Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp complete

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp complete

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp complete is a huge improvement over its predecessor, offering new currencies such as Complete Tokens. Although it now requires a one-time purchase to install, the game no longer contains subscription plans or microtransactions, meaning you're getting a much better deal for your money. Pocket Camp Complete has some new features, including two new forms of currency, one of which is great for returning players.

The two new currencies are leaf tokens, the replacement for leaf tickets, and a single currency called “full ticket.” Full ticket can be used to obtain any seasonal item or fortune cookie from the past or current game, with hundreds of options to choose from. So how would someone go about earning one of Pocket Camp's most valuable coins?

Gulliver's Ship is the easiest way to collect full tickets when Leaf tokens are in hand

Gulliver's ship rewards are chosen randomly

The easiest way to purchase full tickets is by shipping Gulliver's Ship and choose islands that have a chance of rewarding you with them. You can check which items can be found on certain islands by clicking on the icon located in the top right corner. You can also see them in the image rotations, but you can only receive each individual reward once per island, and while the image rotations will show you the items you've already earned, the souvenir lists will eliminate the ones you won't get. win again.

To send Gulliver's ship, you need what appears to be a considerable amount of resources. Islands that contain full tickets usually also contain several animal maps and require you to sacrifice “140 points“Item Value – The amount of points an item is worth depends on its rarity and selling price, but some islands will have certain items that are worth much more than normal. the islands in question require much more cargo than the other islandsrequiring just a few cheaper items to meet your points requirements.

You can easily collect a lot of wood, steel, and cotton, which they can use to load the ship, and you'll probably find yourself with a lot of unwanted clothes and furniture from fortune cookies or other rewards, which are usually worth a lot of points. However, this method will likely require you to spend some Leaf Tokens if you plan to speed up expeditions or claim multiple prizes in one trip. You can only claim one reward for free and then you can spend some leaf tokens or send the ship back.

Event Progress Rewards Full Tickets

Full tickets must be won during events and can be used in two seats

The other main way to purchase full tickets is by hosting events. The exact tasks you need to complete will depend on the event in question, but you can check the types of things you can do to progress through the event by locating the recital, which will usually be at the top of the screen. While this method isn't as efficient, as you can only receive a few per event, it can be ideal for those who want a greater challenge or feel like they are earning tickets in a more authentic way.

The Full Item Catalog and Full Cookie Catalog can be accessed in two separate areas – anyone who watched the announcement trailer on the Nintendo Mobile YouTube channel may have assumed they would both be available in the same place, as the video is it referred only to one “Complete Catalog” rather than specifying that there were two. The Complete Item Catalog can be found in the crafting menu, and the Complete Cookie Catalog in the Fortune Cookie Shop. Considering the value of allowing you to get any seasonal item, full tickets are surprisingly easy to get at Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp complete.

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