How to find the giant Klombo

How to find the giant Klombo

LEGO Fortnite Players may be familiar with the Klombos roaming around the new Lost Isles area now, but the new area is also home to the Giant Clambo. This friendly animal may be a familiar face to the more seasoned Fortnite Players, and despite its large size, its presence is a massive benefit to explorers and adventurers. However, finding and interacting with it can be challenging.

Players can tame and ride the smaller Klombos in the Lost Isles, and they are both great mounts and useful allies when fighting hostile creatures. In contrast, the giant clombo is found in only one location. Aside from taking some photos, it’s not immediately obvious how players can interact with it. Here’s how to find the giant Klombo and the secret of interacting with him.

How to find and interact with the giant Klombo in LEGO Fortnite

Track down the giant Klombo and get loot from it

Female Minifigure Approaching Giant Clombo and Collecting Essence in Illuminated Lake at Night in LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite Worlds are randomly generated based on seeds, so the location of the giant Klombo will be different in each world. However, there are some general tips for easily tracking it down.

The giant Klambo always appears in a lake, sticking his head out of the water when players stand in a specific spot. Depending on the world’s terrain, players may have many lakes to choose from; However, only one is home to the giant clombo.

Female minifigure approaching secret shrine to the giant Clombo on an island in the middle of a lake in LEGO Fortnite

Players should look for a few specific landmarks to find the right lake. These include A stone Clumba statue with a circular patch of dirt in front and two torches near the waterline.

The Giant Clambo will only appear in the Lost Isles, so players must travel to the Lost Isles on the Battle Bus. Interestingly, the giant clambo in my world seed (2064171238) spawned in a lake close to the battle bus station I arrived at.

Once players approach the right spot, the giant Clombo will rise out of the water to look at the player character. Unlike the other Klombos, however, players won’t see any prompts to interact with him. Instead, players can throw Klomberries and Roasted Klomberries at the giant Klombo to get materials and other loot.

Female minifigure watching giant Klombo spray materials and resources after they feed plumberries into lake at night in LEGO Fortnite

The giant clambo will suck any plumberry toast near his mouth And, after a short pause, will spray materials and prey from the top of his head. Players can obtain various items, ranging from normal and uncommon materials such as amber and essence for crafting runes in LEGO Fortnite. However, rare items such as Brightcores and Rift Shards can also be dropped by the Giant Clombo and extremely rare LEGO Fortnite Thomas.

The giant Klombo will also react uniquely if players bring a regular Klombo to meet it.

Feeding the giant Klombo is an excellent way to get lots of useful materials and loot quickly. Plumberries are relatively easy to find in the open world and can be grown from plumberry seeds. As such, players can befriend the giant Klombo and feed it to quickly fill theirs LEGO Fortnite Inventories with critical materials and resources.

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