A Transformers One sequel could finally redeem one of cinema's most abused Autobots

A Transformers One sequel could finally redeem one of cinema's most abused Autobots

Notice! This post contains SPOILERS for Transformers OneA possible sequence of Transformers One may finally rescue one of the most abused Autobots in live-action films. In the films, the live-action Cybertronian heroes led by Optimus Prime typically bear some degree of resemblance to their first-generation counterparts, even if their alternate forms differ with more modern vehicle scans. However, the multiple visual changes made to one Autobot in particular are quite egregious, and its unique design has rarely been shown in the films.

In the recent animated film Transformers OneAll of the Autobots and Decepticons closely resemble the G1 designs as portrayed in the original 1980s animated series. This includes Wheeljack, the future Autobot mechanic and inventor who has unique head fins that light up when he speaks, rather than a more traditional mouth. However, Wheeljack's iconic visual design has rarely been seen in previous live-action Transformers filmssomething that future animated films could correct.

Wheeljack rarely looked good in the live-action Transformers films

Inventive, but certainly not necessary in any way

Seeking to evoke the aesthetics of the scientist, the two most prevalent live-action designs for Wheeljack are very similar and equally disappointing. First appearing in 2011 Transformers: Dark of the MoonThe first iteration of Wheeljack, also known as Que, was portrayed as an older Autobot who looked a lot like an elderly repairman with glasses and thin strands resembling white hair (he was also voiced by George Coe). However, this looked nothing like preexisting depictions of Wheeljack in the franchise, and this version also didn't feature the iconic head fins.

In the same vein, the new Wheeljack design that debuts in 2023 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts and his new canon doesn't look like the original Wheeljack either. Voiced by Ted Lasso Christ Fernandez, this version of Wheeljack is a complete nerd with glasses and seat belts that resemble suspenders. There's a single shot in Rise of the Beasts' final battle, where two smaller fins appear on either side of Wheeljack's head, likely as a reference to his classic G1 depiction. However, they are extremely easy to miss and their purpose is never specified. In the end, Rise of the Beasts' Wheeljack had a typical mouth.

So why are live-action films afraid of this?

These two disheartening depictions are even more frustrating when 2018 Bee is taken into account, having been released between the two films with its own depiction of Wheeljack. Featured briefly in a cameo during the film's Cybertron battle sequences, among other G1-inspired Transformers, Wheeljack actually has fins on his head that light up when he speaks. Directly inspired by his G1 style, this live-action version of Wheeljack was perfect and looked amazing... just for the next movie, Rise of the Beasts, ignore it completely and redo the entire visual design (and not for the better).

It's absolutely baffling why live action Transformers the movies seem to have been so shy about Wheeljack's classic G1 appearance. After all, it's such a cool part of his design and the main reason for his popularity, not unlike Soundwave's popularity coming from his unique monotone voice compared to other Cybertronians and his minicon minions that are ejected from his chest. With this in mind, it appears that Transformers One finally created the perfect opportunity for Wheeljack to finally be redeemed and receive the respect he has long deserved when it comes to his visual design.

A Transformers One sequel could succeed with Wheeljack where the live-action films failed

Finally, a visually faithful version of the iconic Autobot

In 2024 Transformers OneWheeljack looks perfect and exactly the way he was always supposed to look in live action Transformers films. Although he doesn't have a starring role in the prequel, Wheeljack was featured more than once throughout the animated film, with the classic light-up fins and all. To that end, the hope is that this initial debut is just the beginning for Wheeljack. Having received his transformation gear and joining the Autobots at the end of the film, it was expected that Wheeljack would serve as a key member of Optimus Prime's forces in the future. Transformers One sequel (which we hope will be made after the very positive reception of the first film).

Transformers One It is now showing in theaters and available digitally.