A 70-Year-Old Lord of the Rings Book Line Makes Me Worry About the Hunt for Gollum

A 70-Year-Old Lord of the Rings Book Line Makes Me Worry About the Hunt for Gollum

A 70-year-old line of JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings It's pretty varied when it comes to The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum. An upcoming prequel set to be directed by Gollum actor Andy Serkis and produced by Peter Jackson, The dog for Gollum was light on the details of its history. Although Jackson's trilogy based on The Hobbit fell and The rings of power Season 2 is uneven at best, Fans of Middle-earth are tentatively excited about a return to Tolkien's beloved world Led by some familiar faces.

Given when the hunt for Gollum takes place in LOTRs timeline, it's hard to say what recent plot points the movie will cover. Before he became the ring-corrupted creature known as Gollum, the film's title character was a hobbit called Sméagol. On his birthday, Sméagol discovers the One Ring at the bottom of a river. After killing his cousin over the "dear," Sméagol takes possession of it for the next 500 years or soSpending most of his centuries in the caverns of the Misty Mountains. Unfortunately, one LOTR Line does that Hunt Gollum Time frame varies even more.

One Aragorn line from The Lord of the Rings raises questions about the hunt for Gollum

Aragorn implies that nothing important happened while he was tracking Gollum

The Council of Elrond in The Lord of the Rings

In Tolkien's first Lord of the Rings novel, The Fellowship of the RingAragorn says something that raises a lot of questions about The dog for Gollums narrative. During the Council of Elrond, the chief Lord of the Rings Characters discuss the One Ring. While determining what to do with Dark Lord Sauron's all-powerful and manipulative object, Aragorn shares some information from his time as a ranger. Suspicious of his friend Bilbo Baggins' magic ring, the wizard Gandalf tasks Aragorn with finding Gollum - The creature that apparently found the one ring after it was no longer Isildur's burden.

Aragorn's lines also imply that nothing of major importance happened during his hunt for Gollum...

During the Council of Elrond in Rivendell, Aragorn admits that it is "Little need to tell of"The dangers he faces while hunting Gollum. A few lines later, the ranger expands on this comment, noting that his time spent following Gollum, and seeing what the hobbit had become, was the worst part of his journey. Obviously, it's hard for Aragorn to watch the broken Gollum waste away after being completely twisted by Sauron's One Ring. However, Aragorn's lines also imply that nothing of major importance happened during his hunt for Gollum, which is a huge problem for Serkis' movie.

The Hunt for Gollum needs to change JRR Tolkien Lore to live up to previous films

Andy Serkis' Gollum movie needs to raise the stakes

If The dog for Gollum Wanting to justify its own existence, the next film must change Tolkien's lore. Although the author of The Lord of the Rings And The Hobbit It doesn't go into great detail about Gollum's time with the Ring, except How long did Golem have the one ringIt is clear that the writer did not find anything of note, but Aragorn would probably want to mention more about his time on the hunt. Meant to show how all-consuming the influence of one ring is, Gollum's time with the ring didn't need a ton of fleshing out.


By having Gollum waste away in the misty mountains, subsisting on raw fish and goblin flesh, Tolkien achieves what he has to do with the character's story. Readers don't need to know much else: the once-simple life of the hobbit named Sméagol is twisted into unrecognizable misery, all because he was drawn To the one ring. if anything, Tolkien's passages about Gollum illustrate just how important the destruction of the One Ring is — and Aragorn's memories of his time near Gollum repeat this. Even so, something more interesting must happen if Hunt Gollum Plans have compelling stakes.

Aragorn's description of the hunt for Gollum doubled down on my fears about the film

Gollum's story doesn't sound like it needs to be told in a standalone movie

Aragorn in the Corsairs of Umbar scene

So far, Gollum's story doesn't sound like something that needs to be told in one of the standalones Lord of the Rings Movies. Aragorn's description of his time spent hunting Gollum pretty much confirms this line of thinking. Not every story is worth telling in a feature-length film formatBut unfortunately, Hollywood's insistence on milking beloved franchises and IPs eclipses any legitimate artistic or narrative concerns. Peter Jackson Hobbit Trilogy is actually a solid example of these LOTR Franchises make a massive misstep in the name of profits.

The dog for Gollum Feels like an empty thought...

Although The Hobbit Trilogy features some tough moments and creative choices, There is absolutely no reason to break the 300-page novel into six hours of silver screen content. The decision to turn the book into something more epic in scope resulted in a bloated trilogy - one that takes away from the enduring story at its center. in the same way, The dog for Gollum Feels like an empty idea - a prequel that capitalizes on the nostalgia of the viewers while adding nothing meaningful to the Lord of the Rings Franchise.