Agricultural Simulator 25 it has a lot of different mechanics and systems that can make it a quite complex game to learn, especially since many of its features are not obvious or shown in the tutorial. Even beyond the basics like breaking rocks and harvesting crops, there are many other subtle things in the game that can provide a rich experience for players if they find them. These hidden features may not be groundbreaking, but they can cultivate some smiles along with other game attributes.
When someone is a beginner in Agricultural Simulator 25, they can easily be overwhelmed by the amount of information they are receiving about this realistic farming simulation game. Therefore, it may take a long time for the majority players discover some of the subtler hidden featuresalthough they can be quite useful. Whether it's simply interesting details that the developers put in or functional tricks to make some of the farming tasks easier, Agricultural Simulator 25 It has a lot of details and features for players to discover.
Pallets change color over time
At least four small color variations observed
In the grand scheme of farm work, the color of the pallets is a fairly small detail. In previous versions of Agricultural Simulator It is known that pallets are a bit annoying to work with, without being balanced or handled very well. In Agricultural Simulator 25, they seem to be much better designed for players to load and unload pallets without the same frustration.
In addition to being easier to work with, a small detail was added regarding the coloring of the pallets. Instead of them all being obvious copy-and-paste images from the same palette, there are now visual differences between them. More visibly, there are at least four slightly different colors in the palletsgiving some of them a more aged appearance.
Customize animal pens with colors, solar panels, and fence layouts
Give livestock a unique space to call home
Animal pens and pastures can be customized in all new ways with Agricultural Simulator 25including changing fence colors, adding solar panels and the new ability to draw fences into whatever shape players want. This can be especially useful in situations where someone wants to build an animal space in a section of the farm that may be an odd shape or size, or has an obstacle in the way.
Just like a farmer would be able to do in real life, players can make their animals' spaces feel much more personalized, although the options are still quite limited. Dynamic pasture customizations make raising these beloved friends more enjoyable by creating a cozy space for them on the farm.
Automatically feed animals from a parked trailer
Special trick for busy farmers
When it comes to animals, sometimes keeping an eye on keeping the feeder full can slip the mind of a busy farmer who is running around tending the fields. While the animals in Agricultural Simulator 25 don't dierunning out of food will cause them to stop producing resources.
Multiple players including Farm Fan on YouTube, referenced in another video on this list, discovered a simple trick to keep food satiated for longer. After filling the animal's feeder, Leaving a trailer full of food near the feeder will cause the trailer to automatically unload some of its supply into the feeder as needed. This only works for simple foods like grains, not Total Mixed Rations (TMR). However, it can be very useful as a backup plan when someone frequently forgets to feed their animals.
Turn off the destruction of disasters caused by extreme weather events
And crop destruction caused by tires
Mother Nature is not always friendly to farmers, and Agricultural Simulator 25 shows that through extreme weather conditions that may occur across the three maps players can farm on. While it can certainly be a change of pace to see a tornado pass through town, sometimes it's not much fun when someone works hard in their fields and is proud of what they've accomplished.
Hail, tornadoes and other extreme weather conditions can happen in the game and damage buildings, machinery and crops. Fortunately, for players who don't want to experience this, in In the game's Settings menu there is a place to disable Disaster Destruction. In the same menu, Crop Destruction can also be turned off to prevent crops from being damaged when driving over them with the tractor.
High pressure washers can now be easily moved
Little thing that makes a big difference
Perhaps surprisingly, power washers (also known as power washers) are widely used in Agricultural Simulator. Naturally, equipment can get very dirty quickly when driving through muddy farmland and transporting crops or livestock supplies. The pressure washer is not new to the game, but in previous versions, players would have to carry whatever they wanted to clean up to the pressure washer and sometimes even get in and turn the vehicle halfway to get to the other side.
This was incredibly inconvenient and a little silly too, especially since the pressure washer clearly has handles and wheels. Now, in Agricultural Simulator 25the pressure washer can finally be moved easily by standing behind it and guiding it.
Easily see a trailer's capacity when unloading combines
It is no longer necessary to change vehicles to know what is happening
During harvest, the combine has only a limited capacity to store items and so must be frequently unloaded onto another trailer to continue finishing a field. A new feature that is very easy to miss Agricultural Simulator 25 is that players can now see what the capacity of the trailer or other vehicle is while they are unloading the combine.
The player character must be inside the combine while the pipe is unloaded onto another trailer for this to be visible. When this happens, in the upper right corner of the screen, just below the calendar and clock, a small bar will appear showing the trailer's filling capacity. This can be extremely useful for players to know when they need to unload their trailers or if they can make another pass with the combine first.
Get free water by making a small rice well
A Gamer's Special Trick That Saves Time and Money
Like the YouTube video above user Farm Fan shows, the addition of rice fields in Agricultural Simulator 25 It can also provide players with an easy trick to essentially build their own well. Put making the smallest hole possible in the rice field and flooding it with waterplayers can then fill up with water whenever they want, for free. While it doesn't make much sense that flooding rice fields doesn't cost money but other means of getting water do, this is a trick that can make things a lot easier.
Additionally, since players are building their little rice field spot wherever they want, they can strategically place this pseudo well where they usually need water the most. This saves time and money, and with some decorations, it can even look really pretty.
Use handles to designate which products to sell in a trailer
Useful when carrying multiple things to different places
When selling some produce from a small farm, players can sometimes load their trailer with several types of produce that would ideally be sold in different locations for the highest prices. One trick to ensure everything in the trailer is not sold by the same company is just drop pallets of items being sold at the current location.
While it may seem a little tedious having to untie merchandise from the trailer, this allows players a little more control over what they're selling. Otherwise, everything may disappear as soon as the button is clicked, when it may not be what was intended.
There are hidden collectibles to find on the map
Similar to previous farming simulator games
Agricultural Simulator 25 has a special secret objective of unique collectibles hidden around the map that can be fun to try and hunt for, but also incredibly difficult. Each map has collectibles of different types who work towards the completion of a greater goal. For example, the Riverbend Springs map has 25 collectibles that are sold to the Grain Elevator Museum as part of its exhibits. Every collectible found provides money to the player character and works to finish the project.
The tricky part is that no two collectibles are alike and they tend to blend in extremely well with their surroundings. They are not highlighted and there are no hints given to the player, just a small button to “collect” when the player gets close enough to the object in question.
Talk to NPCs around the world for advice
NPCs have more personality than ever
Agricultural Simulator 25 It does not have a story campaign, but simply allows players to manage their farms however they see fit. Because of this and perhaps due to the difficult learning curve for beginners in running a farm there are some NPCs in the world who will help the player by answering questions. They can also tell interesting jokes or even hints about possible mysteries in the town, like Katie talking about the town's crows being able to share gossip.
Each of these NPCs has a special focus. Ben is the one to talk to with questions about farming, Katie can help with anything ranching related, and Noah is a lumberjack who can help answer questions about logging. On the map, they are shown by a yellow dot, just like Grandpa Walter, and can be fun to talk to when the player is close to where they are. Although there is no story, their quirky personalities help with the game's immersive quality. Agricultural Simulator 25.
Source: Farm fan/YouTube