All 12 Bridles & Saddles in Zelda: TOTC, Ranked

All 12 Bridles & Saddles in Zelda: TOTC, Ranked

A mainstay in the U.S Legend of Zelda series, horses make a reappearance in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the KingdomWhich features many horse equipment customization options, but none more important than Link's choice of saddle and bridle. To accessorize a seed, Link must earn Pony Points. This new form of currency is gained when Link registers his horse at any of Hyrule's many stables or when he lodges in stable accommodation. When Link has accumulated a satisfactory amount of Pony Points, he can exchange them, in a stable, for Saddles, bridles and other customization options.

There are many horses in it Tears of the kingdomIncluding unique ones such as Zelda's golden horse. Getting a seizure is a relatively easy task; Link must find a horse, mount it, tame it, and then register it in a stable. Once he has a trusted seed, Link will be able to earn Pony Points and accessorize his girlfriend companion. While all of the game's saddles and bridles are visually interesting, some are cooler than others.


The stable bridle is basic but functional

It is included with the first horse

The default shortcut available in Tears of the kingdom Is a perfectly fine way to customize a horse for traveling around Hyrule, however It's not particularly appealing compared to others on the list. The brick is gifted to the player when paying the first registration fee for a horse, which makes it suitable for early game. Both the brick and saddle of the stable set are "locally made," according to the description.


The brick doesn't really add anything to the horse, since It's a purely cosmetic upgrade. However, because it is so basic, most players quickly move on from the default stable curb. Building Pony Points is a good way to earn more interesting horse gear.


The stable saddle is more visually appealing

Two horses don't make the saddle

Just like the stable bridle, the stable saddle is Gifted to the player when they first register their horse. Visually, it is more interesting than the matching brick, thanks to its bright colors and tassels. For an easy-to-buy early-game, it's more than adequate for starters Tears of the kingdom Adventures.

There are two horses that do not get the stable saddle: Epona and the Giant Horse. This is because the two horses come with their own default saddles when Link acquires them. Like all the saddles and bridles, players can obtain this at any of the stables around Hyrule.


The traveler's saddle is functional

It is said to be comfortable and well-made

Bundled with the Traveler's Bridle for a total of 13 Pony Points, the Traveler's Saddle is a relatively simplistic customization option. The Traveler's saddle is an aesthetically basic brown saddle. In terms of comfort, it's certainly an upgrade over any saddle, but it's visually uninteresting.

Although it is not ornate or particularly appealing, the traveler's saddle has some lore going for it. According to its in-game description, it is well-constructed, reasonably comfortable for long journeys, and an appropriate choice for Hyrulean adventurers and explorers in any weather or climate.


The traveler's bridle has a very simple design

It didn't quite match his saddle

The Traveler's Bridle can be purchased from a stable for 13 Pony Points. This brick is a fairly nondescript and basic option for horse customization. The traveler's bridle is a standard brown leather bridle with A design that does not stand out And appears to be more practical than attractive, ornate or impressive.


The bridle is also visually similar to the most basic stable bridle. It doesn't quite match the level of decor of its matching saddle, which puts it lower on the list of the best bridles in Zelda: Totc, Which will look beautiful no matter what horse you have.


The extravagant saddle is dazzling and festive

A very colorful choice

The extravagant saddle is an ornate saddle with elaborate embroidery and an arrangement of shiny gems and delicate flowers. The vibrantly colored saddle is very visually interesting and unlike any other horse customization option in Tears of the kingdom. According to the description of the saddle, it is Used at festivals and perfect for anyone who wants to stand out.

The lavish saddle features an olive saddle, maroon saddle blanket and additional deep blue fabric bands that act as the saddle harness. Bundled with the Extravagant Bridle for a total of 26 Pony Points, the extravagant saddle is the perfect customization option for any horse that needs a splash of color.


The Monster Saddle lives up to its name

One of the most unique saddle designs

To get the monster saddle, Link must complete the search "A Monstrous Collection IV“For Kilton Once he opens a shop in Taree Town. Handmade by Clinton, the monster saddle is unlike any other in the Kingdom of Hyrule. This saddle is apparently meant with a specific horse in mind, but it looks impressive on any of Link's horses.

The monster saddle features a rudimentary brown seat, an extensively torn striped blue blanket, and a number of other idiosyncratic cosmetic elements. The monster saddle is not the most attractive horse customization option, but it is undoubtedly one of the coolest.


The royal bridle is a regal choice

It pairs best with the Golden Horse

The Royal Bridle is obtained as a reward for completing the side adventure, "Zelda's Golden Horse.“Although it is quite simple in design, the Bright purple and gold-accented color palette Make it one of the best horse customization options in Tears of the kingdom.


While the Royal Bridle looks exceptional on any seed in the game, it's an especially good aesthetic choice for the seed it comes with. The brick, and its accompanying saddle, belong to the royal Hyrule family and come paired with Zelda's unique gold horse. Once the brick is unlocked, it can be placed on any horse.

The plum is a centerpiece

The lavish bridle can be purchased from any stable in Hyrule for 26 Pony Points. As the name suggests, the bridle is a pronounced extravagant horse customization option in Tears of the kingdom. It is brightly colored and features a huge red feather as a centerpiece, As well as some impressive gemstones and many multicolored flowers.

The extravagant bridle is undoubtedly the most vivid and colorful horse customization option in the game. The brilliant brick affords any seed a vibrant festival aesthetic and is, visually, a particularly good option for light-coated horses with dark manes. Of course, it pairs best with its matching saddle, for an all-around festival-ready look.


The royal saddle is an ornate option

The purple is subdued but iconic

Like the Royal Bridle, the Royal Saddle can only be obtained by completing the quest "Zelda's Golden Horse.“The Brick and Saddle are unlocked as a pair and do not require Pony Points to obtain.

Unlike the relatively plain and simplistic royal bridle, the royal saddle is quite ornate. The saddle itself is a standard brown leather saddle, but the saddle blanket is a beautiful light purple with golden accents. The highlights of the royal saddle are the Small purple shields with the gilded royal crest which surrounds the seat as part of the saddle harness.

It just looks like it adds armor

The Knight's Bridle is among only 23 Pony Points purchasable Tears of the kingdoms coolest horse customization options. The knight's bridle is based on the horse armor once used by the Hyrulean knights to protect their mounts.


Like all the horse customization options in TOTK, This brick only gives a visual effect and does not give the horse any additional armor. Despite this, the ornately detailed thick metal plates that cover the Sid's face and neck give any horse an imposing and battle-ready image. This is a great choice for any role-playing-minded players, simply because the bridle looks impressive.


The Monster Bridle has a full face covering

The patchwork design is a little uncomfortable

Handmade by Kilton, the Monster Bridle is a reward for completing "A Monstrous Collection IIIThe Monster Bridle is the game's most novel bridle design. It features a mask with dark purple visors that obscure a horse's vision and Give it a macabre and even mysterious appearance.

The Monster Bridle also features a scarlet hood, as well as a teal and indigo headpiece. The whole set looks like it was made from patchwork pieces of fabric, and the effect can be quite disturbing, especially on horses with darker shades of fur. Deserving of its name, this bridle gives any horse a monstrous air.


The knight's saddle is strong but beautiful

Design meets functionality

The Knight's Saddle is bundled with the matching brick for a total of 23 Pony Points. It features a dark brown leather saddle with a black cloth under it. The yellow and red designs of the fabric give the whole saddle a more regal air. The saddle also includes thick metal armor plates that pair perfectly with the knight's bridle.

The Knight's Saddle turns any of Link's equestrian companions into a battle-ready war horse. Its beautiful design and striking armor plating make this one of the most visually impressive horse customization options in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

image source: IGN