As I watched Ethan Berger's debut feature, my mind drifted, thinking of similar stories to Lone Scherfig's. The Riot Club and Andrew Neel S Goat. The latter aligns with that the line Aims to Accomplish: Interrogating American Fraternity Life. Meanwhile, the former addresses similar themes but is centered on the wealthy aristocrats of British society. This trio of films depicts the grim, almost surreal reality where young people, potential leaders in society, act on their most basic instincts despite warnings that consequences are imminent.
- Director
Ethan Berger
- Release date
October 18, 2024
- Writers
Ethan Berger, Alex Rusek
- Figure
Alex Wolff, Lewis Pullman, Halle Bailey, Austin Abrams, Angus Cloud, Scott McNairy, John Malkovich, Dennis Richards
- runtime
100 minutes
They know right from wrong, they are still emboldened by tradition and generations before them to continue with their dangerous ways. Over, I can't help but think about why this aspect of society is so fascinating to creatives. One thing is certain: the chaotic nature of the residence makes a showcase for up-to-date filmmakers like Berger, who expertly captures the frenetic atmosphere without compromising its slow-burn horror.
The film follows Tom Baxter (Alex Wolff), a college student determined to make something of himself. Unfortunately, he believes he has a leg to stand on in a fraternity that houses the rotten smoke of the rich and privileged. Conflict arises when warnings are issued about hazing, a tradition the boys have no intention of keeping, and the arrival of a new pledge who antagonizes Mitch, Tom's friend and frat pariah.
If the Frot Home is analogous to the animal food chain, Mitch would be on the bottom, but a new batch of pledges means he has the power to wild over another person, and this one particular pledge is stepped up for the slaughter. This setup can only produce one possible result, and that is the result we all expect when the promise shows its face. Berger doesn't care too much about what happens, but instead zeroes in on the nerve-wracking ride, dragging us along to a grim end we can all see coming.
The line is an authentic depiction of frat life
But it is not entirely free of contrivance
Berger is undoubtedly one to watch, as the line is as entertaining as it is disturbing. His command of the atmosphere and pacing are admirable, as it takes patience to emphasize the foreboding rather than adopting a procedural mentality that gets us as much detail about the crime. At times, the film is a bit much with its style, but the story is well structured, and the ending is not the cookie-cutter kind.
Although this is a fictional depiction of hazing and frat life, Berger's approach grounds it all in a recognizable reality, depicting characterizations and actions that are animalistic but are as human as they come. The only bit of contrivance and inauthenticity comes in the form of pre-Little Mermaid Halle Bailey as Wolff's onscreen love interest.
Bailey is a pleasure, but her role in the line is cliché. Too often, creatives who address issues of toxic masculinity and the like attempt to soften a protagonist by suggesting that beneath the false bravado and their skewed moral compass, there is a heart. There are other ways to acknowledge that Tom is not like the others, although he does engage in misogyny and innuendo-heavy dialect.
Perhaps by strengthening his relationships outside the frat to understate that Tom has an underlying humanity, the line Would level up as an intriguing character study. Whether it was Bailey or some other up-and-coming young actress, the role was a waste of her and our time.
The line's performances help with its thematic narrative
The strength of this film lies in how it positions the fraternity and the power structure built on a false interpretation of how the real world works. As the chapter president, Lewis Pullman's Todd is a character we've seen before; He is a man who holds onto his cherished youth before transitioning to adulthood. He knows that his power over others is due to the place that made him a leader. At some point, it is stated that some US
Pullman pulls off the guise of someone who was a formidable force, but there is a hint of uncertainty behind his gaze. Something that indicates he knows he's not anything special. This sad reality permeates the film as we watch the fraternity develop. Some will get the golden goose of opportunity, and no matter how much Fatty Tom shows Todd, his hopes of pleasing his chapter president and leading to something better set him up for disillusionment.
Berger's approach prepares it all in a recognizable reality, portraying characteristics and actions that are animalistic but are as human as they come.
Disillusionment is the ultimate explanation of the line. Fraternities paint a portrait of what society is going to be like for the boys. However, they are all kens seeking validation from the patriarchy. Tom is both the victim and the perpetrator of this story, and Wolff is incredibly captivating when the realization dawns on him that his future is built on a pile of crap. Everything that he has endured and is ready to see caused to others does not get him the win in life he is working towards.
Wolff is perfectly cast in this role as we watch ignorance make way for vanity and for vanity to make way for dissolution. the line Admittedly, it continues to be a more significant topic of addressing hazing, but at the heart of the film is the human story of self-sabotage as seen through the perspective of Tom and, to a degree, his friend Mitch, the significant catalyst. For the darkest film moments.
The ending is appropriate, illustrating that Tom Baxter and his brothers are ultimately inconsequential in this ongoing cycle of pain and revenge. No adult can mitigate the situation. And no amount of good apples can deter groupthink. The film effectively illustrates how hazing is not just a university issue.
It's a severe form of bullying born of insecurity, entitlement and misplaced anger, but it's a deadly game that sets the boys up to lead the darkness into their families, careers and every facet of society they choose to participate in. So, to answer the burning question I had earlier, why is frat life often depicted in film and television? Well, it is enduring, scary and difficult to dismantle, which makes it interesting to study.
the line is in theaters on October 18. The film is 100 minutes long and not rated.
The Line is a movie directed by None that explores the complexities of modern society through the interactions and moral dilemmas of its characters. It delves into themes of ethical boundaries and personal conflicts, offering a story that challenges perceptions and highlights the intricacies of human relationships.
- The line has excellent performances that enhance its thematic narrative
- The film is an authentic depiction of frat life
- Ethan Berger's direction is perfect for the story
- Halle Bailey's character is unfortunately cliche