Just in time for the Halloween season, Wonder is released their third annual Crypt of Shadows Anthology horror one-shot... and this year the spine-tingling tale is narrated by none other than Agatha Harkness. It really is Agatha all along! Featuring iconic heroes like the Scarlet Witch, Vision, Namor, Blade and Werewolf by Night, this year's opening of the Crypt is sure to scare and surprise.
First released in October 2022 - inspired by EC Comics 1950 Tales from the Crypt comic - Marvel's Revamped annually Crypt of Shadows Anthology is the perfect excuse for Marvel to Highlight the spooky, scary, monstrous sides of their stories and heroes.
this year Crypt of Shadows #1 was crafted by A heart-pounding group of incredible talentsFeaturing writers Benjamin Percy, Steve Orlando, Jason Lue and Chris Condon, artists Claire Roe, Raffaele Ienco, Carlos Magno and Djibril Morissette, with stunning covers by Leinil Francis Yu, Juan Ferreyra and Martin Simmonds.
Agatha Harkness hosts this year's terrifying horror anthology
Not surprisingly, Agatha has ulterior motives for her story
Agatha Harkness is many things...but altruistic is not one of them. If Agatha is ever involved in a plot, rest assured she has a plan up her sleeve to come out on top, and this year's Crypt of Shadows is no different. Last year's anthology was narrated by Victor Strange, the long-lost brother of Doctor Strange, who eventually escaped from his prison in the story, later coming back to haunt his brother in Blood dog. Whatever Agatha does during Crypt of Shadows will certainly have an impact on her presence in the larger Marvel UniverseJust like her starring role in this year's Content of Chaos.
Prepare to be spellbound Agatha Harkness guides you through the danger and mystery that awaits! But beware - there is always another motive with the witch. Discover what Agatha is really brewing in a delightful framing story from current SCARLET WITCH (2024) writer Steve Orlando and artist Claire Roe.
The man-thing's curse spreads from the swamp to the sea, placing him in the crosshairs of the king of Atlantis, Namor! See them explain it in this gruesome tale from writer Benjamin Percy and artist Raffaele Ienco.
Craven the Monster Hunter! The iconic Spidey villain dares to target Jack Russell, werewolf at night, but bites off more than he can show when Blade comes to help his old friend! Find out who is left standing in this bloody battle written by Jason Loo and drawn by Carlos Magno.
Joshua Jovan, the seasoned monster hunter from Marvel Studios' special presentation Werewolf by nightMakes his comic book debut in a story by writer Chris Condon and artist Djibril Morissette. Jovan falls through the last door and finds himself face-to-face with his greatest prey yet - the Scarlet Witch!
The terrible curse of the Man-Thing, spreading fear like a plague, is a perennial focus of Marvel's supernatural world, and this year's Crypt Anthology will see a vicious battle between Man-Thing and Namor. Taking place at a time when Namor was still king of Atlantis, the bloody tale follows Man-Thing as he leaves his swamp to terrorize the sea. Perhaps most exciting is the introduction by Joshua Jovan, A monster hunter who debuted in the MCU Werewolf by night Special presentationwho was introduced into Marvel Comics canon by falling through the Scarlet Witch's magical last door.
Marvel Supernatural has become very popular once again
From Blood Hound to Midnight Sons, Marvel is spooky again
Every case for the last several years, fans have been excited about the newest Crypt of Shadows release, and it has become one of Marvel's most highly-anticipated annual anthologies. This is not very surprising, however The supernatural corner of the Marvel Universe has seen a major increase in interest and attention over the past five years.. of Curse of the human thingto Blood Hunt, Marvel Zombies, Midnight Sons, And moon nightThe monstrous side of Marvel is now nearly as popular, if not more so, than Marvel Cosmic.
Make sure to check out the 2024 Halloween anthology when it debuts to get your fill of Marvel's spine-tingling, bone-killing, pulse-pounding horrorAs beloved characters like the Scarlet Mead and Namor are pushed to their limits.
Crypt of Shadows #1 From Marvel Comics debuts on October 16, 2024.
Source: Marvel entertainment