The Star Wars Galaxy is full of some very dangerous crime syndicates. Operating across an expansive galaxy-wide underworld, several criminal groups rose to power (and thrived during the Imperial era). At the same time, many of these syndicates were eventually replaced by others heading into the New Republic era and beyond.
Palpatine had his galactic empire that allowed him to rule the galaxy for decades. However, the galactic underworld was an entirely different matter. Some syndicates were ruled by those who sometimes worked with the Imperials, while others made major moves to eliminate not only their rival syndicates, but also the Empire itself. To that end, here's every major crime syndicate in Star Wars Skywalker Saga.
Crimson Dawn
Led by Maul, then Kira
Rising to power just before the end of the Clone Wars, Crimson Dawn was created by the former Darth Maul to serve his interests in the criminal underworld. Dryden Vos served as the initial public face of the organization, while Maul himself became the shadow leader of four other major syndicates. This gave Maul a large amount of power he intended to use against Palpatine, his former Sith master.
Mal kept Crimson Dawn and the rest of the "Five Crime Syndicates" in line and under control for years. However, the syndicates quickly became rivals once again after Maul was stranded on Malachor and was eventually killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine just before the events of A new hope (See in Star Wars Rebels). As mentioned, Lady Kiera took over Crimson Dawn in the wake of Maul's death (killed as seen in Solo: A Star Wars Story).
Intending to finish what Maul could not, Qi'ra sought to rid the galaxy of the Sith by igniting a major Syndicate war between Episodes V-VI, the events of which can be seen in both Marvel's canonical. Star Wars Comics and Star Wars: Outlaws. While Qi'ra nearly succeeded in defeating both Palpatine and Darth Vader, she ultimately failed with Crimson Dawn falling apart near the end of the Galactic Civil War and the beginning of the New Republic Era (although she lived to see the Empire's fall).
The Hat Clan
Bigger than Jabba himself
Jabba the Hutt's criminal empire on Tatooine was only part of a much larger criminal enterprise controlled by the Hutt Clan. Also a member of Maul's five crime syndicates, the Hats exist in the Star Wars Timeline as one of the oldest crime syndicates, which is largely due to the impressive life of the hat itself. Led by his ruling Grand Hutt Council on Nar Shadaa, the Hutts have a hand in smuggling and all sorts of illegal and illicit business activities, and also maintain control of various hyperspace lanes.
The Hutts are often allied with the Empire to help keep smaller criminal enterprises in line. However, Crimson Dawn's interference between Episodes V-VI saw Darth Vader kill the Hutt Council, leaving Jabba alone as the sole ruler of the entire Hutt Clan. Once Jabba himself died in the hands of Princess Leia Return of the JediThe Hutt clan began to rapidly decline heading into the New Republic era.
the pikes
Controlling the space mines of Kessel
The third major member of Maul's five crime syndicates, the Fakes' wealth and power was built on the back of his impressive spice production based on the planet Kessel. However, the planet Oba Diah served as the home world of the Pikes themselves. While the Pikes are notably featured in The Clone Wars As part of Maul's Shadow Collective, they were also featured in live action for the first time in Solo: A Star Wars Story.
in The Book of Boba FettThe Pykes formed a major rivalry with Boba Fett after they tried to claim the deceased Jabba's possessions on Tatooine Fett had already claimed for himself. Ultimately, Fat and his allies were able to drive the Pikes and their spice operations off Tatooine altogether. While they would supposedly continue operating during the New Republic, it has been suggested that their power has diminished in the new era.
The Crimorah
A group of powerful crime families
A lesser known faction of Maul's five crime syndicates, The Karimura was still a force to be reckoned with. Comprised of multiple species and crime families that allied together as one large network, the Crimorah was an impressive organization that was largely responsible for giving Jabba the Hutt his position on the Grand Hutt Council. The Krimorah also served the Empire, providing underworld intelligence as needed and also serving as emissaries with the various other syndicates on the Empire's behalf.
Black sun
rose to power during the Clone Wars
Largely led by the species known as the Fallen, Black Sun came into power during the Clone Wars as the Jedi Order began focusing less on the underworld and more on the war where they served as the Republic's generals and commanders. Also part of Maul's five crime syndicates, Black Son was essentially forced to join Maul after many of their leaders were killed by Savage Oppress.. Black Sun had major operations on both Mustafar and Ard Mantel, one of the most prominent operations being Sentient Traffic.
During the New Republic era, Black Sun attempted to bribe various senators to prolong the Galactic Civil War in order to maintain wartime profits. However, they ultimately failed. Black Sun was originally created in the previous Legends continuity, and was brought back in the official Star Wars Canon thanks to The Clone Wars Animated series.
Sun-twelfth pride
The secret sixth member of Maul's five crime syndicates
While much smaller, The Sun-TV Pride is often considered to be the secret sixth member of Maul's syndicates. The pride, which is made up of various species, cruelly killed its own members in the face of failure. The Sun-TV Pride also found themselves targeted by the Empire and Darth Vader himself shortly after the Battle of Yavin. They were also present at the Crimson Dawn auction, where Qi'ra was selling Han Solo frozen in carbonite to the highest bidder, the beginning of the original trilogy Syndicate War, and survived into the New Republic era.
Ashiga clan
Weapons manufacturing on Kijimi
The Ashiga clan is a new syndicate created for the Star Wars: Outlaws Video game. Based in Kijimi, the Ashiga clan was led by the Melitto with origins dating back to the High Republic era. All of their operations (such as weapons manufacturing) are based around their hierarchical hive led by Queen Ashiga between Episodes V-VI. While Queen Ashiga sought to work with the Empire to expand their own operations, her own daughter opposed these goals and led a coup against her, one who is supported by Lady Kira and Crimson Dawn to sow more chaos in the underworld.
Zerk Bash
harboring a dark secret
Warning! This section contains spoilers for Star Wars: OutlawsAs seen in Outlaws, Zerk Besh seemingly emerged during the Galactic Civil War. Led by Sliro Barsha, Zerk Besh has great influence and resources. However, the syndicate was in fact a covert operation by the Imperial Security Bureau, of which Sliro was a member. Using Zerek Bash, Bersha was able to obtain intelligence on the various syndicates for the Empire, while also hunting down members of the Rebel Alliance.
Droid Gotra
Replacing the Crimorah
Originally serving as enforcers for the Crimorah, The droid gotra eventually came into its own as a major organization during the New Republic and beyond. Originally, the Droid Gotra were meant to serve as key antagonists for the canceled Star Wars game 1313Although they lived on in the canon, they exist as former separatist droids supporting droid rights that are unhappy with the Empire abandoning them after the end of the Clone Wars. As such, it would not be surprising if owners' Freed commando droid ND-5 has trouble with the Gotra.
Guavian death gear
Cybernetic enforcers
First published in the power grows, And unhappy with Han Solo who benefited from them, Members of the Guavian Death Gear were given red cybernetic armor as well as chemicals that helped increase their strength and aggression. They are also featured in the animated series Star Wars Resistance. Along with the Son-tuul Pride, it was said that the Guavian Death Gang replaced Crimson Dawn during the New Republic.
Originated from the Hutt clans
Kanjiklub also debuted in The Force AwakensConfronting Han Solo who owes them money. Conjiclub, made up of former Hutt Clan slaves, are major rivals to the Guavian Death Gang during the New Republic Eraand came into its own as a major syndicate in the wake of the Pikes and Hats decline. The early years of their leader, Tatsu Lich, are also featured in Marvel's canonical Bounty hunters Series.
Red Key Raiders
Emerged in the New Republic era
Originally posing as the more legitimate Red Key Mining Company, The Red Key Raiders emerged in the wake of Jabab's death, and even took credit for the Hutt's death for quite some time.. Not only did they work with Black Sun to try and prolong the Galactic Civil War, but they also tried to take over areas of Tatooine such as Mos Pelgo, turning it into a slave town. However, they were ultimately driven away by Marshall Cobb Wall who had discovered (and used) Boba Fett's armor (as seen in The Mandalorian). Nevertheless, they continued to serve as a major syndicate during the New Republic Era.
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