Silent Hill 2 Remake has already divided fans into camps of pro-remake and anti-remake camps. In the age of classic game remakes, such as Final Fantasy 7All these Resident Evils, and doom, It's no surprise that Bloober Team and Konami looked to remake the popular classic, Silent Hill 2. The game follows James Sunderland as he searches the town of Silent Hill after receiving a letter from his wife Maria, even though she died of an illness three years earlier.
with these Silent Hill 2 Remake scheduled to be Released on October 8, 2024Many trailers and gameplay videos have already been officially released, and the response has been mixed. Japanese YouTube 2BRO Posted 90 minutes of gameplay on YouTube and openly depicts some of the issues that many original fans of the game have voiced. A modern take on the classic seems to have stripped away what made the game so universally loved back in 2000.
Changed combat mechanics could ruin the remake of Silent Hill 2
James is not supposed to be an action hero
The creatures of Silent Hill 2 are manifestations of Jacob's guilt and trauma and the first thing he comes across in the streets of Quiet Hill is the reclining figure, representing his wife on her deathbed. In the 90-minute gameplay footage, James easily dispatches the creature with a nailed board and continues.
This section of gameplay is the epitome of what was missing from the original - desperation. The combat in Silent Hill 2 Was never the smoothest. It was clunky and loveable, as one would expect a regular person trapped in a terrifying world to perform in a fight. The player felt as if they were at a disadvantage, just from the controls.
What is missing from the video is a sense of psychological fear When engaged with a creature. The modern style of combat and flowing action may be more appealing to gamers who prefer to cut to the chase, but the change pulls away from the helplessness of the unknown.
The lack of mobility and fluid movement assisted in the terrifying experience, even if it was simply due to the technical capabilities of when Silent Hill 2 came out. Similar to Resident Evil 1It was a struggle to control. Remakes are smoother, which is good from a development standpoint, however Sometimes the feeling of What made the game special was lost in translation.
Silent Hill 2 remake may still work for new audiences
But Konami's remake forgets what made Silent Hill 2 special
Players looking for an old school Silent Hill 2 Experience seems to be disappointment. The High-end graphics and increased environments to explore certainly add to the overall game's appeal In a basic sense of game development - it looks better and there is more to do. On paper, these attributes, along with fluid combat and full camera control, only sound like improvements to a clumsy, awkward original.
With the changes, Silent Hill 2 Remake is apparently easier than Silent Hill 2. Exploring will be smoother, fighting will be simpler and surviving will be less of a challenge. The aspects that come along with the heavily improved graphics and mechanics are what has been forgotten. When the game is released in October 2024, it will become much clearer how the game plays all the way, but until then, Silent Hill 2 Remake Is missing the special factor that made survival horror so psychologically exciting; It was clonky and that gave players nightmares.