An attentive fan discovered that some PlayStation 1 Games will play the game's soundtrack when placed inside a CD player. Despite being released a long time ago throughout the years 1994-95 the PlayStation 1 console remains very popular with many players. Offering the first opportunity for players to experience gems like Silent Hill, Final Fantasy VII, and Resident Evil on their own televisions, marked a major turning point in the gaming landscape.
Going online to bring news to ResetEra, a PlayStation 1 player Pankratos discovered that Some PlayStation 1 discs also contain the game's soundtrack. When placing the disc into a CD player, some discs may begin playing the soundtrack of the game they contain. While this isn't for every PlayStation 1 game, there are a few that players will find with the full soundtrack.
Playstation 1 discs may also contain hidden soundtracks
Players may find that their discs also work in CD players
As a long-lost secret to modern PlayStation 1 fans, some may be eager to try out their Playstation 1 discs inside CD players to see if the game's soundtrack is also available on the disc. Since the original poster Pankratous denies a list of all games that work, players should still check if they have any extra games that may not be on the list. One commenter shared that some games will simply alert with messages like “This is not an audio CD, put it in a PlayStation.” Players shouldn't bother testing it.
There may even be more instances where players can make use of this fun little secret, as another commenter adds that it was “quite common for CD-based games."With the potential for other platforms to also include these hidden soundtracks, gamers may want to dig out their archives in search of a nostalgic blast from the past. An incredible list on DigitPress also shares some confirmed PlayStation 1 games for those who want to listen, including Gems as Tomb raider, Ruin, and Tekken 3.
Our Take: Physical Game Discs Should Still Do This Today
Gamers should still be able to experience their games' soundtracks
Game soundtracks can often be overlooked, but they are an integral part of any game's experience. With many gamers flocking to platforms like Spotify or purchasing limited edition vinyl for their favorite game releases, It's clear that soundtracks are still as popular now as they were on PlayStation 1. Physical disc players no longer offer the same CD features that have now been discovered. Instead, they are forced to go elsewhere if they want to listen to their games' soundtracks.
While it is no longer possible to have a disc share a game and its CD soundtrack counterpart, It would be awesome if game developers would consider adding a separate CD for gamers who want the best of both worlds. While it still sells amazing pieces like Battlefield 2042's blue vinyl, it wouldn't hurt for the average gamer to also have access to the soundtrack for a game they're paying full price for. Even a redeemable code can go a long way toward giving players access to impressive soundtracks that deserve much more attention, but for now, players can enjoy a nostalgic listen to their PlayStation 1 discs.
Source: ResetEra, Digital printing