A24 s Y2K is a horror spin on SuperbadBlending a dreamy love interest with a party disaster and adding a shocking twist.
- Y2Ks trailer remixes the classic teen comedy with horror elements, proving a dark spin on a wild night can be comedic.
- Y2Ks mix of Superbads premise with horror could lead to box office success, giving audiences the horror take on a classic they always wanted.
I always thought that a horror version of Superbad would be brilliant, and A24s upcoming Y2K is here to prove me right. For decades, movies about one long wild night have been among my favorite sub-genres. One of Martin Sorcese's most underrated movies, Another hourPerfectly encapsulated this sub-genre back in 1985, but directors have added to the pantheon before and since. On the darker side of the subgenre, there are movies like Go, Miracle MileAnd Another hourWhile the lighter side includes classics like Harold and Kumar go to White Castle And Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.
However, arguably the greatest One Wild Night movie ever Another hour is the 2007 teen comedy Superbad. In this seminal coming-of-age comedy from director Greg Mottola, Jonah Hill and Michael Cera's hapless teenage virgins attempt to procure alcohol for a party, only to stumble into countless mishaps along the way. I love Superbad As a teen, though, I always wished the movie had taken its dark side a little further. Wild as it may sound, I thought a horror spin on Superbad Made a lot of sense and a new upcoming A24 movie proves that premise can work well.
Y2K is a horror spin on 2007's classic teen comedy Superbad
Y2K borrows a lot from Superbad's story and adds horror elements
A24's upcoming Y2K Borrows a lot of Superbad. There's a dreamy love interest the main character is pursuing, a party that ends in disaster, and a quiet, unassuming protagonist paired with a more outgoing best friend. Admittedly, many of these elements are also found in Project X, Booksmart, Can hardly wait, Desperate and confusedAnd American graffitiamong others. however, Superbad seems to be Y2Ks main inspiration, judging by the heavy camaraderie of the two young heroes and their attempts to psyche themselves up for partying by consuming copious amounts of alcohol. There is only one big difference.
The trailer of Y2K becomes a horror remix of Superbad which proves that the idea has a lot of comedic potential.
Y2K's trailer takes a turn when the movie reveals that it is actually a horror-comedy. Y2KIts title refers to the infamous Millennium Bug, a theory that stated that the world's electronics would all malfunction en masse when the clock struck twelve on New Year's Eve 1999. Although this did not actually happen, it occurs in Y2K And the house party's wireless technology soon begins to violently attack the partygoers. from then on, Y2Ks trailer becomes a horror remix of Superbad Which proves this idea has a lot of comedic potential. Nights out false false always have an element of threat, making this an ingenious premise.
Y2K's Superbad similarities could help it become a big hit
A horror spin on Superbad could be very successful
Superbad was massively popular, and horror movies typically do well at the box office. A24's horror movies have been more critically successful than most of the genre's efforts, even as horror movies undergo their current critical revival. so, Y2K combining Superbads premise with a horror story could leave the filmmakers with a surprise hit on their hands. Of course, it would be difficult for Y2K to resist Superbad's astonishing success of $170 million at the box office, but the upcoming A24 horror movie may be a sleeper hit. either way, A24s I2C Will be the horror take on Superbad I always wanted.