After the runaway success of Thundercats, Another 1980s cartoon is making a comeback, courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment. Dynamite's relaunch of the Thundercats Franchise connected with fans old and new, helping to make it the biggest debut in the company's history. now, As part of the publisher's deal with Warner Brothers/Discovery, the Thundercats Sister Property, SilverhawksReturns in 2025 with an all-new, ongoing series.
Dynamite Entertainment announced Silverhawks Ahead of this week's New York Comic-Con. silverhawks, whose first issue goes on sale in January, will be written by Ed Brisson and drawn by George Kambadais, and will ship with various variant covers.
Silverhawks will bring the beloved property into the modern era, and Dynamite has promised the book will expand on the existing mythos, filling in backstories that were neglected in the 80s. Speaking to Dynamite, Brisson had this to say:
When Nate reached out to me to write ThunderCats: ApexMy first question was 'when do you do Silver Hawks?!?'. I am very excited that this book is happening and that I am privileged enough to be involved. I couldn't ask for a better collaborator than George. So, strap in, because I'm about to pour all the love I have for these Silver Hawks In this baby. I will make you all love it too!
finally, Dynamite has dropped hints on a potential crossover between Thundercats And Silverhawks.
The Silverhawks Cartoon Origins, Explained
Silverhawks was a companion series to Thundercats
Much like thundercats, Silverhawks Featuring larger-than-life, animal-themed heroes fighting fearsome villains, including Mon-Starr.
The 1980s saw an explosion in toy lines aimed at boys, inspired by the success of franchises such as GI Joe And Lords of the Universe. ThundercatsDebuting in 1985, was one such toy line, and it was also a hit with kids. Rankin-Bass, the animation studio behind ThundercatsLaunched Silverhawks A year later. In addition to the cartoon, Silverhawks Featured the must-have toy line, a comic series as well as lots of other merchandise. Much like thundercats, Silverhawks Featuring larger-than-life, animal-themed heroes fighting fearsome villains, including Mon-Starr.
unfortunately, Silverhawks Is not the success that Thundercats Was, and the cartoon and toys were gone in a few short years. The Thundercats Cartoon would go off the air a year after Silverhawks folded. however, Thundercats Has had several relaunches since 1989, however Silverhawks They had fun at our place in the evening. the world Silverhawks Inhabited was equally intriguing as the third earth of the Thundercats. Now Ed Brisson and George Kambadais are finally taking fans back to the limbo galaxy for a new series Silverhawks Adventures.
Silverhawks Will be another hit for Dynamite Comics
Brisson and Cambadais expand the world of the Silverhawks
Dynamite is pulling out all the stops for Silverhawks Debut, much like the publisher has for Thundercats. Dynamite has put top talent on this title, talent that has a deep passion for the source material. Declan Shalvey and Drew Moss, the creative team behind ThundercatsAre lifelong fans, which translates into epic stories. Thundercats It is more than fan service, however: it has expanded the franchise's knowledge, adding new characters and giving new insight into the team's life before their arrival on the third earth. This combination ensured Thundercats Would be one of the biggest titles of 2024.
Thundercats And Silverhawks Have another sister series: Tiger sharks.
The return of Silverhawks is a gift to children of the 1980s, for a variety of reasons. Dynamite hinted at connections between Thundercats And SilverhawksSomething fans could only dream of in the 1980s. In addition to being owned by the same studio, the two franchises share a similar concept, leaving fans wondering why it took over 35 years for a crossover between the two to happen. Thundercats Was a hit in the 1980s and is again, thanks to Dynamite EntertainmentAnd now the publisher is doing the same thing for Silverhawks.