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The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is known for a few things, but its difficulty is not one; However, the East Temple dungeon is the exception to this, with tricky encounters that challenge even the most talented of players. The "let's play a game" Side quest tasks you to explore the Temple at the request of the archaeologist Sago. After you solve the puzzle of the Temple and defeat the monster lurking inside, you will be rewarded for your efforts.
The Eastern Temple is a tricky dungeon, and requires the use of everything at Zelda's disposal to clear. You will need to work together with Tree to explore its corridors and defeat the dungeon's boss, Smog. You can choose this quest at any time, but it is recommended that you clear either the Gerudo Desert or Jabul Waters before going this route.
Where to find the East Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
It's in the name; Head east from Hyrule Castle
To reach the East Temple, start from the Hyrule Fields or Jabul Waters waypoint, and look for the temple on your map. It's to the east of the castle, and you should be able to zoom in and see the goblin-like statues that adorn the front. There are no real obstacles on the way to the temple, making your journey a simple one.
Once you arrive, talk to Sago, who is standing in front. He will tell you that he tried to study the ruins, but in the process he heard a voice asking him to play a game, and he is afraid that there may be ghosts inside. He asks you to check it for him, and if you agree, you will be given these "let's play a game" Side search.
How to complete the East Temple
Learn the Spark Echo, and take it one place at a time
In the entrance to the East Temple, you will see two sparks rotating around two pillars. The sparks are integral to the dungeon, so get used to seeing them. They are annoying in that they will zap you, leaving you stunned if they hit you, but overall, They aren't too bad because they don't really do damage.
I used a Bombfish Echo to take them out, but you can use whatever Echo you prefer to defeat one or both of them. All you need is good timing to avoid being shocked and take the sparks. Once you do that, learn the Spark Echo, and go to the first room of the dungeon.
East Temple Room One
In this room, and the rooms after, you will need to carry the sparks in boxes as in the top left corner. This room has a pretty simple solution; You can Use two bolder echoes and the one already in the room to drive the sparks off the green blocks in the middle and onto the outer walls. They will eventually run right into that yellow box.
East Temple Room Two
The objective of the following room is the same, but it is a bit more challenging. You still need to bring two sparks into that yellow box, and the one orbiting the outer wall is by far the easiest to get in there. Simply move the boulder with Tri's Bind ability (X) to let the spark up the ramp.
You'll still need one more spark to hit the box, but don't bother with the pesky rotating around the device. It's going in the wrong direction, and it's more of a hassle than it's worth. instead, Use your Spark Echo to shoot a second Spark up the ramp and into the box.
East Temple caste rooms
The rooms to the left and right of room two both contain chests, and you'll need to use some wits to get them open. for the right place, Shoot sparks on the paths indicated by the red arrows above. As long as they are not killed by the Octorox, they should travel along the green dashed path in the box, spawning the chest.
The left-hand room is much simpler. I used Tri's Bind to grab both sparks off the chest, one at a time. Then, I simply placed them on the outer wall of the room, waiting until they were out of the way to pop the chest open.
After all the rooms are complete, you should make your way through a relatively simple side-scrolling section, and then face the final boss of the Temple: Smog. Smog will ask you to play a game with him, and then you fight. There is no right answer to how to beat Smog's boss fight, so approach it however is satisfying for you.
How to beat smog
Use your noggin and your boulder echoes
All you need to do is avoid Smog's spark attacks, but I chose to use the boulders around the arena to block Smog in. You can place a few boulders that lead Smog to the outer wall, and place boulders blocking his path, finally using Boulder Echoes to trap him in a small area. This gave me time to move the real boulders to replace my echoed ones, and I threw bombfish at him until he phased out and split into smaller clouds.
If you're not sure how to herd the pieces of smog back together, check out No-nonsense guides' Video of the fight on YouTube.
Once you get Smog combined, keep corralling him in a corner and bombfishing him. Eventually, you'll do this enough times to defeat him. He will drop a piece of heart and some rupees, and after you pick them up, interact with the blue, swirly thing on the floor to return to the front of the Temple. After you tell him that you defeated the monster, Sago will give you the Ancient Charm accessory, which reduces the damage you take while wearing it.
The finicky nature of the East Temple dungeon makes it one of the most interesting in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. You get a neat echo and accessory from clearing it, so if you have the time on your way to the Hyrule Castle Dungeon, check it out. After you beat Smog, get ready to fight Ganon (again) if you haven't already.
Source: No-nonsense guides/YouTube