Kevin James and other recognizable actors are imagined as Family guy characters in a live-action concept trailer. Created by Seth MacFarlane, the long-running animated series follows the Griffin family and various Quahog residents through comical adventures. Along with MacFarlane, who voices Peter and Stewie Griffin, among others Family guy The cast includes Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis and more. The show featured many scenarios and tomfooleries, But a live-action adaptation or one-episode event never transpiredDespite interest from fans.
In a recent concept trailer posted by Multiverse of movies, AI is used to create live-action versions of Family guy Letters. Watch the video below:
Actor and comedian Kevin James is pictured as Peter, and Elizabeth Banks as Lois. Jonah Hill and Rob Schneider are pictured as Chris and Brian, respectively, while Kunis appears as her character, Meg. Other actors imagined for a live-fight Family guy Include Adam Sandler as Glenn Quagmire, Craig Robinson as Cleveland Brown, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Joe Swanson, and the late Adam West as himself.
Should Family Guy Cast Live Action Characters?
It could be a fun change for the show
Family guy is not adapted to live-action, and making this type of jump would be challenging without the right actors involved. Although it’s hard to imagine MacFarlane not making a physical appearance, Using the original voice cast seems largely impossibleEspecially considering Kunis and Green portray teenagers on the show. Whether part of an episode, or a movie adaptation, as the concept trailer suggests, bringing the Griffins to life could be an entertaining change, allowing other notable stars to take on their roles.
make life-struggle Family guy characters exact to their animated counterparts, As opposed to aging Stevie or using a dog costume for Brianwould be important. Using motion capture for some of them may take away from the actual actors and settings, but it gives MacFarlane a chance to lend his voice and can also result in funny moments. When it comes to other characters, James has been a popular choice for Peter, and Sandler portraying his best friend/neighbor is a fun option, considering their previous collaborations.
Given the popularity of Family guyFound a way to Adapting the series makes sense as a future endeavor. MacFarlane has yet to go the live-action route, but the concept trailer gives a good idea of ​​what some of the cast might look like, while fans are already in awe.
Source: Multiverse of movies/ YouTube