Warning! This article contains spoilers for The 90s Show Part 3!While Michael (Ashton Kutcher) himself could not be back in That '90s show In Part 3, his daughter Betsy Kelso's return opens the door for another iconic member of the family to appear in Netflix's spinoff. throughout That '70s showThe Forman family tree received a lot of focus, as both sides of Red and Kitty's families were introduced throughout the original sitcom. That '90s show is now expanding his exploration of the other iconic Point Place families from That '70s showwith New and returning relatives of the Pinsiottis and Kelsos receive greater focus In the sequel series.
In addition to growing the Kelso family tree through references to Michael's previously unnamed siblings, That '90s show Part 3 includes the long-awaited return of Betsy Kelso, Michael's daughter Born in That '70s show Season 7. With Betsy's half-brother Jay Kelso being one of That '90s showThe main character, her appearance adds representation to the well-known Point Ort family while confirming the introduction of more Kelsos in the sitcom. After Betsy, Michael and Jay, there is only one main Kelso whose return in That '90s show has yet to happen, making Luke Wilson's Casey the perfect upcoming cameo.
Luke Wilson's Casey is the perfect Kelso for the '90s show to bring back after Betsy
Casey Kelso earns a cameo on That '90s Show
Now that Betsy Kelso is officially back in That '90s showThe other Kelso, whose appearance is still counted on, is Casey, Michael's older brother. Played by Flash rockets Luke Wilson, Casey Kelso is introduced in That '70s show Season 4 when he returned to Point Ort after serving in the army. At this point, Donna and Eric broke up, so Jackie helped her start a romance with Kelso's brother. Donna and Casey continued dating throughout season 4, but he nonchalantly broke up with her Once Donna started getting into trouble and her parents stepped in.
Kelso family members |
Character |
Actor |
Michael Kelso |
Ashton Kutcher |
Jay Kelso |
Miss Coronel |
Betsy Kelso |
Kira Kosarin |
Casey Kelso |
Luke Wilson |
John Kelso |
Francis Guinan |
Jackie Burkart |
Mila Kunis |
While Michael's father, John, was previously introduced in That '70s showSeason 1 episode "Career Day," Casey was the first recurring character from Kelso's family to appear on the sitcom. Giving more insight into the dynamic of the Kelso family, the role of Casey continued the family's reputation as heartbreakers who are quick to move on from girlfriend to girlfriend. However, while Kitty and Red enjoyed Casey because of his charm and military history, Eric could not stand him, seeing through his lies to Donna and correctly predicting that their romance would end in him getting bored and her getting hurt.
Wilson's character is not forgotten, as Donna recalls dating Casey Kelso in That 90s Show Part 1.
After Casey and Donna break up That '70s show Season 4's finale, Luke Wilson's character is phased out of the sitcom as Donna and Eric's relationship resumes. Casey returns for several episodes in That '70s show Season 6 to reveal that he still has reckless relationships in the Point Place area, working in a male strip club, and even getting together with Eric's sister Laurie Forman, whom Michael previously dated. while his Final appearance is in That '70s show Season 7Wilson's character is not forgotten, as Donna recalls dating Casey Kelso in That '90s showw Part 1.
What happened the last time Casey Kelso appeared on The 70s Show
Casey is Eric's gym teacher during summer school
Casey Kelso's latest appearance is in That '70s show Season 7, Episode 21, "2120 So. Michigan Ave." The episode primarily centers on Eric deciding that he wants to become a teacher, but he has to take a summer gym class in order to officially graduate from high school - despite having graduated a "year" earlier in That '70s show Season 5. When he arrives for class, Eric finds out that his gym teacher is none other than Casey Kelsowho is still angry about his relationship with Donna.
However, Michael Kelso's brother still acts "friendly" to Eric while condescendingly calling him "Prelude", and even tells Eric that he will pass the class if he successfully completes one pull-up. When Eric fails, Casey offers to let Eric drive if Donna goes on a date with himWhich he happily agrees to despite angering Donna. Of course, Donna's anger leads to Eric returning to the gym and successfully performing his one pull-up, thus passing the class while saying goodbye to Luke Wilson's character for the last time in That '70s show.
Casey's last line to Eric was, "Wow, that's really cold, Foreman... I'm just going to go sign your transcript cause, um... I don't think I want to hang out anymore, okay?"It was a classic Casey way to leave his character, but the idea of him still hanging around Point Place and living out his glory days of being the former football team quarterback left room for him to potentially return in the future. While Casey is not out That '70s show Season 8, he Could make his point place return in That '90s show Part 4 along with his nephew, Jay.
That '90s Show Part 3 finale already teased a big return for Casey Kelso
The return to point location high is perfect for Casey's introduction
That '90s show has already laid the groundwork for Luke Wilson to reprise his role as Casey Kelso in Netflix's hit sequel series. While That '90s show Part 4 has not been confirmed by Netflix, it is likely that the sitcom will increase the cameos with more returns of iconic characters related to the new Point Place Teens. It is clear that most people from Point Place either return home or never leave, and Casey Kelso seems to be among the group of residents who would still be living there in the 90s. After coming home in the 70s.
To tie Casey's story in That '90s showThe Netflix series Ken reveals that he still works as the gym teacher at Point Place High School. Before That '90s show At the end of Part 3, Dana even gave Leia her old Point Place High gym shirt as a symbol that she would let her stay in town. If Leah ends up at Point Place High School, it wouldn't be surprising to see her have Casey Kelso as her gym teacher, which would likely result in Casey insulting Eric while asking about Donna and wanting to see her again - much like Mitch Miller s. Return.
With Leia potentially moving to point location in That '90s show Part 4, the sitcom could follow the teens throughout the fall while school is in session and football is in season.
A Similar way to bring Casey Kelso back for That '90s show Would be for him to become one of the football coaches of Point Place High School. That '90s show Part 1 revealed that Nate is on the football team, so Part 4 might actually show him attending practice and Casey coaching him. Considering Casey called himself "The best quarterback Point Place High ever had", he would probably be eager to return to his heyday in That '90s show. If so, it's possible that Jay Kelso would end up joining the team under his uncle's leadership.