Ali Dubach Ruined Season 9 (The Star Called Her "Juvenile")

Ali Dubach Ruined Season 9 (The Star Called Her

The unprofessional behavior of second Stu Elena "Ellie" Dubach is to blame for Below deck Mediterranean's Missing ninth season. Ali first appeared in season 7 as a midseason replacement. When she returned for Below deck Mediterranean Season 9, she quickly found herself entangled in a love triangle with Deckhand Joe Bradley and Third Stew Bri Muller. Ellie's presence on the show cast a very negative light, and she emerged as the season's primary villain.

Below deck Mediterranean revealed heavy criticism for the problematic performances of the current team. Several cast members were accused of being producers, including Brie and chef Johnathan Shillingford. Despite the many mistakes made by the entire crew and warnings by Captain Sandy Yawn, the original cast remains intact. The lack of staff turnover made Eli's drama the central focus of the season.

Ellie lets her personal drama impact her work

Her performance suffered from her jealousy

During their pursuit of Joe, Brie and Ali are embroiled in a feud. The Steves initially had a close relationship, with Ali taking on the role of mentor for the inexperienced Bree. However, after they both hook up with Joe, they turn against each other, and they let their drama bleed into their work.

Bree was hurt by Ali's betrayal and became distracted, struggling to keep up with her work. But Ali took her anger to another level. She became aggressive towards Bree, berating her while on the job. Ali no longer offered Brie her support, and her negativity brought down both of their performances. The love triangle lost its entertainment value when it threatened the careers of both Steves.

Ali's obsession with hierarchy created a toxic environment

She let the role of second cousin go to her head

During her attacks on Brie, Ali repeatedly brought up the hierarchy of their ranks. As a second cousin, Ellie felt she was superior to Brie and had the right to boss her around. She also used their ranks as leverage in their fight over Joe, suggesting Bree was in the wrong for going after a man."Higher” was interested in.

Chief Stu Aesha Scott was disgusted by Ali's obsession with the hierarchy of the boat. During an appearance on Watch what happens live, Aesha admitted she was unaware of how unprofessional Ali was acting while they were filming. Watching her behavior on below deck mediterranean, Aesha thought Ali was out of line for rubbing Bray's face with the entire hierarchy. Ali's obsession with outranking Brie turned their romantic rivalry into a power struggle, and it became uncomfortable to watch.

Ali questioned Chief Stu Aesha's decisions

Aesha called Ali "juvenile"

Once she and Brie were no longer fighting, Ali shifted her anger to Aesha. Ali took offense to the late addition of Stew Carey O'Neill, who joined the crew with just two charters. Ali felt Kerry step on her feet, and she began to surround Kerry and prevent her from following Aesha's orders.

Ali treated Aesha's decision to add Carrie as a personal insult, proving just how self-centered she is.

Ali's reaction to Carrie made it painfully obvious that she no longer had the crew's and guests' best interests at heart. The superyacht has been down a stew all season, forcing Aesha to work at an unsustainable pace. The crew needed more help. Ali treated Aesha's decision to add Carrie as a personal insult, proving just how self-centered she is.

Aesha's frustration with Ali grew as the season progressed. Aesha notices a pattern of Ali increasingly questioning her decisions and disregarding her orders. In a preview for the upcoming season finale released by BravoAesha is informed that Ali is complaining about her leadership to the rest of the crew. Aesha said it was "Juvenile” of Ali talking about her behind her back and asking if Ali is ready to move up in her career.

Ali is busy with her desire to become Chief Stew

She has lost focus on her current job

During the second half of the season, Ellie brought up her desire to become a major stew. She asked Aesha for advice and was told to continue perfecting her current role. Rather than doing this, Ali looked for ways to position herself above her co-workers. When she announced herself, she blamed her behavior on Isha's leadership. If Ellie wants to strive for the role of chief cook, she needs to heed Eisha's advice, not question it.

Ali's career seems to have been motivated by her quest for power. She used her position to diminish Bree's role, and now she's challenging Aesha's leadership. Aesha has little patience for Ali"Overstepping her role"And believe she did"A lot of growing to do” before she is able to become the main stew.

Ali's presence on Below deck Mediterranean Brought unnecessary negativity to season 9. She had the potential to build strong friendships with her castmates, but instead she chose to use her position to give herself false power. Ellie has shown no growth throughout the season, and she has yet to show any redeeming qualities that counter her cruel, unprofessional behavior.

Source: Bravo