killing the killer pumpkin was stabbing with its tendrils.and used it again with AJ (Elvis Nolasco). AJ was a reporter covering the Halloween events in the village, but he kept bringing up the chemical spill even though Bill (DJ Qualls) told him they wouldn't talk about it. AJ had no respect for Bill and the village, and even tried to use the killer pumpkin's murder spree to his advantage and present himself as a hero, but failed miserably.

AJ picked up the camera his companion dropped and tried to find and kill the pumpkin while filming all of this. Of course, the pumpkin was much smarter and caught AJ by surprise, stabbing him in the back. The pumpkin lifted AJ and stabbed him repeatedly with another tendril holding knife before wrapping a tendril around his neck and decapitating him.



Bill died trying to save Kevin

Bill was the general manager of the village, so as the organizer of everything, the pumpkin had him on its list. Bill remained safe for the most part Carved until Kevin (Marc Sully Saint-Fleur) made an honest mistake with the walkie-talkies that made the pumpkin realize they were tricking her. Knowing that the pumpkin was going after Kevin, Bill left the group and ran to Kevin's hideout, where they faced the killer pumpkin together.

This death is especially cruel because Bill and Kevin were a couple, so the pumpkin not only figuratively ripped out Bill's heart when he killed Kevin, but also literally did it.

The first to be killed was Kevin, and the pumpkin used his favorite method of killing Bill, but with a bloody twist. The pumpkin stabbed Bill in the back with one of its tendrils, but ripped out his heart in the process.dropping it next to Kevin's head. This death is especially cruel because Bill and Kevin were a couple, so the pumpkin not only figuratively ripped out Bill's heart when he killed Kevin, but also literally did it.



Kevin really fought to survive

Kevin was caught by the pumpkin before he could reach the barn where the group first hid, and is believed to have been killed. However, Bill and the others were surprised when Kevin contacted them via Bill's walkie-talkie, saying he was hiding in another building. Kevin was seriously injured in one of his legs, but did what he could to help the rest, throwing walkie-talkies all over the village to distract the pumpkin.

Kevin's death is not shown, but is heard over one of the walkie-talkies.

As mentioned above, an honest mistake he made brought the pumpkin to him, and not even Bill could help him. Kevin's death is not shown, but it is heard over one of the walkie-talkies, and it was quite brutal. The killer pumpkin cut off Kevin's headand probably tortured him in other ways too, all in front of Bill.



Shane's death was a result of his ego

Shane (Jonah Lees) was part of Kira's theater group, but he was very loud, aggressive and didn't follow the rules. As much as everyone told him to lower his voice and shut up, Shane was too loud, and this almost led to them getting caught by the killer pumpkin. Shane didn't care about anyone but himself, and that mentality is what led to his horrible death. When Cody finally got the keys to his truck, the remaining survivors ran to the truck, but when Cody struggled to open the door, Shane pushed him away and tried it himself.

There was an extra level of torture in Shane's death.

The killer pumpkin arrived and stopped Shane from opening the door, wrapping its tentacles around his neck and wrists, cutting off his right hand. The pumpkin then placed Shane's bloody right arm across his throat, choking him.. There was an extra level of torture to Shane's death, which could have been a result of all the mocking he did and which the pumpkin definitely heard.



Clint died a very graphic death

The most brutal death of Carved It's definitely Clint's. After crashing the corn cart, Clint was caught by the pumpkin and dragged out of his house, which was decorated with carved pumpkins. Clint tried and failed to save himself by telling the killer pumpkin that they love pumpkins and that carving them was a form of celebration. Of course, the killer pumpkin didn't fall for it and got right in Clint's face.

When Kira was with Clint's father, the killer pumpkin used Clint's headless body as a puppetand his father accidentally blew off his arm while trying to shoot the pumpkin. The end of Carved takes one last look at the carved pumpkins, and next to them is Clint's head with no eyes, nose, and lips, and a tendril coming out of his eye.

`In 1993, after a nuclear disaster, the staff of a historic village must defend themselves from a vengeful killer pumpkin on Halloween.


Justin Harding

Release date

October 21, 2024


Peyton Elizabeth Lee, Corey Fogelmanis, Wyatt Lindner, Carla Jimenez, Sasha Mason, Jonah Lees, DJ Qualls, Marc-Sully Saint-Fleur, Elvis Nolasco, Matthew Cardarople, Jackson Kelly, Chris Elliott