Selling sunset Star Alanna Gold was so excited about Pioneertown that she seemed to brag about owning the place, even though she doesn't, and that's not the only crazy scene in the gorgeous LA-based series. Many times, the members of the workshop go too far, and show embarrassing antics. On the Netflix hit, egos are out of control — Oppenheim Group realtors jockey for position, fighting for the best listings and the most screen time. The series often brings out the very worst in its participants, Shining a light on cruelty that's almost hidden by Chanel suits, sky-high heels and supercars.
As the real estate agents try to grab the brass ring (and ring that too loud bell), they often push too hard... sometimes, hilarity ensues. In other moments, watching them lower themselves is painful.
The show is ultimately about money. Realtors want it - wealthy clients have it. The O Group agents want to live as their clients do. They dream of buying the insanely expensive properties they flag. Jason Oppenheim, who founded the agency with his twin brother, Brett Oppenheim, is getting close to living that dream. Every morning, he emerges in a la haze, slipping into a gun-metal-gray Ferrari that is frankly mind-blowing. The other realtors don't seem like flash, but boy, they want to be.
Alana acted as the Queen of Pioneertown
This selling sunset newbie has to apologize
Alana is not a bad person - she is beautiful, elegant and talented. The first model of the Great White North was very enthusiastic about Pioneertown. This place is loaded with character and charm. It's like a backdrop for a classic Clint Eastwood western. However, it does not belong to the gorgeous brunette who dazzles with her low-key, high-fashion beach. Alana owns property there - she doesn't own the city, like you Pioneertown Gazette In Instagram made crystal clear in the Instagram post shown above.
She gave the impression that Alana owned Pioneertown - maybe she didn't mean to make it seem that way. But, now, the die is cast. Alanna had to deal with some pretty wild backlash after her Pioneertown getaway with other O Group realtors made her the butt of jokes. The residents of the San Bernardino County town did not like what they saw, and they took to the Internet, looking for her blood. She said she was sorry - they accepted her apology.
The gaffe caused Jason to circle the wagons — he appeared online in an "I Own Pioneertown" tank top. That must have caught Alana off guard. Hopefully, she is able to laugh it off. Jason clearly wants to show the world that he thinks all the Pioneertown drama is just one big joke. He doesn't want the scandal to affect his bottom line.
Chelsea questioned another woman's parenting choices
"Bad form" doesn't begin to cover it
in another Crisis moment that set feminism back decadesThe sometimes tyrannical "Queen of Manhattan Beach," Chelsea Lazcani, decided to tell Bre Teasey where she was wrong in life. Chelsea is not exactly impressed that Bree has decided to have a son, legendary love Cannon, with the sometimes controversial TV host extraordinaire, Nick Cannon. She felt that Nick was bringing in too many babies
"Broken Homes."
There are many words that could be used to describe Chelsea's conduct during this iconic period Selling sunset Moment. Some are basic, others high-falutin: Declasse, judgmental, arrogant, rude, and inappropriate Immediately come to mind. Chelsea proved that all the money in the world, and the best clothes, do not make a man "classic." A poor man can have class. It's about treating people with respect. As Harry Styles sings: Treat people with kindness!
Chelsea, so confident in her own marriage, which was about to implode with a vengeance, felt compelled to cut another woman down. The fact that Bree might be happier with her son and non-monogamous lover Nick than Chelsea was with Jeff Lazkani, the slot cheater, never really dawned on her. This kind of non-existent self-awareness and compassion is what makes the juiciest reality TV so miserable to watch. It is like a blessing that no one can look away from.
Davina Potrats asked to sell a house worth 75 million dollars
She can't sell it for her client, Adnan
Selling sunsetS Dvina Potrats was ambitious and often annoying. She was a good realtor, but her tactlessness was a problem. This is the woman who basically laughed at the Moissanite engagement ring that Romain Bonnet offered his future wife, Mary Bonnet. She didn't think the ring was expensive enough because it didn't have a real diamond. That kind of tackiness is pure Davina. She took a break from judging when she tried to convince Jason that it was a good idea to take a $75 million listing. He said:
"Over priced."
The home is gorgeous, but possibly overpriced. Clients who get stubborn about prices do not recognize one important fact - price is determined by what the market will bear. As they attempt to get astronomical dollars per square foot, crafty customers look at competing properties and their prices per square foot. They compare, and may avoid properties that are priced too high for certain areas, no matter how upscale the neighborhoods are.
So, the property, as per the Cosmopolitan UK Clip shown above, is wildly appealing in many ways. However, it costs a fortune, even through Selling sunsets "one percent" standards. This could be why Davina, who was so good at selling it, could never unload it.
Rather than admit to failing, and get it over with, she decided to say that the whole "super expensive estate" storyline was cooked up to entertain viewers. However, it could not have been fake. It was heartbreaking when Davina turned on a dime, pretending that everything she did on screen wasn't real.
Chrishell Stause & GFlip Underpaid Designer Amanza Smith
She wanted $11,500 and got $5,000
Amanza is a great designer - she is naturally chic, a talented painter and a woman who understands how to make properties shine. She stages them to perfection, or designs permanent interiors that are straight out of Architectural Digest. Although there is a street style, hip-hop-inspired edge to Amanza's outfits, when it comes to work, she can dip into different moods, creating exactly what is needed for each space. When Chrishell's partner GFlip needed help with some interior design, Amanza delivered, but Chrishell and GFlip seemed to think her talents were worth less.
Money can come between friends. In business - when friendship is at stake, both sides have to try very hard to be honest. Otherwise, concerns over money can free bonds to breaking points. When Amanza asked for over 11K in exchange for her services, she probably thought that was fair. She felt that was what she would blame anyone for. Chrishell and GFlip wouldn't pay the full rate, which probably made Amanza feel "stifled." Maybe they thought she was trying to rip them off by overcharging them.
They all made up in the end, but perhaps things are never the same. Amanza took the lower amount and that was seemingly the end of it. But, on Selling sunsetPeople have long memories. Sometimes, issues like this cast long shadows. Amanza wrote:
"The amount of money that would have been given to compensate for this is what I wrote to you,"
And she seems like a pretty trustworthy person in general. Perhaps she blamed exactly what she would blame someone else. If so, Chrishell and GFlip should have footed the bill. They probably have a good idea what Amanza charges, because she does the same type of work for the O Group sometimes.
Nicole thought Chrishell got special treatment because Jason was attracted to her
Should Nicole have said this stuff out loud?
Nicole is unclear - that much is clear. She is always at war with someone, but when people come before her, she is filled with moral indignation. She comes off as a bully, especially when she implies that other women are using their feminine side to get ahead. Her "above it all" attitude makes no sense as she is often down in the dirt, Spread nasty rumors and more. She is not an angel. None of them are.
When Nicole accused Chrishell of getting special treatment because Jason had the hats for her, there might have been a grain of truth there. Chrishell is a beautiful woman - she is also smart and empathetic. She is very attractive.
The point here is that this stuff doesn't really need to be said. It would not change anything and would only cause problems. The essence of drama queen behavior is stirring the pot even when it won't change anything. It's basically trouble-making for sports. It's like a compulsion that some people have - if they don't get attention from trouble-making, it's like they don't really feel Busy with life.
The Selling sunset Season 6 drama over special treatment was a harbinger of worse drama to come. Nicole, once accused of taking drugs by Chrishell, emotionally wounded Emma Hernan by accusing Chrishell's good friend of sleeping with a married man. When this happened, Nicole should have ducked and covered. Chrishell is not going to forgive and forget. Neither will Emma.
Christine said that Emma cheated with her boyfriend
Emma said she was innocent
Emma may have been wrongly accused twice, but Christine hated her for allegedly sleeping with her partner. actually, Christine, who usually doesn't show a lot of emotion, went into full "wife second" mode when it came to Emma. She was obviously triggered by the presence of the lanky blonde. She could hardly bear to be around her "competitor". It was cringe watching the two interact.
Christine lost it and Emma denied all wrongdoing, just as she does now, when it comes to the "my rumor".
Things got messier when Christine said Emma offered a client money to not work with her. This is bad among the agents. Christine is the belligerent, but Emma can be secretly passive-aggressive. Is she really innocent of everything? Sometimes, when there is smoke, there is fire.
Bre & Chelsea tangled over the Jeff Lazkani infidelity rumor
Is Bar in the wrong?
Bre said ChelseaShown sexily made post-split pasta above, that her husband Jeff is possibly a cheater, based on a rumor from an inside source. Bre was sincere enough when she sympathized with Chelsea's pain, but, as is her way, Chelsea later turned on her. Chelsea doesn't know who her friends are. She thought her husband was amazing, and he was anything but. She believed Bre was out to get her, as she said on screen.
Then, Chelsea seemed hypocritical, and even angry, by saying that she actually set up the reveal scene herself. People who want to be respected should think twice before acting like this. They will be perceived as liars or con artists, not hard-working professionals.
Fame may have gone to Chelsea's head. She behaved badly for a while. Sometimes, stress and pain can make a person mature. Hopefully, Chelsea will learn from everything that happened to her. Chelsea's marriage is over, and the woman who judged Bree so harshly is now finding out what it feels like to have a less traditional lifestyle. She loved being the married realtor with kids. Now, she must adapt to a new reality.
Krishel fought with Mary-Lou Nork
Is Mary-Lou jealous of Chrishell?
Women shouldn't fight over Jason - he's not worth it. He is not a good romantic prospect. He eventually lets all his partners down - it's just a matter of when. So, it was terrible (and painful) when Chrishell (Jason's ex) fought with Jason's love interest at the time, Mary-Lou Nork. Mary-Lou was young, European...not really on Jason's level in terms of career achievements. There was an age gap. Their breakup was so predictable.
Before they broke up (she is now with someone else), Mary-Lou complained about the stunning Chrishel. She felt that she was not friendly, but that is simply not true. There is something about Chrishell that brings out the worst in other women. They don't want her to be happy.
The thing is, when women attack you, they show the ugliness in themselves - everyone can see it. Mary-Lou might be jealous, or maybe Chrishell was. But, it really seemed like Chrishell was so over it. The Selling sunset Stern didn't make it.
All Selling sunset Seasons can be streamed on the Netflix platform.
Source: Pioneertown Gazette/ Instagram, Cosmopolitan UK/Facebook, Chelsea Lazkani/ Instagram