After 81 years, Absolute Batman totally rewrites a core aspect of franchise lore

After 81 years, Absolute Batman totally rewrites a core aspect of franchise lore

Warning: Contains potential spoilers for Absolute Batman #1!

As DC's All In initiative reinvents their classic characters, it could be made Alfred Pennyworth The first villain of Batman New era. The Absolute Universe rewrites the story of Bruce Wayne with some bold swings, and one of the biggest is his relationship with Alfred. Since this version of ​​the character does not have a traditional path of family wealth, Absolute Batman has grown up without his butler, ally and father figure.

DC's preview for Absolute Batman #1 - Written by Scott Snyder, with art by Nick Dragotta - opens with a scene of young Bruce Wayne at the Gotham Zoo, learning a sign about bats. Another striking title splash page introduces "the zoo" With a gun in someone's hand contrasting a bright blue sky, the all new Alfred is introduced.

Initial details about Absolute Batmans version of Alfred described him as a grizzled MI-6 agent, however The first look from the preview, and his internal monologue, reveals that he even came to Gotham"To do some bad things".

Absolute Batman #1 - Written by Scott Snyder, Art by Nick Dragotta; Color by Frank Martin; Lettering by Clayton Cowles

Absolute Batman 2 Cover Batman fighting Alfred Pennyworth pointing a gun at him cover

Alfred's new tough and gritty persona borrows from other versions of the character, however Absolute Batman Put him at odds with Bruce and totally change their dynamic. The character of Alfred has been around for 80+ years, and is most often portrayed as a loyal butler, confidante and parental figure to Bruce Wayne, defining both of their characters through the bond they shared since Bruce was tragically orphaned. Since the version of Bruce Wayne grew up in the working class, without a butler, the trajectory of Alfred's life took him down a rough road, making him more cold and dangerous.


With Alfred threatening to wreak havoc in Gotham, and a fight between him and the Dark Knight already teased, The usually trusted ally to the Bat-Family seemingly serves as the primary villain For Batman's debut in the Absolute Universe. When the young and idealistic Batman goes toe-to-toe with the hardened Alfred, their usual surrogate father-son dynamic will be tested in this new version of DC lore. Even if their adversarial relationship takes a turn for the better in subsequent issues, it's still a strong departure from the familial bond they've been known to have.

DC's reimagined Alfred Pennyworth is an absolutely shocking twist on Batman lore

Absolute Batman #1 - Available October 9th from DC Comics

Absolute Batman New version of Alfred MI6 Penny

Alfred is now dead in DC's main continuity, so it's a bittersweet twist to make a return with this change to the relationship with Bruce. Although he is back in action with a stronger focus and a fresh and fascinating start, The new Alfred will have to earn the close and emotional relationship with Bruce that has been so strongly established over the years. Since Snyder and Dragotta Absolute Batman Will see a version of Bruce without his trusted friend and guardian, it will be an interesting dissection of what makes the character as he is without Alfred's influence.

When the new Alfred Pennyworth descends on Gotham with questionable motives, Absolute Batman can either finally get his destined father figure by his side, or establish a diabolical future enemy.

DC's Absolute Universe totally disrupts one of Bruce Wayne's core defining relationships, which is just one of the symptoms of the world being powered by Darkseid energy. Since this version of the character is younger and has no Robin or other known allies, Batman is truly alone in this universe with no Bat-family. Like the new one Alfred Pennyworth Descends on Gotham with questionable motives, absolutely Batman Could either finally get his destined father figure by his side, or establish a diabolical future enemy.

Absolute Batman #1 Will be available October 9, 2024 from DC Comics.