Game of Thrones is full of satisfying character reunions, especially during the later seasons - but It would have been better if the show hadn't cut a crucial part of Arya Stark's story. Although Game of Thrones' the first seasons are quite faithful to George RR Martin's books, but make some significant changes. Among the biggest is the show leaving out a crucial element of the Stark family's history: the fact that they are wargs. This allows them to infiltrate the minds and bodies of animals - in the Starks' case, mainly direwolves.
The Starks' warg powers are prominent in A Song of Ice and Fire booksbut only Bran demonstrates them on the HBO show. And even he doesn't utilize these abilities to their full potential; the wild Orell is a better example of what a warg with full control of his abilities can do. The choice to eliminate the Stark children's war stems from a larger decision to focus on the fight for the Iron Throne over the magical elements of Martin's world. It is one of Game of Thrones' more questionable choices, and detracts from a satisfying Season 7 reunion.
Cutting Arya's Warg Powers Minimizes Her Bond With Nymeria In Game Of Thrones
Your ongoing connection with your direwolf is not touched in any way
All of the Stark brothers show signs of being wargs in A Song of Ice and Fire books, even if they are subtle. However, Arya seems more attuned to the ability after Bran, as she continually attacks Nymeria when she is dreaming. In Martin's source material, this allows Arya to maintain her connection with Nymeria beyond the first book - even if she has no idea what she's doing. It also serves as a link to her past, allowing Arya to remember that she is a Stark, even abandoning that name to hide from the Lannisters and eventually becoming Nobody.
Unfortunately, Game of Thrones it doesn't portray Arya and Nymeria's ongoing bond because it doesn't cover Arya's war. This diminishes the relationship between the two characters, suggesting it disappears after Arya frees Nymeria. Game of Thrones season 1. Those unfamiliar with the books will likely forget the direwolf exists, as she only appears again much later - and Arya never mentions her. AND This makes Arya and Nymeria's reunion a Game of Thrones Season 7 somewhat baffling. It also weakens your emotional weight.
Arya and Nymeria's reunion in Game Of Thrones season 7 could have been even better
It would have made more sense if their magical connection was highlighted
Arya's reunion with Nymeria in Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 2 is an emotional moment, but It could have been so much better if the show had included Arya's warg powers. Doing so would have set up Nymeria's return much sooner. It would also have made his reaction to Arya more believable. Although animals have long memories, it is somewhat surprising that the direwolf would have its entire pack abandoned for the sake of a girl who raised it years ago. If Arya and Nymeria still had a magical connection, this would make more sense.
Nymeria's decision to go with her pack instead of Arya would be more powerful if their warg bond was highlighted.
Additionally, Nymeria's decision to go with her pack instead of Arya would be more powerful if their warg bond was highlighted. Arya and Nymeria are deeply connected and both have similar tendencies and personalities; this is captured through Arya's war in the books. And that's what Arya alludes to when she whispers "this is not you"when Nymeria turns to leave. It's a return to herself"this is not my line"in the first season, when Ned says that one day she will marry a great lord and she refuses.
If Game of Thrones Had I not underestimated Arya's relationship with Nymeria, this whole scene would have been much more meaningful. Unfortunately, the show didn't have much of a choice after cutting most of the Stark brothers' magic. That's a shame Game of Thrones the scene was not built for the better. However, perhaps Martin's books will do justice to Arya's inevitable reunion with her direwolf.