In early autumn, Jujutsu KaisenThe manga ended with the release of chapter 271, leaving fans with mixed emotions and a bittersweet taste after not announcing a sequel to the series. Still, with a conclusion that left many stories open to be explored, it's natural for fans to speculate about a possible sequel, especially since Jujutsu KaisenThe manga continues to introduce new characters even after its end.
Although many fans expected a sequel to the series, as with other popular franchises such as naruto, chainsaw man, and Fairy taleIts creator, Gege Akutami, did not give details about a possible second part, leaving fans wondering whether the story will ever be expanded. However, the author subtly shows that he is still willing to continue developing the story, sharing more about Jujutsu Kaisenuniverse with the launch of volume 28 of the manga, which brings an illustration that finally reveals one of the strongest sorcerers who was forgotten and did not appear in the main story, Usami.
Usami, one of the strongest Rank 1 sorcerers, did not officially appear in the story
Jujutsu Kaisen'The author continues sharing the story of the series
Usami's existence was introduced by Kusakabe in a flashback in chapter 253where he was asked about the strongest tier 1 sorcerer. Kusakabe downplayed himself and declared that the top position of grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer probably belonged to someone other than him and Usami. But given that Kusakabe is considered the best grade 1 by the other characters, and puts Usami on the same level as him, he should be a powerful sorcerer. Furthermore, although nothing is known about his cursed abilities or techniques, since he is grade 1, he must be as strong as Nanami, Todo, or Mei Mei.
Although there are still many mysteries surrounding the character, an illustration in Volume 28 revealed the sorcerer's appearance along with four more illustrations where Gojo, Mei Mei, Miguel and Kusakabe were asked about Usami. Gojo and Mei Mei show disgust for Usami, and Miguel doesn't know him, but Kusakabe tells more information about the mysterious character. Kusakabe says that Usami only listens to orders from above and does what he is told, so he doesn't get along with Gojo and Mei Mei. Additionally, a message from Akutami states that Usami did not have a scheduled appearance in the story.
Gojo and Mei Mei's antipathy could explain why the sorcerers did not seek Usami's help during the Shinjuku Confrontationbut the fact that the author presents it less than 20 chapters before the end of the manga and also dedicates several extra pages in the Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 28 for him could mean that he had plans for the character to appear in the final arc, but his storyline ended up being scrapped. Additionally, Akutami's love for the series is demonstrated in the way he continues to build on the lore of Jujutsu Kaisen with a new character in the final phase of the manga.
Usami's unexplored character could create a plot for a Jujutsu Kaisen Sequel or spin-off series
Jujutsu KaisenThe ending of already laid the groundwork for a sequel
Because of his connection with superiors, Usami has the potential to oppose the main characters' ideals and perhaps even become an antagonist of a possible manga sequel or spin-off series focused on the previous generation of jujutsu sorcerers. Additionally, although there is currently no information regarding a sequel, Jujutsu Kaisen could follow the example of other franchises where a plot discarded for the end of the manga was used in a film, as happened with My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising Movie.
Although Jujutsu Kaisen ended its main conflicts, Usami's non-debut in the story is not the only mystery that remains unsolved in the serieshow Yuji's domain expansion works and what will happen to the barrier in the future. Furthermore, a sequel could improve the overall experience for fans, who felt that the story failed in its last phase. However, even if only time will tell if Jujutsu Kaisen will be continued, the release of volumes 29 and 30 of the manga is still pending, so that the author can continue surprising fans with new revelations.