The critically acclaimed sitcom Superstore Aired its final episode in 2021. Since the show ended, it has become more popular than ever before As the show was put on popular streaming services and distributed to other countries around the world, such as the UK. Audiences around the world have since fallen in love with the characters and the storylines, from Jonah and Amy's love story, to Dina and Glenn co-running the store, and even the feud between Sandra and Carol. The show is filled with storylines and plot points for audiences to get hooked on and keep watching.
This increase in popularity is the exact reason that The show deserves some kind of continuity, whether it's a reboot or a spin-offThere is always more story to be told. Although the original story came to an end, with America Ferrera returning to portray the role of Amy Sosa in the last two episodes, however, the end of the show left the possibility for a spin-off series or reboot to be open. Centered around Dina and Sandra working together as the management team of a new Cloud 9 fulfillment center.
Why Superstore needs a reboot or spin-off 3 years after the end
Since the show ended, it has become much more popular
There are many reasons why Superstore Deserves another series, whether it's a continuation, a reboot, or a spin-off. Mainly the increase in popularity since the show came to an end. Once the show ended in America, it was brought to the UK, aired on ITV2 and available to stream on Netflix. This led to the show becoming increasingly popular in the UK, and its popularity spread around the world, Making the show more popular today than it ever was when it aired on US. it. Television.
Audience members who enjoyed the summer blockbuster would feel inclined to watch more titles starring America Ferrera, such as Superstore.
As well as this, it is important to take into account the popularity of the leading actor and producer of the show, America Ferrera. America Ferrera has become a household name in the past year due to her involvement in the 2023 summer blockbuster Barbie. Audience members who enjoyed the summer blockbuster would feel inclined to watch more titles starring America Ferrera, such as Superstore, Making the sitcom even more popular than it was when it was on air, and in desperate need of some kind of continuity to cater to the audience's popularity.
What a Superstore reboot would look like after Season 6
The nature of the show means that the main character is the store, not the characters
The great thing about a show like Superstore is that the main character of the show is the store itself, rather than the characters who work there. That said, it would be possible to create a hard reboot of the show, set in a completely different Cloud 9 store with a brand new workforce. However, to get the attention of the loyal viewers, this is not the best idea, because the audience watched the show for the storylines and the characters, so If there weren't any of the original characters in the show, audiences would be less likely to watch it.
A reboot wouldn't be able to rip away the happy endings and accomplishments the original show's ending gave to Jonah, Amy and Dinah.
With this in mind, it would be possible to create a soft reboot, where Some of the audience's favorite cast members from the show's original run, such as Sandra, Carol, Justin and Marcus could be major characters in the rebootWorking in a new Cloud 9 store alongside a group of new characters. In any case, a reboot wouldn't be able to rip off the happy endings and accomplishments the original show's ending gave to Jonah, Amy, and Dinah, because that would make the audience upset and lose faith in the show runners.
A superstore spin-off centered on Dina would also work
The end of the original show opened up the best possible idea for a spin-off
In the latest episode of SuperstoreWhen all the stores were closed, Dina got a managerial position in one of Cloud 9's fulfillment centers. In addition to her work role, she was allowed to take a few workers with her, so she took Marcus, Justin and Sandra (as her assistant manager). This site point Leaving the show open to a possible spin-off, with Dina and the three workers she took with her, working together at the fulfillment center. This spin-off could also be a hit with audiences, as Dina and Sandra are two of the audience's favorite characters on the show.
Even though a spin-off with Dina and Sandra working together would be comedy gold, if any of these ideas are used as a reboot or spin-off show in the future, recent ratings figures and ratings on sites such as Rotten Tomatoes indicate That Superstore Deserves some sort of continuity series to offer to the new audience and yet the series has gained since the last episode of the show.