Warning: SPOILERS ahead for 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5, Episode 3!9-1-1: Lone Star actor Jim Parrack explained Judd's reaction to Grace's departure in season five, hinting at new dynamics from his point of view in subsequent episodes. Judd (Parrack) was left to raise the children on his own after Grace (Sierra McClain) volunteered at Mercy Ships after 9-1-1: Lone Star season 4 finale. This written decision came after contract negotiations to bring McClane back for the final season fell apart. However, Judd is shown to be taking the change in stride, happy that his wife is volunteering to save lives.
Talking to TVLinehowever, Parrack hinted that Judd's reaction to Grace's departure won't be the same for everyone. 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5. The actor hinted at the anger his character will feel over her decision to leave her family, which will spill over into subsequent episodes. He teases that this could complicate his close relationships with others, but doesn't specify who might be affected. See what Parrack had to say below:
[I]if we don't actively seek to eradicate it, it won't take us much time to develop [resentment] within ourselves. And it seems to hurt the people we love the most. Stay tuned because Judd may have to deal with some of these developments.
What Judd's Anger Over Grace's Absence Means for 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5
This could affect his relationship with Wyatt.
WITH 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 will be the final season of the spin-off. Judd's storyline surrounding Grace's absence will be an important part of the show moving forward.. So far, he's been able to cope by helping his son Wyatt (Jackson Pace) get his home ADA compliant after being paralyzed in the previous season. However, due to how close they are, it is possible that Parrack's statement hints at a falling out between them, caused by the stress his character is under.
While the cast 9-1-1: Lone Star supported Judd since Grace left, The former firefighter still has to deal with the challenges of his new family situation on his own.. Since Wyatt is now a 9-1-1 dispatcher, like his stepmother before him, this may take some weight off his father's shoulders. However, when he reaches a boiling point due to a decision made by his wife, it can affect everyone around him. Since it remains to be seen what he will do, details are unlikely to emerge anytime soon.
Our look at Judd's upcoming reaction to Grace's absence
9-1-1: Lone Star Reveals Her Complicated Feelings
Without Grace to support him and their children, Judd will likely react negatively to some of the problems his new situation brings. Even though he clearly doesn't want to blame her for her decision to leave, this feeling deep inside him is bound to come out - judging by Parrack's statement, in the worst possible way. Although we don't know what to expect from him next, 9-1-1: Lone StarThe final episodes sound like they will intensify his emotional state as new challenges arise.
New episodes 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 airs Sundays at 8:00 pm ET on FOX.
Source: TVLine