Absolute Superman Just Erased Two MAJOR Parts of His Identity in a Heartbreaking Twist

Absolute Superman Just Erased Two MAJOR Parts of His Identity in a Heartbreaking Twist

WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for ABSOLUTE SUPERMAN #1!

Absolute Superman has finally arrived at DC Comics and is already making waves and taking names. While fans anticipated big changes with this iteration of the Man of Steel, DC pulled a heartbreaking twist by erasing two defining aspects of his identity. Of course, this isn't what Superman fans have loved over 86 years of comic book history.

...the Man of Absolute Steel's journey will focus on his search for himself and the truth.

Released on November 6, 2024, Absolute Superman #1 by Jason Aaron, Rafa Sandoval, Ulises Arreola and Becca Carey brings tradition-altering changes to Superman's origin, character design and core identity.

Absolute Superman #1 Kal-El Main

Among these changes, two stand out as particularly striking: the removal of his civilian identity as Clark Kent and his unwavering sense of truth. These erasures strike at the heart of who Superman has always been, carrying important implications that are sure to become focal points as the story unfolds.

Absolute Superman #1 Takes Clark Kent's Identity From Man of Steel

Superman reveals he no longer has a name (so who is he?)

Absolute Superman #1 Unnamed

Since the request for Absolute Superman #1 released months ago, it became clear that this version of the Man of Steel likely wouldn't follow in the original's footsteps, especially when it came to his Smallville upbringing with the loving Martha and Jonathan Kent. The synopsis caused this change: “Without the fortress... without the family... without a home... what remains is the Absolute Man of Steel!” This implication made it clear that the Absolute Superman would be very far from Clark Kent's identity.because how could there be a Clark Kent without Ma and Pa Kent?

Now, Absolute Superman #1 officially confirmed this change in tradition in perhaps the most poignant way possible. In one scene, a miner and resident of the mining town that Superman is passing through approaches the Man of Steel, introducing himself and asking: “Do you have a name?” Superman's response, "No more." not only confirms that this version of the Man of Steel has lost his Clark Kent identity, but also reveals that he sees himself as having no identity at all. This revelation hits hard, showing how deeply alone this Superman is in the world.

Since Clark Kent has always been an important part of Superman's history, fans are left wondering: who, exactly, is this Superman? THEThe name Kent is much more than just a name – it was essential in shaping the character that fans have come to know and love. Much of Superman's essence is tied to his identity as the son of Martha and Jonathan Kent. This raises several pressing questions: Who is this Superman, who never received the morals instilled by Kent, who was not raised among humans and therefore never developed a personal identity that ties him to humanity?

The Absolute Superman differs from the original in one important aspect: his sense of "True"

Kal-El no longer has the morals that Ma and Pa Kent instilled in him in the main DCU

Absolute Superman #1 TRUTH

In addition to Absolute Superman's separation from Clark Kent's identity Another important revelation is his struggle with his sense of "true." This becomes evident during his conversation with the miner, when Superman asks: “I have seen the wonder of your world. And I've seen a lot of places like that. Industries that run on suffering. How do you know what the truth is?” Superman's questioning of the very nature of truth marks a significant departure from the essence of his character, as a strong sense of truth has always been an unwavering part of the Man of Steel's identity.

Superman's truth-centered identity is most famously personified by his iconic catchphrase: “Truth, Justice, and the American Way.” First introduced on 1940s radio show The Adventures of Supermanthis phrase has been synonymous with him ever since. Even with the 2021 update to “Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow” the essence remains unchanged, reinforcing truth as the cornerstone of Superman's character. Therefore, this new uncertainty about the truth signals a major shift in DC's portrayal of the Man of Steel - further underlining his importance to its identity.

This loss of a clear sense of truth is directly linked to the erasure of his Clark Kent identity, as it was Ma and Pa Kent who instilled these values ​​in him. This influence is recognized in Tom King's book Wonder Woman #7, when Clark admits, "I'm just who Mom raised" after Diana Prince told him, "You know what? You're a good man, Clark Kent." This connection highlights the profound impact that Clark Kent's loss of his identity has on this version of Superman. As such, fans can look forward to Superman's journey to discover a “sense of truth” be a central theme in your story moving forward.

Clark Kent may not exist in the absolute universe, but Kal-El does (sort of)

Absolute Superman It will highlight the Man of Steel's search for identity

Absolute Superman #1 KAL EL

Despite Absolute Superman being stripped of his Clark Kent identity, his identity as Kal-El remains intact.-perhaps even more so considering this version of Superman arrived on Earth much later, and not as a child. Consequently, he grew up on Krypton, living as Kal-El. However, while the name Kal-El is still part of his lore, it's clear he has distanced himself from it. This becomes evident through his dialogue with the miner, as well as a subsequent internal reflection where he reveals, “Dreaming of a time so long ago, when I still knew who I was.” It's clear that Absolute Superman feels disconnected even from his Kryptonian roots.

While Superman's loss of identity is heartbreaking, it also introduces an element of intrigue, as it becomes increasingly clear that the Man of Absolute Steel's journey will focus on his search for himself and the truth. Fans will witness his evolution into a hero, discovering his moral code along the way. Additionally, it will be fascinating to see whether he reclaims the Kal-El name or creates a new identity for himself. There is also the intriguing possibility that the Absolute Superman could eventually find Clark Kent's identity in an unexpected way.

Absolute Superman #1 is now available from DC Comics!


absolute superman 1 cover image

  • Writer: Jason Aaron

  • Artist: Rafa Sandoval

  • Colorist: Ulises Arreola

  • Poster: Becca Carey

  • Cover artist: Rafa Sandoval and Ulises Arreola