A Game Of Thrones game already has the perfect story to explore, but GoT: Kingsroad isn't it

A Game Of Thrones game already has the perfect story to explore, but GoT: Kingsroad isn't it

Game of Thrones: King's Road is a slightly disappointing addition to an already lackluster lineup of He picked up games, in part because he chose the wrong story to focus on. Yes, that's disappointing Game of Thrones is getting a mobile game instead of a full console, but King's Road I still could have made the best of this bad situation by having a unique and engaging story to tell. Unfortunately, the game is stuck with the narrative of HBO's adaptation of George RR Martin's book. A Song of Ice and Fire series, severely limiting its potential.

Choosing to set a game in Westeros during a different time period, something that has not yet been heavily explored by Game of Thrones or Dragon House would have allowed more flexibility in the game's narrative. It could also have introduced new elements into the world that haven't been seen before. While King's Road will be part of this, it appears that it will be limited in the importance of these new additions to the Game of Thrones it really can be.

There's an unexplored Game of Thrones story that deserves its own game

Robert's rebellion is the perfect setting for a Game Of Thrones story

A young Ned Stark fighting in Robert's Rebellion from Game of Thrones

What it does King's RoadThe narrative timeline is so disappointing that it already exists a period of Westerosi history that would be perfect to explore in the game: Robert's Rebellion. This time period is perfect because its proximity is close enough to Game of Thrones that many characters may still be involved, such as Ned Stark and Jaime Lannister. However, there is also the flexibility to create some unique characters who can play an important role in the rebellion whose stories have not been explored in Game of Thrones or the original books.

A continent-wide war is also the perfect way to allow players the opportunity to see a wide variety of locations across Westeros. Fighting alongside Ned Stark's Northmen would mean traveling from the top of Westeros to King's Landing. Players would also have the chance to participate in famous conflicts like the Battle of the Trident that players have never seen represented in a visual medium. That would be more exciting than simply being a secondary player in battles that have already been shown on the HBO series.

Players know their character won't be as important as characters like Jon Snow

Game of Thrones Kingsroad John helping man.
Liquid marble

The trailer for Game of Thrones: King's Road showed the player character interacting with big names from the series like Jon Snow and Jaime Lannister. While Game of Thrones fans will obviously be pleased to see some of their favorites back, it will be hard not to the game's protagonist is overshadowed by them. Fighting the White Walkers alongside Jon will make the player feel more like an extra from the show than the hero of the story.

Of course, there's nothing inherently wrong with a low-stakes story per se, but it can be a little difficult to invest in restoring House Tire to its glory when the world is ending around the game's protagonist. This wouldn't have been such a big problem if the game had been set during Robert's Rebellion. Although the risks were high for those who fought, there was no end-of-the-world threat at the time like there was during Game of Thrones. This smaller-scale conflict would have allowed the player's story to feel a little more important in comparison.

Basing the game on Robert's Rebellion would allow for unique characters to be included

There are likely important players in the rebellion whose stories have not been fully explored

Rhaegar Targaryen and Robert Baratheon fight in the Battle of the Trident

Although Game of Thrones included some of Robert's Rebellion characters such as Robert Baratheon, Ned Stark, and Barristan Selmy, there are undoubtedly countless other members of the rebellion and Targaryen loyalists who never appeared in the series or books. Setting a game during Robert's Rebellion would therefore have allowed developers to create more unique characters for the game. While this may seem counterintuitive - much of the marketing for King's Road seems to emphasize the presence of fan-favorite characters - would have avoided a major problem with King's Road.

By including main characters from Game of Thrones, King's Road You are stuck between two unhappy options. Either players will have no meaningful relationships with these characters and their appearances will be more like glorified cameos, or the game will leave players wondering where their character was during the events of the show if they were that important. Neither option is that satisfactory. While it makes sense from a marketing standpoint to be able to slap Jon Snow or Cersei Lannister in promotional material, it ends up cheapening the game experience.

Placing the game in a different time period and surrounding the player with unique characters would allow the story's main characters to have a more meaningful connection with the player. It would also allow the player character to have more impact on the events happening in the world, without making players question why it wasn't mentioned in the show. It would also allow Game of Thrones to begin moving away from the HBO series and focusing on other stories in Westeros.

Keeping actors away from HBO show reminds players of their disappointments

Another disappointing aspect King's Road it's their decision to model their characters after the actors from the HBO series. Again, this makes sense for marketing purposes as well as from a practical standpoint, as the developers didn't need to waste time creating unique-looking characters or versions of characters like Jon that are more in line with their book descriptions. However, the more Game of Thrones properties remain tied to the HBO series, but the entire franchise will forever be linked to its disappointments.

Even before the much-maligned series finale, Game of Thrones made disappointing changes A Song of Ice and Fire. This included leaving out the reveal that Aegon Targaryen is (possibly) still alive and Catelyn Stark's return from the dead as the horrible, violent Lady Stoneheart. He picked up the games would be a great way to explore a version of the story more in line with the novels and show some new things that weren't in the series. The more games like King's Road If they stick to the HBO version, the less likely players will get a unique adaptation of Martin's world.

Although Game of Thrones: King's Road is a little disappointing, there is still hope that a future Game of Thrones game could solve these problems. It would be nice to have a game that wasn't so linked to the HBO series, or at least that took place in a unique period. In fact, gamers should be grateful that such a disappointing game is simply a mobile game and hope that a AAA console title based on the series might perform better.

Source: The Game Awards/YouTube

Game of Thrones: King's Road

In Game of Thrones: King's Roadplayers join Jon Snow and the Night's Watch in defending the Wall against White Walkers and giants. Set between seasons 4 and 5, this open-world action RPG allows you to explore iconic locations like Winterfell, with dynamic combat and interactions with familiar characters.