Spoiler alert for Matlock season 1, episode 6, 'Sixteen Steps'
This article discusses addiction.
Things are heating up Matlock episode 6, with developments for Kathy Bates' Madeline Matlock and her secret plan for revenge. Madeline Kingston is working under an alias to infiltrate Jacobson Moore, connecting her to whoever hid documents that could have saved her daughter's life. In episode 6, Madeline made significant progress. She's close with Olympia (Skye P. Marshall) after officially earning her trust by helping her win cases, and is racking up points with her colleagues, Billy (David Del Rio) and Sarah (Leah Lewis). Your alliance with the Matlock characters help Madeline navigate office politics.
Her alliances with her team bring her closer to Julian (Jason Ritter), with whom Madeline wants to work on pharmaceutical cases. Madeline has not had much closeness with Julian, Olympia's ex-husband, because although he works at Jacobson Moore, he and Olympia are at odds. In Matlock In episode 5, however, personal matters brought the co-parents together again as they planned the family's next move. This leads into “Sixteen Steps,” where Olympia and Julian’s connection strengthens into something more and officially gets Madeline’s foot in the door.
Matlock Season 1 Episode 6 Reveals How Madeline's Revenge Plan Began
Matlock goes back to two years earlier
Matlock season 1, episode 6, 'Sixteen Steps' looks back two years, revealing the origins of Madeline Kingston's secret revenge plan and the first time she crosses paths with Olympia. Madeline is in New York looking for Jacobson Moore with a cup of coffee in her hand when she physically encounters Olympia, smearing coffee all over the lawyer's white suit. The Jacobson Moore employee reprimands Madeline and moves on, and the septuagenarian takes this as a sign.
Matlock episode 6's flashback provided insight into how long Madeline's plan has been in the works, spanning at least two years.
Madeline sits down with Alfie (Aaron D. Harris) a moment later to reveal that she has officially decided to act on her plan to hold the lawyer who hid documents at Jacobson Moore accountable. THE Matlock Episode 6's flashback provided insight into how long Madeline's plan has been in the works, spanning at least two years. It also gives an insight into Olympia and Julian's marriage before they divorced, highlighting an affair that put pressure on their already strained marriage.
Olympia and Julian are repeating an affair from two years ago, before their marriage ended
A lot has changed in two years
Episode 6 focuses on the past, including an affair that Olympia and Julian were pursuing at the time Madeline bumped into Olympia at Jacobson Moore. At present, lawyers have the chance to retry the case, which they previously lost for not putting the parents on the stand, who are suing for moral damages after their son's death from contaminated baby formula. Everyone is hesitant to revisit the case, but Olympia is determined to win.
The mood contrasts with the flashbacks to the case from the first time Olympia and Julian faced it. Scenes from two years ago show the couple at odds, fighting over their different approaches to the case and struggling to communicate, let alone work together successfully. During the flashbacks, Olympia tells Julian she wants a divorce. Therefore, episode 6 reveals the origins of crucial events in Matlock'history.
Madeline's plan hits a snag with Edwin's fingerprint
Madeline's husband Edwin is helping with her plan
In episode 6, Madeline encounters a significant obstacle in her plan. Madeline has already obtained a fingerprint from Jacobson Moore's IT peoplethat has access to the server that contains all your files. Madeline wants access to the room to see the files of Wellbrexa, the pharmaceutical company she holds responsible for her daughter's death. Edwin (Sam Anderson) tells Madeline he can make a wax finger with the embedded fingerprint, but he faces some setbacks.
Edwin is a retired art history professor, so he initially believes in his ability to create a fake finger. However, when Madeline talks to Edwin midway through the episode, he tells her that he is no closer to completing a finger model. At the end of "Sixteen Steps", after Madeline experiences significant internal conflict, Edwin regrets his strugglevisibly frustrated by his shortcomings. He includes his failure in his list of reasons for hesitating to proceed with his plan.
Olympia and Julian tidy up their apartment after deciding to sell their brownstone
Olympia and Julian are officially moving in
Matlock episode 6 shows Olympia and Julian discussing the case while packing items into boxes in their apartment. The development confirms that the co-parents have decided to sell the brownstone home they once shared as a family. Although it would normally be safe to assume the event would be sad, Julian and Olympia are optimistic as they pack their bags despite the stress of revisiting the baby formula contamination case.
The former couple has a happy and playful attitude when deciding who will get what and what they will part with. The climate contrasts with the adversarial tone of their relationship in Matlock series premiere. Since then, things have changed. The separation of Olympia and Elijah in Matlock episode 3 and Julian's support in critical moments of Matlock episode 4 softened the divorce and others are taking notice.
Madeline receives an email from Stanley and he meets her at Jacobson Moore
Madeline's Senior Sweeties profile is coming back to bite
In Matlock episode 5, Billy and Madeline help each other with their respective love lives. Madeline asks Billy why he didn't propose to his girlfriend of eight years, encouraging him to take the next step. Billy creates Madeline a dating profile on a website/app called Senior Sweeties. However, the app exposed Madeline after someone recognized her.
Even though Madeline has deleted the app, Stanley, someone from her past, emails her and meets her at Jacobson Moore. After Madeline politely declined the opportunity to meet via email, Stanley arrives at Jacobson Moore with a photo of Ellie. Madeline breaks character and talks to her old friend outside the building until Olympia runs out. Madeline tells Stanley to leave her alone to protect her cover, but it is unclear if the situation has been resolved.
Olympia leans on Madeline when she ethically fights the case
Madeline and Olympia are allies in a nest of vipers
Olympia and Julian lost the case on the first try because they failed to arouse the jury's sympathy for the parents. Olympia promised Anna and Vanessa Sampson that they wouldn't have to testify. Trying the case a second time, Olympia wants to put one of the parents on the standand Anna willingly agrees. She is pregnant with her second child and wears her heart on her sleeve, making her an effective spokesperson for the couple.
However, due to Anna's health, Vanessa, who is more reserved, is forced to testify, putting Olympia in uncomfortable territory. The skilled lawyer realizes she needs to take Vanessa back to a painful place for her testimony to be effective. Olympia seeks out Madeline as she questions whether the behavior is ethicaland Madeline encourages Olympia to continue. Madeline tells Olympia that when the parents get justice, they will be grateful, informed by their own experience.
It's an intimate moment for Madeline and Olympia and shows that the team leader is starting to trust his newly appointed associate more. Although initially hesitant about her background, Olympia values Madeline's positioning and experience and begins to trust her more. Madeline may not work as closely with Olympia given the episode's final development, but their alliance will likely continue as Olympia seeks Madeline's advice throughout "Sixteen Steps."
Olympia puts Vanessa and Teddy on the stand to testify and they win 8 million dollars
Olympia succeeds with Madeline's help
Reversing the conclusion of the case for the first time, Olympia Wins Baby Formula Lawsuit, Raising $8 Million. Olympia triumphs due to two important witnesses: Teddy and Vanessa. Although Teddy reported it for the first time, his testimony changed significantly. Thanks to Madeline's realization, Olympia questions Teddy about how he exposed germs to the environment with his cast, which could have contaminated the baby's formula.
Vanessa also takes a stand and with Madeline's encouragement Olympia takes the plaintiff back to his most intimate moments with Dante. Vanessa remembers watching Dante at night during Anna's work. Vanessa counts the steps to cross Dante's room, hence the title of episode 6, “Sixteen Steps”. Vanessa's emotional testimony guarantees her parents $5 million for their pain and suffering. Even so, when Madeline congratulates the plaintiff, Vanessa gives her a cold look.
Madeline's stress over the case causes her to have a panic attack
Madeline claims she is having a heart attack
Reflecting on Vanessa's sad response to her congratulations, Madeline panics in the car on the way home. When she gets home and sees Edwin, she tells him that she thinks he is having a heart attack. Although Madeline only has a panic attack, it's a notable development for Bates' character, who has remained calm despite sometimes being reminded of Ellie.
Edwin tells Madeline that although it wasn't a heart attack, her panic attack was a sign. He notes that Madeline is experiencing great stress due to her secret planand he encourages her to give up. Edwin is wavering between helping with Madeline's plan and finding flaws in it, but he wants her to cancel it entirely after her panic attack. When his wife insists that she owes it to Ellie to carry on, Edwin insists that what she owes her daughter is to be a father to Ellie's son, Alfie.
Olympia and Julian get back together and invite Madeline to work with Julian On Pharma
Plans change again thanks to Julian and Olympia's reformed alliance
After the case is resolved, Julian and Olympia pack up their brownstone again. She finds a white suit she wore while working the case the first time and comments on how different she feels now. Olympia is referring to the affair, but it appears she is also referring to her relationship. When Olympia tells her ex-lover he can leave, Julian comments that he should never have left his wifeleading them to rekindle their love affair.
The conclusion of episode 6 shows the couple discussing how they plan to keep their relationship secret at work. When they arrive at the law office, they meet Madeline and tell her they want her to work on a pharmaceutical case for Julian. It's a big revelation for Madeline, who was planning to quit her job but accepts the promotion 'cause that's what she was waiting for Matlock.