A new classic from an old classic

A new classic from an old classic

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is the latest iteration of the classic RPG that first arrived in the United States as Dragon Warrior III in 1992. The original game is widely considered one of the best RPGs of all timeand served as a model for many RPGs that followed it. Since it debuted, there have been numerous versions – including remakes – on various platforms. This means that there are many versions of DQ3 to compare the HD-2D remake to - all while grappling with the legacy of the original.

DQ3 is a game of almost mythical proportions. Its 1988 release in Japan was a zeitgeist moment that inspired one of gaming's biggest myths - the Dragon Quest Law - which suggested that many people skip work and school to play games. DQ3 what future Dragon Quest games were required by law to be released on weekends. From a Western perspective (where DQ has traditionally struggled), it may be difficult to explain just how influential the game was - and why it is still so respected, but the release of Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake It impressively lives up to the original.

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake does not disappoint. The central premise - a young hero sets out to save the world from Archiend - and many game mechanics are the same, but there is additional content and quality of life improvements that help the HD-2D remake stand out.

This remake of Dragon Quest 3 has a lot of surprises

Fight monsters, secret areas and new stories

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake comes with lots of quality of life improvements like difficulty settings, auto-save features, and even hints that circle places on the world map to help navigate the more open-ended parts of the game. However, it also includes new features that really add to the fun of this remake. The most notable are the new Monster Wrangler vocation and Monster Arena, both of which require recruiting friendly monsters to progress. New stories featuring Ortega, the hero's warrior father, were another pre-release selling point.

I've kept a Monster Wrangler in my party since I was new, and although it's slow to start, I found it to be a good additional vocation - although newcomers may prefer the more balanced combination of Warrior, Mage and Priest that the game recommends, as it is easier to understand.

Likewise, finding monsters and recruiting them for the Monster Arena was something I really enjoyed - and I found myself dedicating a lot of extra time to it. As someone who has played several versions of DQ3 Yes, that was great to help Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake feel fresh and unique.

The new Ortega-centered stories are less effective. They can make players invest more in DQ3The story was pretty simple and certainly helped give Ortega a bigger presence, but compared to the rest of the new content, they felt underwhelming. Just like the original game, this remake shines more for its gameplay than its narrative.

The DQ3 remake can sometimes feel a lot like the original

A new art style and quality of life improvements don't always help

A group of characters in front of a large egg placed on a pedestal in Dragon Quest III HD 2D Remake

The new HD-2D art style and quality of life improvements are welcome, but the main story of Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake sometimes it feels like it’s offering nothing new. There are enough changes to keep previous players on their toes, but the new content may not be enough to convince people to buy the game if they've already played it. DQ3 before. Comparatively, it appears that more new content has been added to the Dragon Quest 11Definitive Edition of its vanilla version than what was added here, although this is just a personal estimate.

That's a minor complaint, however. The ostensible point of Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake is to introduce a new generation to one of the best RPGs of all time. If that is the mission, then this game will succeed. This remake does the original justice and is just as good as you remember DQ3 to be. While more additional content would be nice, what's included in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake It's excellent and worth its full price.

A simple story saved by excellent vocations and gameplay

DQ3 is still one of the best Dragon Quest games

DRAGON_QUEST_III_HD-2D_Remake - Battle

The original DQ3history never reached the heights of its immediate successors, DQ4 and DQ5but it remains one of the most fun entries in the franchise thanks in large part to its gameplay. Fortunately, all of this is still intact for Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake. Vocations, the game's job system, are varied, meaning no two playthroughs will be the sameespecially when we take into account personalities and variety of class-specific weapons/armor that are part of the DQ3character creation.

The largest portion DQ3 It's an open world and involves searching for six orbs. DQ3 HD-2D remake will circle dots on the map, which can speed up exploration and play time, but can be turned off for those who just want to explore and read NPC tips (and use the Recall feature). This collecting spree structure has been imitated countless times since the original game's release (both within the Dragon Quest series and other RPGs), but there's still something nostalgic and fun about it.

Sometimes the story's darkest edges begin to appear - but this is compensated by Dragon Questthe characteristic sense of humor, which often involves the use of puns. As in the original, there are parts of Dragon Quest HD-2D Remake that's boring (Necrogond's Cave comes to mind here), but saving the world is a surprisingly relaxing task. There's never a rush to get through cities, and the game encourages you to go off the beaten path and look for secret areas, mini-medals, and lost monsters.

DQ3 Remake is perfect for beginners and longtime fans alike

This update to the classic RPG is worth checking out

Depending on how many versions of DQ3 If you've already played it, you might be on the fence about this latest iteration. But as someone who played these others, I believe Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake is the best version of the game.

In terms of this particular remake, the encounter rate sometimes felt higher than usual and the balance sometimes felt off. For reference, I played “Dragon Quest” on normal mode and thought it started out pretty easy. It then became much more difficult at a seemingly random moment in history that, although not as steep as DQ2The game's infamous difficulty curve caught me a little off guard.

There's enough here to keep longtime fans happyand is an excellent starting point for anyone who wants to experience one of the Dragon Questolder entries. Despite the new art style and quality of life improvements, the game still shows its age at times - particularly in the story structure and exploration. The original DQ3 is often hailed as an RPG masterpiece, and Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake breathed fresh air into it. You could even say it's a new classic of an old classic.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake

Reviews on PlayStation 5


  • Still one of the best working systems, now with the new Monster Wrangler vocation.
  • Deep RPG gameplay that feels both classic and new.
  • The new Monster Arena and fighting monsters are a lot of fun.
  • Full of good surprises for longtime fans.

  • The game's balance feels a little different from previous iterations of DQ3.
  • Sometimes it seems too close to the original, which hasn't changed or improved enough.