A supernatural Sam Winchester story looked a lot like something you saw on the Buffy's Angel spinoff

A supernatural Sam Winchester story looked a lot like something you saw on the Buffy's Angel spinoff

An early history in Supernatural for Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) shared many aspects with another storyline within the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin off Angel. Many of Supernatural the best episodes focused on the fantastical monsters, lore and action, as well as the unbreakable bond between the Winchester brothers, intertwining the two frequently to heighten the emotional and even physical tension of the series. However, The Winchesters' individual stories also helped amplify this tension, with Sam's ever-changing arc shaping many of the series' early events.

Sam's story in Supernatural It often seemed to mirror Dean's (Jensen Ackles), especially since both brothers were used by Heaven in Hell in the show's early seasons. Sam's associations with Hell not only complicated his arc, but also allowed the series to naturally raise the stakes. as angelic and demonic forces approached the brothers. A particular aspect of this storyline was Sam's prophetic visions, which hinted at the chaos to come and mirrored the arc of another well-known fantasy series that had a demon-based character with visions.

Supernatural's Sam Winchester and Angel's Doyle Had Visions About Future Cases

Doyle was a half-demon who granted him the power of precognition

Both Sam's Supernatural and Allen Francis Doyle (Glenn Quinn) from Angel They had the ability to see the future, which helped them in their cases but caused them personal turmoil. Sam's psychic abilities began to manifest in Season 1but the series didn't reveal their cause until season two, which properly introduced Azazel (Fredric Lehne). It is then revealed that Sam is one of the Special Children who, after being fed demon blood as a baby by Azazel, had special abilities and could be a possible host for Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino).

Sam's abilities bear some similarity to Doyle's, as his psychic powers also come from a demonic source. Doyle was a half-Brachen demon who was Angel Investigation's connection to the Powers That Be.using their visions to help the group. Unfortunately, Doyle dies at the end of the series' first season, passing his visions on to Buffy the Vampire Slayers Cordelia (Carisma Carpinteira). Doyle's visions, while helpful, caused him great personal discomfort, increasing his fear of his demonic side and creating another connection with Sam. Supernatural.

Sam Winchester and Doyle struggled to resist their demonic powers

Both characters have experienced and feared the corrupting aspects of these abilities

Genevieve and Jared Padalecki as Ruby and Sam, who is using their powers, on Supernatural.

Both Doyle and Sam had to resist temptation and accept their demonic sides. Supernatural and Angel, with someone experiencing the negative side effects of these abilities more fully. Sam's struggles to resist his powers end quickly in Season 3 after Dean's deathresulting in him teaming up with Ruby (Genevieve Padalecki) and becoming addicted to demon blood. Although he does this for selfless reasons, Sam is ultimately consumed by this power, which causes him to fall into Hell at the end of Season 5.

Ultimately, this storyline was cut short after Doyle's death, but was still able to create another parallel between the Buffy spin-off and Supernatural.

Doyle also goes through similar struggles in Angel, but it's not as deeply explored as Sam's initial arc. After learning of his demonic heritage, Doyle's former life falls apart. allowing him to join Angel Investigations and forcing him to use his demonic abilities at times to help combat one of the Angel best "Big Bads". Still, Doyle struggled with this part of his identity, which caused a rift between him and Cordelia. Ultimately, this storyline was cut short after Doyle's death, but was still able to create yet another parallel between the Buffy spin-off and Supernatural.