9 Shadowhunter Theories I Hope the Wicked Powers Confirm

9 Shadowhunter Theories I Hope the Wicked Powers Confirm

This article contains major spoilers for The Shadowhunter Chroniclesespecially the fate of the characters.

The Shadowhunter Chronicles will officially conclude with its final series, The wicked powersand Many theories have been floated about how this iconic franchise will end. Cassandra Clare's website clarifies that the final trilogy in The Shadowhunter Chronicles will follow"Kit Herondale, Ty Blackthorn and Drusilla Blackthorn... as they are drawn into the massive final conflict between the demon side and the angel side." The first installment, titled The Last Fairy Kingis slated for release in early 2026, followed by The Last Prince of Hell in 2027.

The last book in The wicked powers, The Last ShadowhunterThere is no confirmed release year. The last book in The oldest curses, The Black Volume of the Deadalso hasn't been released yet, and considering it takes place during The wicked powers'timeline, will probably be published before The Last Shadowhunter. With the final Shadowhunter books to look forward to in anticipation of the latest Shadowhunters series of books, many theories arose about what could happen. After thinking about the possibilities, I have several Shadowhunter theories I hope The wicked powers will confirm.


Jaime Rosales will have lived in Faerie

Jaime Rosales will be an important character in The Wicked Powers

Official Shadowhunter Art by Jaime Rosales by Cassandra Jean

Cassandra Clare confirmed via Tumblr that Jaime Rosales will play a significant role The wicked powers. She also hinted that Jaime will be one of Dru Blackthorn's love interests. Unless Jaime somehow lowers the age, Jaime and Dru will not be able to be together because Dru will be 16 and Jaime will be 21; they also met when Dru was 13 and Jaime was 18. The only way a romance between Jaime and Dru could work would be if Jaime lived in Faerie, because time works differently there.allowing Jaime to remain 18, while Dru would be 16 when they meet again.

Ash will be Dru's other love interest, and he is 10 years younger than Dru - but in Ghosts of the Shadow MarketDru and Ash are 13 years old because of the Faerie time system. This factor further contributes to the idea that Jaime could be in Faerie until he meets Dru again. Furthermore, the story of the Rosales family also supports Jaime's fairy theory. In Lord of Shadowsthe second installment The dark artificesJaime hides an inheritance from Rosales that connects them to fairies.

Dru accidentally travels to Faerie for a few moments when touching the heirloom. Therefore, Jaime may have used his family inheritance to live in Faerie for some time. This theory would also allow an excellent opportunity to further explore Rosales.one of the few Shadowhunter families with no significant history other than heritage in The dark artifices.


A member of the Lightwood family will die

A member of the Lightwood family has died in each Shadowhunter series

Of course, I don't want Cassandra Clare to kill off beloved characters, especially any of the Lightwoods, who are my favorite family. However, there never was one Shadowhunter book series without at least one dead Lightwood. In The Mortal InstrumentsSebastian killed Max - Alec and Isabelle's younger brother - while his father, Robert, died at Annabelle's hands at the end of Lord of Shadows. More recently, Christopher Lightwood died during a demonic battle in chain of thornsthe last installment of The last hours. Even Benedict Lightwood, one of the worst people, died in The Infernal Devices.

The odds are dire for the Lightwoods, so we must consider the possibilities of The wicked powers. Realistically, only two Lightwoods are safe—Alec, one of the most beloved Shadowhunter characters and Jace. Jace is a Herondale, but the Lightwoods adopted and renamed him. Regardless, Cassandra Clare would never kill Clary or Jace, the two who started it all. Magnus will probably be able to do it too. He married a Lightwood, which makes him vulnerable. Still, Cassandra Clare spoke about the importance of Alec and Magnus as individuals and as a couple at BookCon 2019, which I attended.

During Cassandra Clare's panel at BookCon 2019, she talked about how one of her gay friends told her that he never saw himself represented in literature, which was a motivation for writing LGBTQ+ characters like Alec and Magnus. I find it hard to believe, after how respectful Clare was regarding this matter, that she would kill any of them, eliminating Magnus as a possibility. However, Alec and Magnus' children are very no safe. Not Maryse, Isabelle and Simon. Like Magnus, Simon also counts as Lightwood because he is Isabelle's partner.

Isabelle is probably safe because, like Alec, she's one of the most beloved characters, and I can't imagine Clare being that bold. Furthermore, Clare already killed a Lightwood brother in The Mortal Instruments' Glass Cityso she probably won't do it again. As much as I hate to admit it (because he's my favorite character in The Shadowhunter Chronicles), the odds point to Simon. There is a vital reason why Simon is a candidate more than any other Lightwoods. Simon's Thule counterpart – the alternate universe where Sebastian won the Black War – has yet to appear.

If Thule Simon is similar to Simon Lovelace, then Simon will likely be the Lightwood he dies as. The wicked powers to make room for Thule Simon.

Cassandra Clare confirmed that The wicked powers will reveal what happened to Thule Simon. Many living characters from our world died at Thule, while Simon is one of the only people with two living counterparts. If our Simon dies, Thule Simon can step in; Isabelle and Simon can still live happily ever after. Yes, Thule Simon will be different, but Simon and Isabelle fell in love when he was a vampire. If Thule Simon is similar to Simon Lovelace, then Simon will likely be the Lightwood he dies as. The wicked powers to make room for Thule Simon.


Will Herondale will reappear in some form

Cassandra Clare confirmed that Will Herondale will meet Tessa and Jem

According to TMI font on XCassandra Clare confirmed it during her book tour Sword Seeker that Will Herondale will meet Jem Carstairs and Tessa Gray in The wicked powers. Will died in 1937 while Tessa and Jem lived because Tessa was a Shadowhunter sorceress while Jem was a Silent Brother. Although Jem is no longer a Silent Brother, they are both still alive. We already know that Will isn't a ghost, but he may have one foot in the afterlife and one foot out, according to Magnus Bane. This detail could be the key to Will's reappearance in some way.

It is unknown how Will Herondale will find Tessa and Jem. As much as we would love for Will to come back to life so he, Tessa, and Jem can be happy and together simultaneously, it's unlikely since Ty has already tried to revive Livia - however, she just became a ghost. If Will has not fully entered the afterlife, he may have the power to return brieflyeven if he cannot be revived. This would be the base scenario without breaking any of the worldbuilding rules, unless Cassandra Clare introduces an entirely new possibility into The wicked powers.


Jace Herondale and Janus will face each other

Jace and his Thule counterpart, Janus, have not yet met

Janus will be a villain in The wicked powersbut its level of significance has not yet been determined. He had already faced several of Jace's friends and acquaintances in our world while they thought he was Jace. However, Janus and Jace have not yet met, although Janus knows of Jace's existence. Since the events of the story "Forever Fallen", Janus has been working on a plan to get rid of Jace and win Clary back. Therefore, The wicked powers it could have a plot that involves Janus and Jace coming face to face for the first time.


Ghost Livia Blackthorn will become a villain

Livia's ghost was tempted by darkness

Official Shadowhunter Art by Livia Blackthorn by Cassandra Jean

Lívia's ghost is ready to return The wicked powersalong with the fallout from Ty's experiment trying to revive Livia. The wicked powers will pay the notice to resurrect Lívia in The dark artificesand it is certainly up for debate how this might happen. One popular theory involves Ghost Livvy becoming a villain. Cassandra Clare gave some insight into this theory in "The Lost World", a short story Ghosts of the Shadow Market. Lívia almost takes over the body of Tessa and Jem's new baby to live a new life, which would have effectively ended Wilhelmina's soul.

Ghosts of the Shadow Market by Cassandra Clare and co-writers



Publication date

Primary Characters

Location and schedule

"Son of the Dawn"

Sarah Rees Brennan

April 10, 2018

Jace Herondale, The Lightwoods, Brother Zachariah

New York, 2000

"Cast Long Shadows"

Sarah Rees Brennan

May 8, 2018

Matthew Fairchild, Brother Zachariah, The Fairchilds

Shadowhunter Academy 1899, London 1901

"Everything exquisite"

Maureen Johnson

June 12, 2018

Anna Lightwood, Ari Bridgestock

London, early 1900s (before 1903)

"Learn about loss"

Kelly Link

July 10, 2018

Brother Zachariah, Sister Emilia

Chattanooga, 1936

"A Deeper Love"

Maureen Johnson

August 14, 2018

Brother Zachariah, Tessa Gray, Catarina Loss

London, December 1940

"The Bad Guys"

Robin Wasserman

September 11, 2018

Celine Montclaire, Brother Zachariah, Rosemary Herondale, Valentine Morgenstern

Paris, August 1989

"The Land I Lost"

Sarah Rees Brennan

October 9, 2018

Alec Lightwood, Jem Carstairs, Tessa Gray and Lily Chen

New York Ciry/Buenos Aires, 2012

"Through Blood, Through Fire"

Robin Wasserman

November 13, 2018

Jem Carstairs, Tessa Gray

Los Angeles, late 2012

"The Lost World"

Kelly Link

June 4, 2019

Livia Blackthorn, Ty Blackthorn, Magnus Bane and Kit Herondale

Various locations, March 2013

"Forever Fallen"

Sarah Rees Brennan

June 4, 2019

Janus, Jem Carstairs, Kit Herondale, Wilhelmina Carstairs, Tessa Gray

Devon/New York, 2013

Although Livvy changed her mind and was repulsed by her actions, the temptation to give in to the darkness was present. Additionally, Livvy may begin to resent her ghost form as she watches Ty and his classmates live their normal lives. The foreshadowing of Livia's downfall and her potential resentment created the possibility of Livvy becoming a villain in The wicked powers.


The Seelie Queen will perish or be overthrown

The fall of the Seelie Queen is inevitable

Let's face it: the Seelie Queen's empire has long overstayed its welcome. The Queen herself is constantly scheming to ensure the maintenance of her throne. More recently, she has teamed up with Janus, encouraging his villainous plans. The Seelie Queen somehow manages to escape her fall time and time again, but Kit Herondale's existence still threatens his reign. As long as the lineage of the First Heir exists, the Seelie Queen's throne will be vulnerable. Although she initially wanted her daughter, Auraline, to rule Faerie after her, the Seelie Queen did not take into account the fact that Auraline had bred with a Herondale Shadowhunter.

The Seelie Queen is unlikely to give up her throne, especially since her daughter's bloodline is tainted with Shadowhunter blood. Additionally, if the Seelie Queen gives up her crown, she will lose her powers. Therefore, if Kit and the Seelie Queen face each other in The wicked powers, the Seelie Queen could die or be dethroned if Kit gains all of the First Heir's powers and Shadowhunter abilities.


Thule and the main Shadowhunter world will unite

Thule was not excluded from the equation of wicked powers

There are many dimensions beyond the primary world of the Shadowhunters and Thule, so just because Thule exists doesn't mean it will join our world. However, some key narrative decisions possibly suggest that Thule will reappear and somehow merge with the main Shadowhunter world. On the one hand, most characters only have one version of themselves – there are a few exceptions, like Simon, but generally, if a character is alive in Thule, they are dead in our world and vice versa. Cameron Ashdown had two counterparts, but at the end of the battle at Thule, only his counterpart on our world remained.

Additionally, Cassandra Clare stated that the Shadowhunters will face "your biggest threat"yet, which suggests that they may need reinforcements. If the former Shadowhunters and Downworlders of Thule join forces with the Shadowhunters and Downworlders of our world, they may be strong enough to defeat the evil that awaits them The wicked powers. This theory may be a long shot, but since Clare confirmed that we haven't seen the last of Thule Simon, Thule could play a critical role in The wicked powers.


The big bad will be the princes of hell, focusing on Lucifer

The lost book of White's epilogue is a clear indication

The clearest indication that primary antagonists in The wicked powers will be the Nine Princes of Hell occurs in the epilogue of The Lost Book of White. Sammael gathers the Princes of Hell to discuss Lucifer, an evidently delicate and unspoken subject. Sammael wants the Princes of Hell to unite and somehow recruit Lucifer as well. Cassandra Clare confirmed that Lucifer will appear in The wicked powers for the first time, and The Lost Book of WhiteThe epilogue foreshadows The wicked powers.

If the Shadowhunters face their greatest threat yet, the Princes of Hell – including Lucifer – are the only possible answers. The Princes of Hell being the final villains would also bring The Shadowhunter Chronicles full circle after fighting lesser demons for centuries. It would be an excellent way to end the saga, providing the most epic battle scenes and stories in the world. The Shadowhunter Chronicles.


All full demons will be eradicated at the end of the wicked powers

This theory fits the fate of Shadowhunters

When I learned about The wicked powersI found it interesting that the final trilogy should be called "the entire fate of the Shadowhunters in question"to such an extent that it would be"change their world forever." Honestly, I couldn't think of anything that extreme other than Shadowhunters eliminating demons for good and, as a result, losing their angel blood and becoming normal humans. Ideally, this would happen because If the demons are gone, there is no longer any need for their special powers.

The fate of the Downworlders seemed a little more complicated. However, I concluded that vampires, warlocks and werewolves would also become human and lose their magical abilities. Vampires and wizards would age. Vampires could roam in sunlight, while warlocks could procreate. Werewolves could touch silver. The fairies would be the most difficult subject, but despite rumors about their half-angel, half-demon souls, the Angels gave them human souls and considered them among humanity. Therefore, they would also become normal humans.

This theory initially seemed wild, especially since I first thought of it while reading Queen of Air and Darkness. However, when Cassandra Clare revealed more information about The wicked powersIt turned out that this theory was not far-fetched after all. The Shadowhunters will likely face the Princes of Hell, and If the demons lose, the fate of the Shadowhunters will be questionedespecially if the demons no longer exist. Lilith died due to the Mark of Cain; his soul shattered into the Void. Yes, demons rebuild themselves, but it takes hundreds and possibly thousands of years to do so.

Shadowhunters could defeat the Princes of Hell in a way that completely eliminates the demons, rather than just sending them into the Void. Otherwise, there are There's nothing more the Shadowhunter world could face that we haven't already seen. Shadowhunters have fought normal demons, corrupt Shadowhunters, and Downworlders. They have already faced Belial in The last hours and Sammael in The oldest curses. If the Princes of Hell joined forces, this catastrophe could end in no other way than in the annihilation of the demons.

Ultimately, we won't learn the truth until The Wicked Powers, but I can't think of a reason why there wouldn't be more fairy kings, princes of hell, or shadowhunters unless demons were eliminated for good.

Furthermore, the titles of books The wicked powers refer to the last individuals. Who is it The Last Fairy King? The Last Prince of Hell He's probably referring to Lucifer, who we haven't met yet. And how much The Last Shadowhunterand why is there one Shadowhunter left? Ultimately, we will not learn the truth until The wicked powersbut I can't think of a reason why there wouldn't be more fairy kings, princes of hell, or shadowhunters unless demons were eliminated forever.

Source: cassandraclare.com, Tumblr