Alien Secret Confirms the Real Meaning of Prometheus' Title Thanks to Rook's "Fire" Line in Romulus

Alien Secret Confirms the Real Meaning of Prometheus' Title Thanks to Rook's

Alien: Romulus Added some fascinating new details to these Alien franchise's broader study, but one of its more subtle reveals the concerns of Ridley Scott's divisive 2012 addition, Prometheus. As an indirect setup for the events depicted in Alien, Prometheus is perhaps more subtle in its world-building than many more traditional prequels. The film was full of indirect references and allusions, both to the wider story and the film's own message and meaning - some elements of which only become clear after 12 years.

While Alien: Romulus is set between Alien And Aliens in the timeline, Prometheus takes place much earlier. The story concerns an ill-fated mission (funded by the nefarious Weyland-Yutani company) to discover the creators of humanity - an alien race known as "Engineers“Which are the same creatures as the mysterious space jockey of Alien. the name "Prometheus"Comes from the ship used to transport the expedition and has deep classical connotations. However, the real meaning behind both the ship and the title of the movie is revealed by a subtle line in Fede Álvarez Alien: Romulus.

Romulus' 'Prometheus Fire' line reveals the real meaning of the prequel title

It's about more than creation

Andy (David Johnson) and Rain (Kylie Spaeni) in Alien: Romulus and Ian Holm as Ash in Alien
Custom image by Cooper Hood

While explaining the experiments on board Alien: Romulus' Renaissance space station, Rook describes the mysterious compound Z-01 – designed to perfect humanity – as “Prometheus fire". On one level, this is an obvious easter egg, contextualizing Romulus as part of a wider franchise and underline the importance of the previous film. Beyond that, however, this seemingly throwaway comment simultaneously confirms PrometheusTrue meaning and cement a key theme that runs throughout the saga.

There are many versions of the Greek myth that gives Prometheus His name. In most, Prometheus was a Titan who helped mold humanity out of clay - with a direct hand in its creation. This has a clear connection to the plot of the movie, which is all about searching for the alien race that engineered us. However, the second aspect of the classic story is that Prometheus stole fire from the gods of Mount OlympusGive it to humans to use as a tool. For this, he was punished by being chained to a rock and with an eagle pecked out his liver, which would regenerate daily.

... thanks to this line, Prometheus' Title now clearly hammers home a message that the Alien Movies revisited time and again…

The reference to "Prometheus fire"In Alien: Romulus Gives a whole new meaning to the 2012 movie. Besides being an oblique tie-in, It positions Prometheus As the movie that first establishes one of the driving themes of the entire series - That humanity sees forces beyond their control as a tool to be used, rather than something to be respected. It may be understated, but thanks to this line, Prometheus' Title now clearly hammers home a message that the Alien Movies have revisited time and again - specifically with the role of the Wayland-Yutani company.

Prometheus established the Weyland-Yutani attitude throughout the series

They see the alien as something to be used

The driving force behind almost everyone Alien Film is the conflict between characters who understand the xenomorph threat and the company that wants to exploit it. In almost every story, Weyland-Yutani is determined to harness an unfathomable force of nature - Whether for study, military research, or something as inherently evil as Alien: Romulus Transmutative Z-01 formula. It's a plot device that allows the series to make a broader satirical commentary on our own contemporary attitudes toward natural resources and power that we can't control.


Slide referring to Z-01 as "Prometheus Fire"Title encapsulates this whole outlook. It demonstrates the great way in which the company looks at the foreign, only thinking about what can be gained rather than what can be at risk. It also confirms that Prometheus Was addressing exactly the same things 12 years earlier. Although many aspects of the prequel movie proved divisive, in this thematic concern at least it ranks as a consistent part of the franchise.

Rook's 'fire' reference is a subtle callback to another Prometheus line

It speaks to the same subject

Michael Fassbender's David looks inside an egg in Prometheus
Custom image by Debanjana Chowdhury

the "Prometheus fire" reference is a clear recognition of the importance of Ridley Scott's prequel. It is just one example of how Alien: Romulus Demonstrates his awareness of his place in the latitude Alien series, took great care to confirm each movie that came before with a succession of Easter eggs. However, in an indication of the cyclical nature of the Alien series and as each film addresses similar issues, it also echoes one of the most memorable quotes from Prometheus.

When investigating the strange"Black good"From the engineering ship, David puts a dot on his finger and declares,"Great things have small beginningss." This line is heavy with the echo of the Prometheus myth, which is about the birth of civilization coming as a result of the Titan's gift of fire. However, it also shows the opposite side of the coin to the series of warnings about the series.Dangers of Unknown Forces It shows that one of humanity's strengths is approaching everything with a sense of possibility and potential. Alien: Romulus So interesting.


Fede Alvarez

Release date

August 16, 2024


Cailee Spaeny, David Jonsson, Archie Renaux, Isabela Merced, Spike Fearn, Aileen Wu, Rosie Ede, Soma Simon, Bence Okeke, Viktor Orizu, Robert Bobroczkyi, Trevor Newlin, Annemarie Griggs, Daniel Betts


119 minutes