WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for GREEN ARROW 2024 ANNUAL #1!Oliver Queen officially returns to Starfish Island - the infamous island that made him DC Green Arrow. His return brings with it a big revelation - not just that he is now the reluctant babysitter of a group of children, one of whom may be Roy. "Arsenal" Harper's youngest son, but something that could reshape a fundamental part of the Emerald Archer's origin.
With a release date set for November 6, 2024, Joshua Williamson's Green Arrow the run ends with 48 pages Green Arrow 2024 Annual #1, with art by Sean Izaakse, Amancay Nahuelpan, and Romulo Fajardo Jr. The issue takes an unexpected turn when an older Oliver Queen is shown traversing a lush, rainforest-like environment that he identifies in his narration as the island he started all .
But he's not alone – alongside him are five excited children who he claims to be babysitting. Although their identities are not explicitly revealed, Oliver refers to them collectively as “sons of some of the best heroes – and villains – in the world.”
Green Arrow tells the story of the only time he missed his target
“...What about the time you wasted?” – Green Arrow 2024 Annual #1
Despite Oliver's attempts to sneak away for a nap, the kids quickly beg for a story of his heroism, with requests ranging from him defeating Batman to saving the Justice League. However, a red-haired child - a smaller, mysterious version of Roy Harper - asks the story of the time Oliver "lost," watching how Oliver always tells stories about hitting the target. Oliver, amused, responds that the child is just like his father, but agrees to tell the story. This playful exchange suggests even more strongly that the child may actually be Roy's, given the bold and unconventional request.
Oliver begins by telling how he had just returned to Star City after his first time on the island, essentially beginning his journey as a hero. The preview stops here, teasing fans that they're about to hear the story of the one time DC's greatest archer missed the mark. This intriguing premise promises to unfold into a memorable story, potentially bringing significant revelations about Oliver's origins, as it is set right at the beginning of his heroic career.
DC confirms that the Arrow family will continue to grow (and we're here for it)
Who are the hero/villain parents of the latest generation of DC characters?
Although the story begins years in the future, it's clear that the Annual will focus primarily on the flashback. Still, fans will be intrigued by Oliver's group of children, especially since the red-haired child suggests that the Arrow Family is destined to grow even bigger. This red-haired boy is almost certainly Roy's, given the Arsenal-colored costume and arrow pendant around his neck, but the identities of the other children remain a mystery. Some of these children are probably linked to from Green Arrow family, while others may be descendants of Titansconsidering Arsenal connection with the team.
GREEN ARROW 2024 ANNUAL #1 is available November 6, 2024, from DC Comics!