NOTICE! This article contains SPOILERS for Season 3, Episode 6!Near the end of Of In Season 3, Episode 6, a terrifying ghost becomes even scarier as she repeats a haunting request from other seemingly deceased figures in town. All over Of season 3, Elgin was haunted at Colony House by visions of who he calls “kimono woman.” The nearly skeletal character is seen soaking wet and dripping with water, cupping her hands and wearing a kimono when she appears to Elgin, which scares him to no end. In Of Season 3, Episode 6, his visions of her take a darker turn when she makes a desperate plea to him.
After OfThe Kimono Woman's ghost inexplicably appears behind Fatima in a Polaroid photo Elgin took, he has a vision of her in front of him. The woman then walks up behind Elgin and begs him: “Help me. I can save you. I can save you all. I can help you get home.” The context of this Elgin ghost's visions has similarities to Tabitha's visions of the children who frequently utter the word “Anghkooey”, with these unknown numbers only appearing to some residents who ask for help.
Why do the ghost lady in the kimono and the Anghkooey children want the residents' help?
Ghosts may want help freeing their souls
There are now two recurring visions that feature figures requesting help from characters trapped in Ofcity. The most basic mystery about these visions involves their identities and what happened to them, as it is still unclear who the Kimono Woman was and why the children are trapped in a tower. Meanwhile, they both still want help from the townspeople, although they don't reveal why they need help or what will happen after they are helped. As they are probably dead, Could it be to help free their souls trapped in this city.
The Kimono Woman first appeared to Elgin in Of Season 2, Episode 7, when she pushed him underwater in a bathtub.
The "Anghkooey"children in Of seek help from Tabitha and Miranda, specifically, to rescue them from the tower, which turns out to be the lighthouse. However, Tabitha successfully goes to the lighthouse and is sent back to the real world, which brings her back to square one as children continue to appear to her and ask for help. How exactly Kimono Woman wants Elgin to help her is unclear.but - like the “Anghkooey” children – it's likely that she will continue to scare and appear to Elgin in visions until he finally figures out how to do it.
The kimono woman adds a great twist compared to the kids
Elgin's vision offers to help you get out
While the children and Kimono Woman want help, the last figure offers a deal in exchange for assistance. The woman tells Elgin that she will help save him and everyone in the town return home if he helps her, which is arguably the greatest source of hope the characters have had since Dale's death in Of Season 3, end of episode 5. The kids didn't say any words other than “Anghkooey”, so this is the first time in Of that one of the mysterious figures in these visions directly offered to help them leave in exchange for help.
New episodes of Of season 3 launches on Sundays on MGM+.