Absolute Wonder Woman's new weapons and powers make her DC's toughest hero

Absolute Wonder Woman's new weapons and powers make her DC's toughest hero

Warning: Spoilers for Absolute Wonder Woman #1Wonder Woman has always been a powerhouse in DC lore, wielding his Lasso of Truth and fulfilling his mission of peace. Now, the Absolute Universe has introduced a new Wonder Woman who could put the original to shame. The Absolute Wonder Woman wields a variety of powers, spells, and weapons, and her first epic battle sets a thrilling precedent for what she can do.

Absolute Wonder Woman #1 by Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman, Jordie Bellaire and Becca Carey portrays Diana as readers have never seen her before. She rides into battle on her Pegasus and faces an enemy she calls Harbinger Prime, a herald of a greater power. As scary as the monster attack may seem, they are no match for this heroine. Wonder Woman has never looked cooler than when she flies into battle, with her hardcore armored design and mystical power flowing through her.

Comic page: Wonder Woman rides Pegasus wearing armor. She opens a bag full of green magic and pulls out her giant sword, then slashes the monsters with it.

During this first edition, Absolute Wonder Woman has solidified herself as the most badass heroine in the entire DC Universeas proven by the jaw-dropping powers and weapons she displays in her confrontation with Harbinger Prime.

Wonder Woman's Absolute Universe Counterpart Unleashes Powerful New Abilities

With magic at her disposal, the Absolute Wonder Woman is a powerhouse

Wonder Woman is known for her fighting prowess in most continuities, and her incarnation in the Absolute Universe takes that to a whole new level. Her proficiency with magic allows her perform amazing feats in battle. She is capable of casting attack spells in battle, such as when she ignites a blast of power through her bracelets to ward off creatures from hell. Diana can also use magic directly on enemies by saying an incantation out loud. These witchy properties make this Wonder Woman distinct from the original, elevating her to the level of prolific DC magic users like John Constantine and Zatanna.

Magical abilities aren't the only ones at Wonder Woman's disposal here. Much like his main universe counterpart, Diana possesses the superhuman abilities of an Amazon warrior. She displays her strength when she is able to withstand her opponent's hard blows and deflect them with her bracelets. Meanwhile, her speed comes into play when she runs and jumps over Harbinger Prime's laser beams, proving she's still on par with DC's fastest speedsters. With these innate talents, plus the dark magic that glows from her fingers, the Absolute Wonder Woman is nothing short of a force to be reckoned with.

Absolute Wonder Woman's hellish origin is the source of her new power

Wonder Woman learns dark magic from her mother, Circe

Comic panels: Wonder Woman and her mother, Circe, use magic in Hell.

In this alternate version of Wonder Woman's origin story, she was not raised by her sisterhood of Amazons on Themyscira. Instead, as punishment for the Amazons, Diana is taken as a baby and given to the witch Circe in Hell. Growing up in Hell, as opposed to Heaven, hardens Wonder Woman and makes her one of DC's toughest heroes. In her youth, Diana is surrounded by hellish creatures, and the fact that she shows little fear around them indicates how this shaped her. Wonder Woman being the Princess of Hell is certainly a radical reinvention of this traditional hero.

Wonder Woman's education in Hell prepares her for the battles to come in the world above.

Her upbringing in Hell not only reinforces Wonder Woman's resilience in the face of hardship, but also explains how she learns the dark magic she uses on the battlefield. Circe creates Diana, and thus her magic is passed on to her daughter. In flashbacks throughout the issue, Circe is seen uttering incantations and mixing potions, and soon Diana is depicted doing the same. Plus, magic isn't all Wonder Woman gets from her mother. Circe reveals she bestowed the “greatest weapons imaginable” on her daughterand Wonder Woman wastes no time showing them off.

Wonder Woman gets heavy weapons like the Princess of Hell

Diana's mystical lasso and sword make her an unstoppable force

Comic panel: Wonder Woman proclaims she is Diana of Themyscira, wielding her Nemesis Lasso.

Wonder Woman's education in Hell prepares her for the battles to come in the world above with weapons that can aid her in conflicts. One of them is a bright red bow. The Golden Lasso of Truth is a staple of standard Wonder Woman lore, being both a weapon for thwarting evil and a tool for finding peace through revealing the truth. However, this new Hell loop does not emit the same divine energy as the original. While not much is known yet about what Absolute Wonder Woman's Nemesis Lasso is capable of, it's already an exciting upgrade for Diana.

While a lasso is typical of her in a fight, Wonder Woman's giant sword is an unexpected addition to her arsenal. Although she has fought with swords in the past, this one is much more imposing. This sword is referred to by Diana as "the mythical Blade of Athena"and lives up to its awesome name when she uses it to combat Harbinger Prime. The sword itself also has links to its magical side, its scabbard being a small pouch infused with an enchantment. These weapons aren't all Wonder Woman has on her side, as she has another secret weapon.

'This World Is Protected': Wonder Woman's True Greatest Strength Is Her Courage

Wonder Woman's power goes beyond physical prowess and weaponry

Comic panel: Wonder Woman tells the Harbinger that the world is protected and refers to her sword as the mythical Blade of Athena.

As impressive as Wonder Woman's powers and weapons are in the heat of battle, a superpower that surpasses it all lies just beneath her surface. When faced with an enemy as threatening as Harbinger Prime, instead of retreating when the situation looks bleak, Wonder Woman stands firm and declares herself the protector of the world. In the regular DC Universe, Diana has a team of heroes and a community of Amazons to support her if things go wrong at a time like this. However, in Darkseid's new universe, Wonder Woman is alone - and yet, she is still standing.

See the first appearance of the Absolute Wonder Woman - and experience the creation of the Absolute Universe - at DC everything special #1 by Joshua Williamson, Scott Snyder, Daniel Sampere, Wes Craig, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, Alejandro Sánchez and Steve Wands.

Wonder Woman's difficult circumstances in this version of reality contribute to her strength. She is the last Amazon in this universe, exiled to Hell and forced to spend much of her childhood without knowing what she is or where she comes from. Her reclaiming of her Amazonian heritage and her proclamation that she is fulfilling her duty of protection in her stead cements this Wonder Woman as an inspirational figure within the Absolute Universe. Your weapons and magic increase your battle power in notable ways, but it is Absolute Wonder WomanThe indomitable spirit that proves she is the ultimate hero.

Absolute Wonder Woman #1 is now available from DC Comics.