The Legend of Vox Machina Season 3 premieres October 3 on Prime Video, and Screen Rant Had a fantastic time chatting with the creative minds behind the show. Fans are about to be plunged into a darker version of Alexandria than they have experienced before. Although the animated show is based on the real game campaign of Matthew Mercer's crucial role, it continues to spread its wings and take liberties with its source material, although the presence of the original writers and cast ensures that it always maintains Its DnD-heavy spirit.
While The Legend of Vox Machina Season 2 saw Wax (voiced by Liam O'Brien) give his life for his sister, he managed to be resurrected and converted into the Champion of Ravens. That doesn't stop his beloved Keyleth (Marisha Ray) from feeling the loss, however, or Vex (Laura Bailey) from feeling the guilt. But whatever inner demons and external rifts they undergo, the missions to hold the Chroma Conclave and fight ancient dragons remain.
Screen Rant Interviewed Liam O'Brien, Travis Willingham, Marisha Rae and Ashley Johnson about what fans can expect from various character arcs in The Legend of Vox Machina season 3. The workshop explained the stories of Keyleth, Pike and Vax, and even teased how future shows like No big deal Will benefit from the expansion of the season in the critical role.
The Legend of Vox Machina Season 3 Taps into Keyleth's Rage and Pike's Faith
"It was a very powerful moment where I almost took a pound in Barbarian."
Screen Rant: Marisha, can you talk to me about exploring Keyleth's storm this season in a way that we really haven't seen before?
Marisha Ray: Oh, no one has asked me yet. I am so excited! It was such an important facet to her that it was kind of subtle in the campaign, but it was there. I have spoken before on panels [about how] There was a very powerful moment where I almost took a point at Barbarian because she was just dealing with a lot of anger, and it was very much a result of just that frustration that you feel when you don't really have full control. Throughout your life and the situations you are in.
It shows up deep in this one, because everything between her and her relationships - not just with Wax, but also the rest of Vox Machina - and her being jettisoned forward on the path of leadership that she's still coping with and dealing with. And then, of course, just everything else with the world around you.
I'm really glad we were able to give some credence to that. I remember in the writer's room, I wanted to have moments with her and Grog, even subtle ones, where he could recognize the anger with her. And with any luck, maybe we can continue to explore that. The fingers crossed.
Screen Rant: Ashley, I love Pike's journey this season, especially how it taps into the themes of doubt and finding strength in yourself. Can you talk about your journey with Everlight and how it might be a little different than what fans expect based on the campaign?
Ashley Johnson: Yes, absolutely. I think, if I had been at the table more, we maybe would have seen a little more of that with Pike's Journey. It's nice that we get to explore that in the animated series, and I think so much of being a cleric and a cleric of the Everlight is kind of a discovery. [that].
I feel like Pike's kind of the mom of the group because of the way that she wants to take care of everybody and wants everybody to be okay and be happy, and she wants her family to be connected and together. I think she also deals with a lot of doubts in her faith and in herself, because everything feels like it is falling apart, and because the group is so broken. I think she feels a lot of responsibility [about] Not being able to bring everyone back together, and also the balance of the world with everything they are fighting.
There's a lot on her shoulders that she's trying to figure out, and I think in any faith, you're dealing with belief and challenge and self-doubt. I'm glad we got to explore this with you.
Screen Rant: I loved watching it, especially with the knowledge of the Everlight Fall. It was such a cool inside look at that journey this season.
Ashley Johnson: Oh man, what's funny is I haven't seen season 3 yet - not since Downfall, so I'm thinking now. It will be fun to give it another rewatch. I love that. This is my favorite season of Vox Machina so far.
The new status of Vox changes the game in the Legend of Vox Machina Season 3
"... it seems like such a side sweep of the universe."
Screen Rant: Liam, I love that at the end of season 2, we see Wax accept his place as the Raven Queen's champion. How will we see the game in his motivations, not only as an adventurer and potential hero, but with his interpersonal relationships with Kyleth and Vex?
Liam O'Brien: Yes, it weighs heavily on Keyleth and Vex. It's one of multiple reasons that leads to the anger she struggles with because, like life, it seems like such a sideshow of the universe.
It is a big part of what they are both struggling with as he is trying to maintain and manage the burden he has found, and this is often in direct conflict with the woman he loves's desires and hopes in the world. It is trying to thread the needle of his evolving faith with his feelings for the person he loves the most in the world. Good thing he has high decks!
The Legend of Vox Machina Season 3 opens the door to new shows and stories
"I think this is just a taste of what we're capable of doing on the show."
Screen Rant: Travis, I love the episode you co-wrote, and I think it might be my favorite episode of the season. Can you talk to me about what motivated you to bring in Vox Machina Visit Hell before as we saw in the original campaign, and how does it play into the larger story of Alexandria?
Travis Willingham: Yes, of course. Marisha said this before in one ofother him on on off on one of us in one of our other conversations with how we played EXU disaster at this point, and how Brennan Lee Mulligan added his own personal brand of clay to the world of Exandria and the story, really . .. were just a few things that started to flash in my head about, "Wait a minute, this could affect the way these monumental moments happen."
A mortal rising to become a god, and how do these deities interact with the material realm? Having that knowledge there as something that you can draw and tease and manipulate helps with characters that were a little thinner, like Ashley was in New York for her show while we were doing Vox Machina. It just fits together in a really interesting way, and I think fans are going to absolutely love seeing parts of Calamity and characters from [it] Come in and have this direct interaction with characters that really started us on this whole crazy critical role train to begin with.
In writing that, we have a chance to split up the team and get a little more character focus to happen in the episodes. A little A-Team, B-Team going on. We realized that by separating them and sort of truncating the two moments together, we could keep things like our big kaiju fight and we could get the Vestige that we needed. And we can also add Pike as a very essential cog in this machine and an engine that will really tear through the characters a little bit and tee up where the story could go in future seasons, if we're lucky enough to get them.
We are very happy with the result, and I think Ashley absolutely smashed it in the performances. Lewis absolutely dominated as well, and I think that's just a taste of what we're capable of doing on shows like Vox Machina and Mighty Nine, and what a critical role and the world of Exandria has to offer as a continuing animated property. We are afraid.
Screen Rant: Marisha, one of the things I find really interesting about Keyleth's journey is as part of Vox Machina Helps you strengthen the aroma, but at the same time how your steps in the aroma help you to become a stronger voice in the growth machine. Can you talk about the interplay between these two parts of your life?
Marisha Ray: Oh, wow. This is an excellent question. We've already talked about her anger, but I think there's a certain amount of stalking that Kylet did. It's the same situation in the campaign, [where she's] Really embrace your path with being a leader in the Ashari, and it's really just about timing.
It was the same in the campaign, and it really makes sense to approach that here in season 3, where she needs the outside influence of her father, the other Ashari leaders, and the community she was born into to get her through this. Shared and into the next chapter of her destiny and what she was always meant to be. As much strength that Keyleth pulls from Vox Machina and they pull from each other, I think it was very impressive to show that strength can come from her heritage and blood family.
More about The Legend of Vox Machina Season 3
Everything is at stake in the long-awaited Season 3 of The Legend of Vox Machina The Chroma Conclave's path of destruction spreads like wildfire as the Cinder King hunts down Vox Machina. Our beloved band of misfits must rise above inner (and outer) spirits to try to save their loved ones, Tal'Dorei, and all of Exandria.
Check out our others The Legend of Vox Machina Season 3 interviews here:
Source: Screen Rant Plus