In a new look at DC's Absolute flash series fresh from New York Comic Con, fans get a A closer look at Wally West's teenage superhero and his totally reinvented villains. DC's Absolute Universe is a new continuity set in an entire reality warmed by Darkseid's evil - a place where heroes are stripped of any advantage they possess in DC's mainstream and challenged by villains who have never been stronger.
Absolute flash Coming March 5, 2025, from DC Comics, written by Jeff Lemire and drawn by Nick Robles. In a new preview shared by DC, fans get their first look at the world's version of The Rogues - a crew of tech-based thieves who have fought every version of The Fastest Man alive However, in the Absolute Universe, it looks like the rogues won't be criminals, but rather enforcers of the world's dark new status quo.
Robles' art shows the Rogues leave a great vehicle, with new versions of Captain Cold and Captain Boomerang, as well as what appear to be wild new takes on Golden Glider and The Trickster. The designs of the villains and the way they are presented make it look as far from being on the wrong side of the law, The rogues could be what passes for superheroes in Darkseid's world.
Absolute Flash is reinventing the Rogues
A Tin Flash battles a new version of Captain Cold
While the Reverse-Flash is Flash's most famous nemesis, the Rogues are arguably far more interesting characters, with multiple runs treating the group as supporting characters to Flash's adventures. Usually led by Captain Cold, there have been many versions of the Rogues, but the core members are the pyromaniac Heat Wave, the Suicide Squad mainstay Captain Boomerang, prank-themed psychopath The Trickster, volatile atmosphere manipulator The Weather Wizard, and the brutal former Killer Mirror Lord, with Kalt's sister Golden Glider acting as a former member.
The Rogues are often touted as one of the most unique elements of Flash lore, thanks to their strict rules regarding conduct. The rules see the rogues only kill in extreme circumstances, and have allowed Wally West's Flash to develop an understanding with the villains where each side gives the other a degree of respite, even working together against deadly threats. However, in a reality where evil is the fundamental force of nature and heroism a diminished outsider, it seems that the Rogues and Wally West will have a totally new dynamic.
Absolute Flash tells the story DC never could before
Wally West has been stripped of his mentorship in a critical lore change
The proposal of the Rogues as authority figures against a rebellious Flash is a clever new way to conceptualize their rivalry, and exactly the kind of status quo revamp that the Absolute Universe has been promising fans. The new reality is a world where DC's heroes are robbed of the resources and allies that helped them stay alive in mainstream continuity, while villains gain new prestige and power - for example, the world's Joker is a billionaire trained by the expert Assassins of the League of Shadows.
There is still a lot to find out about Absolute flashThe new version ofWally West, but everything fans have seen so far suggests that his story will be rewritten in exciting ways. The original hero began life as Barry Allen's sidekick, meaning he lived his entire life around superheroes and with a mentor who could advise him on his powers. Hints that Wally will be totally overwhelmed by his new powers and pursued by villainous government agents is huge reason for Flash Fans to get excited, as this new continuity sets the stage for stories that simply couldn't happen in DC's original canon.
Absolute Flash #1 Coming from DC Comics March 5, 2025.