Designed to connect with people's souls, Adam Warlock is a strategic character in Marvel Rivals whose abilities allow him to heal his team and offer generous support. With one of the strongest Ultimate abilities in the game, Adam Warlock's connection to Quantum Magic makes them incredibly strong. However, Adam Warlock's abilities can be difficult to use, despite appearing simple at first glance.
Unlike Duelist characters with high DPS or Vanguards who act as sustainable tanks, Tacticians like Adam Warlock are designed differently. Warlock and other strategists such as Luna Snow in Marvel Rivalshave very low health and average damage output. Adam's role on a team is not primarily to score outs, but rather support your team with healing and buffs which help them survive fights longer.
All of Adam Warlock's abilities
Combine quick attacks with recovered heals
Adam Warlock has some of Fewest skills of any character, making him a very easy to understand hero. That being said, the precision required to use these abilities consistently can make the Warlock more difficult to play than other strategists. For example, Loki's primary attack on Marvel Rivals causes an AoE blast that is easy to hit targets, while Adam Warlock's attack is a narrow projectile that requires good aim to hit consistently.
Below is a table that describes all of Adam Warlock's abilities, including the passive ones that activate without your intervention:
Ability |
Skill type |
Cool |
Description |
Quantum Magic |
Primary Attack |
15 explosions (reload) |
Launch quantum energy in precise beams to cause damage. |
Cosmic Cluster |
Secondary Attack |
15 explosions (reload) |
Using the same ammo source as your primary attack, gather quantum energy into a cluster and quickly launch it at the enemy. |
Avatar life flow |
Basic Skill |
2 seconds (2 charges) |
Target an ally to gain a stream of healing energy, which also heals Adam Warlock on cast; Self-target if there are no allies nearby. |
soul bond |
Basic Skill |
30 seconds |
Unites the souls of allies into a bond, granting Healing over time and distributing damage throughout the bond. |
Regenerative Cocoon |
Passive |
105 seconds |
After Adam Warlock's body dies, he can move freely as a soul and reforge his body in a chosen location. During this state, you can descend or ascend into the air or cancel the move at any time. |
Karmic Revival |
End |
N/A |
Awaken allies' karma to revive them from death. Revived allies have lower health, but enjoy a brief period of invincibility. |
Adam Warlock's basic attacks are incredibly accurate, dealing very little damage when hitting an enemy's body. Quantum Magic and Cosmic Cluster Deals increased damage when landing critical hits against enemies with shots to the head. Similar to Hawkeye or Black Widow in Marvel Rivalsthe higher your aim with Adam Warlock, the greater the damage caused by the character.
Being able to score kills like Adam Warlock makes him a huge asset to any team, especially when you run a team composition that features few dueling characters.
It is important to note that Adam Warlock's passive ability Regenerative Cocoon It only works when you choose. Canceling the ability when it activates automatically will cause you to die and respawn at your team's base as if you were eliminated normally. By not activating the skill, you can prevent the cooldown from occurring and revive in a better situation later.
How to use Adam Warlock's Ultimate
Choose the right moment to resurrect allies
Karmic Revival is perhaps the strongest Ultimate move in the gamerivaling even the threat of Jeff the Land Shark in Marvel Rivals. Any respawn mechanic in a hero shooter will be strong, as it gives the team two chances to attack a contested area. With that in mind, the strength of Adam Warlock's Ultimate makes it much more difficult to use, as most enemy players will be aware of how dangerous it is.
You want use Adam Warlock's Ultimate in corners or places where enemies can't reach you. In this way, the revival cannot be interrupted, as Ultimate disappears when Adam Warlock dies during a match. Communicating with your team is also recommended, as many players won't know you're about to revive them unless you warn them first.
Adam Warlock's Ultimate is great for changing the course of fights, giving your team another opportunity to fight after dying. With enough coordination, this Ultimate can keep your party in spots longer, help you make the final push on an objective, and help in a variety of other game-changing situations.
Best team composition for Adam Warlock
Give other characters your rebirth ability
Certain characters work well with Adam Warlock on the same team, including:
- praying mantis
- Star Lord
- Groot
- Doctor Strange
Mantis is one of the other strongest tacticians in the game, so having her and Adam Warlock on the same team can give your team unparalleled support. However, the main reason to pair these two characters is due to the Team-Up ability in Marvel Rivals they share with Star-Lord. When these three characters are together, Adam Warlock increases Star-Lord and Mantis' rebirth power by giving them access to a Regenerative Cocoon.
Giving Mantis and Star-Lord ways to revive after death could be ridiculously powerful, especially since Adam Warlock maintains his own Cocoon through this team. When combined with your Ultimate, your team will be able to continually come back to life throughout a match.
Vanguards are excellent characters to pair with Adam Warlock as their high health pool makes them perfect for their Soul Bond or Avatar Life Stream abilities. Having a tank with higher health means Soul Bond's damage distribution barely affects them. At the same time, Vanguard characters who like to group together in teams, like Groot or Doctor Strange, can allow more characters to be impacted by Life Stream's bouncing healing.
Best tips, tricks and strategies to win
Stay behind your team and use skills carefully
Without any mobility abilities, Adam Warlock is a stationary character whose best strategy is stay with his team and offer remote support. Even though abilities like Avatar Life Stream can heal Adam, he is very susceptible to being attacked by characters like Spider-Man in Marvel Rivalswhich can eliminate it quickly. As a result, you need to realize how much of a target you are as this strong tactician and be ready for enemies to target you.
One of the biggest mistakes Adam Warlock players make is using his Cocoon respawn ability in the wrong place. Wait to use your Regenerative Cocoon when your team is nearbyas they can support your revival in the same way you do when using Warlock's Ultimate. If your entire team is wiped out while trying to contest an objective, it's better to regroup with them than to waste a regen.
When you enter the astral state of the Regenerative Cocoon, you have seven seconds to choose whether to revive or cancel the passive and return to your team's spawn.
Another useful tip for Adam Warlock is that your Soul Bond ability is assigned to more allies when they are grouped together. The more links made with this ability, the more damage will be distributed among multiple characters to reduce damage. For example, if you chain three characters with Soul Bond, the damage value from a headshot will be distributed three ways instead of just being applied to one character.
Try stay alive to prolong your rebirth and use healing skills at the right time. Unlike other strategists, their abilities have limited charges and longer cooldowns, making it harder to know when you should use certain abilities. Adam Warlock is a character that requires some trial and error to Marvel RivalsBut his unorthodox abilities create a powerful character if you master his play style.