THE ONE Quiet place The timeline spans several films and stands out among sci-fi horror for how quickly the unprepared world changed with the arrival of these monsters who hunt by sound. 2018 A peaceful place, takes place a year after the horrific phenomenon began. Thanks to the 2020 sequel, A peaceful place IIthe A peaceful place The timeline was more detailed, providing more information about what happened. The franchise also expanded beyond the first two films with the 2025 prequel A peaceful place: first day and a sequence with the delay A peaceful place 3.
The first Quiet place The film tells the story of the Abbott family's survival with parents Lee and Evelyn (John Krasinski and Emily Blunt), as well as their children for a few days. A Quiet Place Part II provides context for the story the first film presents. The sequel picks up a few days after the first film, but significantly fleshes out the Quiet place timeline and world. Future installments will expand the timeline in both directions, showing the mid- and long-term impact of the arrival, as well as detailing the first few days after the alien invasion.
Opening sequence of A Quiet Place Part II
The First Point on the Quiet Place Timeline for the Abbotts
THE A peaceful place the timeline takes viewers back the first moment of the alien invasion in Part II with a thrilling opening sequence. This includes John Krasinski's Lee temporarily returning to the series. The film shows the Abbotts living in a small, close-knit community before the invasion. It was the kind of town that would get together for a Little League baseball game, like they did for one of Marcus' games in the opening scene. The crowd notices a burning object falling from the sky, obviously foreshadowing the imminent arrival of the uninvited guests.
As the people disperse, the monsters introduced into A peaceful place descend upon the city's inhabitants. The family is divided because Evelyn and Lee have separate cars in the game. It is important to note that Regan chooses to go with her father. The last time audiences saw father and daughter, their relationship was strained. But A Quiet Place Part IIThe opening sequence proves that they were once incredibly close. Seeing them in good condition makes Lee's sacrifice, and what this loss means for the rest of the family, all the more devastating.
A peaceful place: first day
The first days in New York are shown
The first prequel in the franchise, A peaceful place: first daytakes the timeline to the early days of the alien invasion. The 2024 film follows Sam (Lupita Nyong'o) and Eric (Joseph Quinn) as they unexpectedly come together to try and survive in New York City. The story begins hours before the aliens land in New York, as Sam goes with Reuben (Nat Wolff) to a puppet show. This should occur on June 17, 2020as confirmed A peaceful place timeline of events.
A peaceful place: first day covers more than just the first day of the alien invasion. The film's story spans from day 1 to day 4providing new information about what happens each day in A peaceful placeworld. This includes showing Eric leaving New York on the same boat as Henri (Djimon Hounsou), which takes them both to the island in A Quiet Place Part II. The film's final event takes place on the 4th, although it was previously established that it happened on the 3rd.
A Quiet Place: Day One is a spin-off of the A Quiet Place franchise conceived by John Krasinski. The film is set at the beginning of the invasion as humanity struggles to survive, before the events of the original film, with Lupita Nyong'O leading the cast, directed by Michael Sarnoski.
- Director
Michael Sarnoski
- Release date
June 28, 2024
- Writers
Michael Sarnoski
- Cast
Lupita Nyong'o, Joseph Quinn, Alex Wolff, Djimon Hounsou, Eliane Umuhire
- Execution time
99 minutes
The death of Beau Abbott
The most tragic moment in the A Quiet Place timeline also happens in 2020
The death of the Abbotts' youngest son, Beautakes place at the beginning of the A peaceful place timeline, about a few months before the events of the first film. Marcus is sick, so the family carefully heads into town, hoping to get medicine from their chosen convenience store. Beau picks up a toy rocket, but Lee immediately scolds him as the toy will make too much noise. Regan, trying to be a good big sister, gets the toy for Beau when Lee isn't looking.
The Abbotts create a memorial to honor Beau, marking 2020 as the year of his death.
Since Beau is too young to understand the ramifications of his actions, he turns on the toy on the way home. One of the alien monsters grabs and kills Beau before Lee can reach him. The Abbotts create a memorial to honor Beau, marking 2020 as the year of his death. It's the only indicator of when the film series takes place. The impact of Beau's death so early in the ONE Quiet place The timeline is felt throughout the rest of the series, particularly through Regan's now strained relationship with her father, Lee.
A peaceful place
The timeline of the first film in The Quiet Place takes place in 2021
The rest of A peaceful place the timeline moves forward slightly, placing the Abbotts in 2021still reeling from Beau's death. The film takes place on a normal day in the family's life. Evelyn is pregnant and takes care of her two oldest children. Lee desperately tries to make contact with any survivors and hopes to make improvements to Regan's cochlear implant. Despite their work, Lee and Regan's relationship is strained.
As Regan gives Beau the toy that ultimately led to his death, she blames herself for the incident.
As Regan gives Beau the toy that ultimately led to his death, she blames herself for the incident. She feels that Lee also blames her. When Lee takes Marcus fishing and Regan sneaks out to visit Beau's memorial, Evelyn goes into labor. She accidentally makes a noise, attracting the Quiet place monsters to the house when it is most vulnerable.
While the Abbott family is panicking to reunite and save Evelyn, the children are cornered by monsters. Lee screams, sacrificing himself, so the children can escape to their mother alive. Seconds before his death, Lee makes sure to sign to Regan that he always loved her. Once the children find their way back to their mother, they realize that the feedback from Regan's implants disturbs the monsters and weakens them long enough for Evelyn to shoot them.
This part of the timeline set the stage for an important chapter in the Abbotts' lives.
A peaceful place ends with the surviving Abbotts luring the monsters into their basement, Knowing that there is finally a way to kill them. This part of the timeline set the stage for an important chapter in the Abbotts' lives. For one, they would have to learn to live without their patriarch, Lee. Second, the fact that they had discovered the Quiet place the monsters' weakness offers the first glimmer of hope since the invasion.
A Quiet Place is set in a world ravaged by predatory alien beings with ultra-sensitive hearing. With humanity on the brink of extinction, the Abbott family has managed a delicate survival living in total silence, but with a baby on the way, their tentative peace seems more fragile than ever. A Quiet Place stars John Krasinski, Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds and Noah Jupe and is directed by Krasinski.
- Release date
April 3, 2018
- Execution time
90 minutes
A Quiet Place Part II
There is no time jump between the first two films in the Quiet Place timeline
After its opening sequence, A Quiet Place Part II is released to this day. It starts a few seconds after the end of the first film. In A peaceful placeLee lit a signal fire every night for survivors in the surrounding areas. After losing him, Evelyn, Marcus and Regan set out to find someone on the other side of one of those flames. It turns out that they meet former acquaintance Emmett, who reluctantly takes in the family. The rest of the film's events take place over a few days at most.
Film |
Timeline configuration |
A peaceful place |
Days 472-474 |
A Quiet Place Part II |
Days 474-477 |
A peaceful place: first day |
Days 1-4 |
Regan sets out alone to find help, and Emmett tracks her down and eventually accompanies her. Evelyn and the injured Marcus stay behind. The film ends with Regan and Emmett arriving at a working radio station, meaning they can blast the feedback from their implants and weaken the monsters. It remains to be seen how many of them the devastating soundtrack will reach, but after years of being almost defenseless against the aliens, humanity may finally begin to fight back.
Lee's last words to Regan gave him the courage to risk his life and try to help others.
Lee's last words to Regan gave him the courage to risk his life and try to help others. She was brooding in the first film, due to anger, guilt, and sadness over the loss of Beau. But after seeing Lee's sacrificial death in A peaceful place to save her and Marcus, she knew he would want her to do the same thing. When Regan found an opportunity to save others, she knew she had to take it. Exhibiting tremendous growth of character, Regan faces a monster head on to save Emmett's life In A Quiet Place Part IIis ending.
A Quiet Place: Part II is a direct continuation of the story of A Quiet Place and once again sees the Abbott family trying to evade a group of mysterious creatures that hunt humans by following sounds. In this release, directed once again by John Krasinski, the family tries to locate other survivors and unite with them.
- Release date
May 28, 2021
- Execution time
1h 37m
The future of the A Quiet Place franchise
A Quiet Place timeline will be significantly expanded
After the tremendous critical and commercial success stories of each A peaceful place film made so far, one thing for sure is that more is to come. What's up in the air is what the sequel will be like. John Krasinski announced the third installment in the history of the Abbott familybut A peaceful place: first day it helped expand the established universe and opened the door for more spinoffs or prequels. It appears that Paramount thinks it might be able to turn the A peaceful place franchise into its Warner Bros. counterpart. The Conjuration.
Everything we know about A Quiet Place III
The story of the Abbott family will become a trilogy
The story of A peaceful place II establishes a complete franchise, which motivated the conception of A peaceful place III. The third installment has been greenlit for release in 2025, and Krasinski will be back at the helm of the film. However, although the film is going well in its production, may not make the 2025 release date. Given A peaceful place IIIn the end, you'll probably spend some time on the boat and on the island with the rest of the new survivors, including Eric.
A peaceful place III should see Evelyn return as the star of the franchise.
A peaceful place IIIThe plot has not been announced, but Regan (Millicent Simmonds) and Emmett (Cillian Murphy) will likely return as they need to reconnect with Marcus, Evelyn and the baby. A peaceful place III should see Evelyn return as the star of the franchise. Additionally, there will likely be a new cast of survivors on the island, but no one knows if any of them managed to seek true sanctuary in A peaceful place II. Likely, A peaceful place III will pick up where the last film left off, adding even more to the A peaceful place timeline.
Where the video game A Quiet Place is in the timeline
The game will jump through time
Like waiting for a new A peaceful place The film will probably be long, fans of the franchise will have new content with the arrival of the first video game in the franchise. A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead puts players into the world of alien invasion with an original story and new characters not seen in the film. However, the game takes place in the same universe and continuity.
While the game's overall timeline isn't completely confirmed, the first concept trailer for A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead revealed that the game would jump through time, starting more than 100 days after the invasion and going back to the beginning. It's unclear how far into the invasion the game will go, but the trailer indicated it will take at least 120 dayswhich puts about a month after Beau Abbott's death in A peaceful place prologue.
It makes sense for the video game to follow the timeline established for the A peaceful place films and is unlikely to be extended beyond that to push the universe beyond the events of A peaceful place 2. However, it will be interesting to see if the video game adds any new context to the invasion itself.
Where Future Movies Might Land in the Timeline
More prequels could expand the invasion
With three films in A peaceful place franchise at this point, the timeline is still open to explore this universe further. Although the next destination of the films has not yet been confirmed, there are some options for when they could happen. A peaceful place: first day established the idea that the franchise could be set anywhere in the world and follow completely new characters, witnessing the invasion from their point of view.
It might be interesting to define another A peaceful place prequel somewhere where aliens don't directly invade and follows characters who learn about the invasion in different parts of the world and prepare for the imminent attack. Another potential prequel could continue following Eric (Joseph Quinn) after the events of A peaceful place: first day. He was seen teaming up with Henri (Djimon Honsou), who audiences know arrives at the island community in A Quiet Place Part IIso the film could deal with their journey there.
A direct sequence of A Quiet Place Part II could explore how humanity deals with having a weapon to fight back. However, it may be more interesting to move into the future and explore a period in the timeline where humanity is already reacting and the battle is not as one-sided as it was before. Making a total war film where sound is used sparingly could be a really cool final chapter in the story. A peaceful place franchise.